1901 Census Index RG13/2665
Indexed by Folio Number
Street/Place Index
Black Lees Farm 117.
Board School 48.
Brickiln Lane 29.
Brook House 167.
Canal Boat 25.
Catshill Field 137.
Chapel Square 15.16.
Churchbridge 153.154.167.
Coal Pit Fields 166.
Colliers Arms 46
Colly Yard 11.
Company Buildings 37.38.39.
Coppice Lane 8.11.
Cowshed Row 159.
Cross Street 19.31.32.
Delemare 19.
Dundalk Lane 164.165.
Fishers Farm 163.
Glenthorne 25.
Gorsey Lane 149.
Great Wyrley Colliery 167.
Great Wyrley Hall 166.
Halls Fold 166.
Hatherton Arms 47.
Hatherton Street 48.49.50.
Hawthorn Cottage 36.
High House Farm 166.
High Street 18.19.20. 21.22.23.
Hill Street
Holly Bush Cottages 116.117.
Holly Bush Farm 116.
Holly Bush Farm House.Part 116.
Holly Lane
Hovel near Fishers Farm 167.
Ivy Cottage 137.
Ivy House 18.29.
Jacobs Hall Lane 146.
Landywood Farm 145.
Landywood Lane 167.
Landywood Post Office 146.
Laney Green 29.115.116.
Leacroft Lane 135.136.
Leather Mill 30.
Lord Nelson 46.
Lower Landywood
Low Street
Lodge Farm 11.
Middle Hill 29.
Middle Hill Farm 29.
Mount Pleasant 24.165.
Near Fishers Farm 163.165.167.
Near the Station 166.
Norton Lane 136.137.138.
Norton Lane Manor Farm 137
Old Falls Farm 30.31.
Old School House 43.
Orchard Place 155.
Pinfold Lane 39.
Poplar Cottages 165.
Poplar Farm 165.
Providence Terrace 146.
Queenfield Farm 165.
Queen Street 50.51.52.
Railroad 16.17.
Red Lion 102.
Robin Hood 153.
Rock Villa 22.
Rose Cottage 138.
Rose & Crown 14.
Royal Oak (Public House) 137
Saredon Road
Seymour Villa 19.
Shaw Lane 159.
Slackey Lane 141.
Star & Garter 30.
Star Inn (Public House) 141.
Station House 166.
Station Street
Sutherland Farm 146.
Swan Inn (Public House) 139.
Talbot Inn 17.
The Beeches 138.139.
The Green 16.
The Lot 12.13.14.
The Nook 163.164.
The White Lion 15.
The Willows 138.
The Vicarage 166.
Upper Churchbridge 160.
Upper Landywood Lane
Walsall Road Post Office 138
Walsall Road
Warston 117.
Warwell Lane 145.
Watling Street 135.136.
Wedges Mills 29.30.102.
White Lion 15.
Wheatsheaf (Public Houses) 29.147.
Wrekin View 29.
Wyrley Road Farm 145.
Adams 116.
Adderley 142.144.
Addison 29.
Affech? 143.
Allman 30.
Alsopp 10.13.35.
Amos 139.
Anson 155.
Askey 21.
Ault 149.
Badger 141.
Bailey 34.148.
Ballett 47.
Barber 25.
Barker 137.
Barnett 41.
Barratt 37.141.
Barrett 19.
Batty 25.
Baxter 50.
Beard 42.
Beardmore 14.
Beardsmore 38.
Beech 25.167.
Beeson 116.
Bennett 165.
Bentley 11.
Beresford 142.
Betton 44.
Bettson 135.
Bickley 16.39.116.
Biddle 23.24.49.
Bill(s) 13.25.30.
Bingay 141.
Birch 19.50.
Bladon 43.
Bloor 146.160.
Boddis 23.
Boon 33.
Boot 146.
Bott 25.136.138.
Boult 166.
Boulton 15.34.51139..
Bown 163.
Bowring 6.
Bradbury 12.
Bradshaw 143.
Bray 136.
Brindley 22.
Brindford 146.
Britain 38.
Broadhurst 29.
Browell 25.138.
Bryan 43.
Buck 19.
Buckley 5.147.
Bull 15.41.
Bullivant 35.43.160.
Bullock 140.141.167.
Burrows 5.6.
Burton 51.
Butcher 145.
Carter 16.
Cartwright 153.156.
Cashmore 146.
Causon? 19.
Name Index by Folio Number
Chalenor 33.
Chater 41.
Chetter 165.
Chetwynd 141.
Child 102.
Chilton 9.
Clarke 141.
Clayton 167.
Clews 50.162.
Clifft 33.165.
Colley 43.46.
Cook 25.
Cooper 47.146.
Cope 25.43.157.
Copestake 135.
Corbet 146.147.
Corfield 5.153.
Corke 149.
Corns 35.
Courtney 36.
Cox 141.
Craddock 41.153.154.
Crosly 115.116.
Cross 24.29.137.
Dalton 158.
Davenport 24.155.
Dawkins 7.51.164.
Deakin 138.157.
Deeley 154.
Devereux 19.
Dodd 48.144.
Dore 137.
Doughty 47.
Douglas 20.
Dowd 29.
Downton 32.37.
Duncombe 38.
Dunn 143.
Eaton 138.163.
Earp 166.
Eccleshall 159.
Eccleston 5.29.40.
Edalji 166.
Edward 137.145.
Ellis 25.
Fairfield 144.
Farmer 143.
Farnell 32.33.
Farrington 159.
Felton 5.40.
Fletcher 39.165.
Foster 13.137.142.
Garbet(t) 8.147.
Garra 47.
Garrett 6.
Gaskin 16.32.
Gent 30.
Gilbert 34.
Gill 46.
Glover 39.45.155.
Goodman 33.34.45.
Goodwin 142.144.
Gossage 23.
Graham 41.
Gray 162.
Greensill 139.154.155.
Gregory 138.
Griffiths 145.
Grindley 139.
Gripton 10.19.24.
Grogutt 8.
Hackett 22.
Hales 139.
Halford 148.
Hampton 43.44.154.
Hanagan 33.
Hand 52.
Handy 102.
Hanley 50.
Harcourt 165.
Harper 162.
Harrison 30.
Hart 31.
Hartshorn 164.
Hartwell 149.155.
Hassell 44.48.49.
Hatton 167.
36.39. 44.47.48.
Hawksworth 145.164.
Haycock 30.
Haydon 50.
Haywood 146.
Heafield 156.
Henaughan 154.
Hertzog? 22.
Hickin 33.
Hickman 5.
Hill 30.44.165.
Hinks 160.
Hodgkins 9.30.41.
Holcroft 19.21.164.
Holloway 156.
Holmes 24.48.
Holt 37.43.
Hon 24.
Hook 37.
Hope 19.148.
Horne 15.17.
Hudson 9.48.154.
Humphries 146.
Hyde 148. J
Jackson 29.135.
James 13.37.43.
Jays 159.
Jeffries 165.
Jellyman 45.
Jenkins 16.
Jukes 44.146. K
Kay 14.
Kendrick 154.
Kent 39.
Killian 161.
King 137.
Knowles 139.140.141.
Kuffs? 146. L
Leake 46.
Lee(s) 53.159.164.
Leighton 48.
Leonard 16.
Limer 36.
Lindop 14.
Lloyd 37.165.
Locker 138.
Lockley 15.33.
Lovatt 12.138.
Lowe 22.
Lunt M
Maddox 143.
Malkin 154.167.
Malony 39.
Marlow 25.149.
Marsh 29.
Martin 33.
Masefield 50.
Mattock 156.
McCulloch 41.
Meakin 161.
Mears 31.39.154.
Mellor 38.
Merricks 146.
Merriman 166.
Middleton 10.
Millwood 32.
Mills 6.
Mitchell 23.
Moore 7.36.154.
Morecroft 167.
4 4 . 4 5 . 1 3 7 . 1 6 2 . 1 6 7 .
Motterain 34.
Musson 136.
Myatt 8. N
Newell 50.
Newman 167.
Norman 145.
North 6.8.139. O
Oakley 45.
Oliver 142.
Onions 102.
Owen 47.142.143.
Page 144.
Parham 138.
Parker 8.43.154.
Parkes 32.
3 8 . 3 9 . 4 0 . 4 2 . 4 5 . 4 7
Perrins 165.
Pheasant 31.166.
Pieice 102.
Pickering 19.
Pinson 35.
Ponder 29.
Poole 31.
Poxon 143.
Purslow 146.
Pryer? 15. Q
Quinton 159. R
Ramsden 16.
Rainbird 35.
Rainey 136.137.
Raybould 155.
Read 40.154.
Reaney 29.141.
Reed 47.143.
Rickett 140.
Ridgway 35.37.50.
Rochell(e) 146.159.
Rock 155.
Rogers 10.156.
Roobottom 34.
Rowlands 158.
Rudge 160.
Rushton 36.
Russell S
Sambrook 8.137.138.
Sanders 7.117.149.
Saudford 13.
Saunders 140.159.
Savage 14.18.19.
Sayell 6.
Sayer 22.117.
Scattergood 167.
Scragg 19.
Seybridge 47.
Shaw 144.165.
Showell 21.
Simkin 138.
Sims 14.
Simons 36.
Smallman 135.
Smedley 5.
2 4 . 2 5 . 3 0 . 3 4 . 3 7 . 4 0 .
Smithyman 136.147.
Smythe 21.
Sollom 44.
Somerfield 148.
Somerton 21.36.
Spake? 147.
Stackhouse 22.144.
Stanley 161.
Starkey 29.135.149.
Steadman 1 3 . 3 4 . 4 0 . 4 1 . 4 2 . 4 3 .
Stollard 9.
Street 160.
Strefford 156.
Stretton 146.
Surl 155.
Sutherton 18.24.
Sutton 143.
Swan 51.
Sweolenck? 8.
Syree 21. TTait 140. Taylor 117.136.162. Tew 35.
Thacker 153.
Tiddesley 159. Tipping 50. Tipton 9.117. Tolefree 22. Tomkinson 45. Topliss 44. Tricklebead 14. Tudor 157. Turner
Unknown .?inls 137.
Upton 39.
Usher 31. VVaughan 143. Vincent 45.
11 . 2 2 . 3 0 . 3 5 . 4 1 . 1 4 8 .
Wall 145.156. Wallet 143. Walson 139. Waltho 49. Walton 41. Warburton 153. Ward 30.147. Weaver 135. Webb Weetman Weller 7. Westley 47. Westwood
Wheatley 33.
Whilton 139.
1 8 . 2 0 . 2 1 . 2 2 . 3 1 . 3 2 .
4 3 . 4 4 . 4 5 . 4 6 . 4 8 . 4 9 .
Whittingham 139.
Whittington 141. Wilcox 34.39. Wilkes 140. Wilkins 51. Williams 7 . 2 0 . 2 5 . 3 1 . 4 7 . 1 3 9
Willis 36.39. Williscroft 167. Windows? 166. Windsor 161. Winfer 20. Winsor 116.161. Withers 44. Wollaston 18.141. Wolley 25. Wolloxall 20.36. Wood
Wooding 6. Wootton
Wright 51. Wynn 154. YYapp 158. Yates 32.137.139.
RG13/2665 4th April 1901 Census
Transcribed by Sue Challenger
F5.P1 Station Street
Ambrose Corfield. H M 61 Manager Ironworks Wednesbury
Rosanna Corfield wife M 60 Wednesbury
Thomas Corfield. son M 38 Book Keeping. Wednesbury
Ambrose Corfield son S 21 Axle Forgers Coachman. Wednesbury
Joseph Harley s-in-law M 28 Moulder. West Bromwich
Sarah Harley daurM 25 Wednesbury
Edith Harley G-daur 3 Wyrley
F5.P1 Station Street.
George Burrows H M 51 Grocer Millbrook.Bradford.
Mary Burrows wife M 50 Four Ashes
Florence Annie Burrows daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
George W Smedley bor S 58 Mining Engineer. Shipley.Derby
F5.P1 Station Street.
George Whitehouse H M 32 Coal Miner.Loader. Cheslyn Hay
Eva Whitehouse wife M 28 Shifnal.Salop
Eric Whitehouse son S 4 Landywood
F5.P1 Station Street
John Westwood H M 77 no occupation Wyrley
Elizabeth Westwood wife M 69 Wyrley
Fred Westwood son S 20 Grocer Assistant. Wolverhampton
F5.P1 Station Street.
William Stokes H M 68 Banksman Colliery Cheslyn Hay
Mary Stokes wife M 67 Forton Salop
F5.P1 Station Street.
Joseph Jones H M 28 Coal Miner. Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Mary Ann Jones wife M 26 Newtown
Doris Jones. daur 10 mns Cheslyn Hay
Wm Pearson S 28 Coal Miner Bushbury.
F5.P1 Station Street.
Thomas Pearson H M 45 Coal Miner.Below. Cheslyn Hay
Mary Jane Pearson wife M 43 Cheslyn.Hay
Wm Pearson son S 23 Grocers assistant. Cheslyn Hay
Elsie Pearson daur S 19 Cheslyn Hay
Fred Pearson son S 16 Edge tool apprentice. Cheslyn Hay
Mary Pearson daur S 5 Cheslyn Hay
F5.P2 Station Street.
James Hickman H M 54 Coal man miner below. Cheslyn Hay
Emma Hickman wife M 51 Cheslyn Hay
Wm Hy Hickman son S 22 Haulageworker.Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
George Alf Hickman son S 21 Horse Driver below Cheslyn Hay
Eli Hickman son S 20 Grocers assistant Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice G Hickman daur S 18 Cheslyn.Hay.
John G Hickman son 16 Striker Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Jane Hickman daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
……rald J Hickman son 9 Cheslyn Hay
Florence Hickman daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
Rachael Lydia Hickman daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
Note: James Hickman was the son of Charlotte Hickman
F5.P2 Station Street
Edwin Pearce H M 37 Lab at Iron Works Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Pearce wife M 35 Hatherton
Ernest M Pearce son S 14 Fire Miner, Edge Tool Works Warstone
Dorothy M Pearce daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
Walter? Pearson Rel Wid 81 Shepherd retired Madeley
F5.P2 Station Street
John Cooper H M 31 Police Constable West Bromwich
Annie Eliz’h Cooper wife M 29 Burton on Trent
Joseph Reg Cooper son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Fred Dan’l Cooper son 3mns Cheslyn Hay
F5.P2 Station Street
Jonathan Buckley H M 48 Coal Miner Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Buckley wife M 48 Great Wyrley
Jas Ed Buckley son 16 Edge Tool Packer Great Wyrley
Jonathan W Buckley son 13 Cheslyn Hay
F5.P2 Station Street
Henry Green H M 32 Blcaksmith Chase Terrace
Mary J Green wife M 31 Chase Terrace
Flos Mary Green daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
William Felton boar M 29 Bricklayer Abaston
William Eccleston boar S 26 Colliery C???? Bednall
F6.P3 Station Street
Henry Stanton H M 48 Puddler Ironworks Banbury Oxon
Eli Smith s-son 32 Striker Cheslyn Hay
Ethel Brevitt serv 14 Servant Cheslyn Hay
F6.P3 Station Street
Thomas Sayell H M 64 Platelayer ????? Bucks
Eliza Sayell wife M 70 ????? Bucks
James Sayell son S 34 Platelayer Walsall
F6.P3 Station Street
Francis Burrows H M 25 Breadmaker Cannock
Jane Elizabeth Burrows wife M 26 Utoxeter
F6.P3 Station Street
Edward Jones H Wid 67 Gen Labourer Cheslyn Hay
Hannah Jones daur 23 Cheslyn Hay
F6.P3 Station Street
William Garrett H M 38 Coal Miner Great Wyrley
Eliza Garrett wife M 35 Cheslyn Hay
F6.P3 Station Street
Thomas Woodings H M 65 School Marshall? Officer Brewood
F6.P3 Station Street
Sarah Brown H Wid 60 Cheslyn Hay
Sarah J Hughes daur Wid 28 Cheslyn Hay
Hilda Hughes G-daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Hughes G-son 2 Landywood
F6.P3 Station Street
Mary Brough H Wid 48 (nothing recorded)
George Brough son 21 Coalminer Tipton
Rich’d Brough son 20 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Florence Brough daur 13 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Mills boar 36 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
William Whitehouse boar 24 Coalminer Willenhall
F6.P3 Station Street
Hy Morris H Wid 53 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Morris son 30 Roadman Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Harry Morris son 26 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
William Morris son 22 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
F6.P4 Station Street
John Price H M 44 Coalminer Salop
Emma Price wife M 39 Salop
William Price son 19 Miner horse driver Salop
Elizabeth Price daur 17 Salop
Joseph Price son 15 Iron Worker Salop
Herbert Price son 13 Iron Worker Salop
Richard Price son 11 Salop
Alfred Price son 8 Salop
Ada J Price daur 7 Staffordhsire
Eveline Price daur 5 Staffordshire
Gladys Mary Price daur 1 Staffordshire
F6.P4 Station Street
Tertus North H M 26 Coalminer Wednesbury
Ruth North wife M 20 Oaken Gates Salop
Julia A North daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Edith Emma Perks boar 3 mns Cannock
1881 Census Broad Street Cannock
Edwin North H M 40 Carpenter & Joiner Penkridge
Ann North wife M 40 Walsall
Josiah W North son 17 Carpenter & Joiner Walsall
Henry A North son 13 Scholar Wednesbury
Thomas J North son 11 Wednesbury
Esther E North daur 9 Wednesbury
Tertius North son 7 Wednesbury
Edwin North son 4 Wednesbury
Annie North daur 2 Wednesbury
F6.P4 Station Street
Thomas North H 32 Lamp Cleaner at Colliery Wednesbury
F6.P4 Station Street
William Benton H M 48 Labourer at Colliery Cheslyn Hay
Harriet Benton wife M 38 New Invention
Florence Benton daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
William Bailey boar Wid 47 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Harriet Bailey boar 7 Cheslyn Hay
F6.P4 Statiion Street
Harriet Bowring H Wid 47 Stone
George Bowring son 16 Coalminer Colwich
James Bowring son 13 Colwich
Annie Bowring daur 6 Bridgtown
F7.P5 Station Street
Frederick Sanders H M 44 Coalminer Cannock
Charlotte Sanders wife M 40 West Brom
Betsy Sanders daur 20 West Brom
Mary A Sanders daur 18 Bridgtown
William Sanders son 8 Cannock
Walter Sanders son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Josiah Sanders son 5 Cheslyn Hay
Anne Sanders daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Alice Sanders daur 10 mns Cheslyn Hay
Fred Sanders Rel 3 mns Cheslyn Hay
Note: 1881 Census 71 Swan Road West Brom
F7.P5 Station Street
John Whitehouse H M 57 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Emma Whitehouse wife M 47 Cheslyn Hay
Frederick Whitehouse son 23 Cheslyn Hay
Jas Henry Whitehouse son 21 Cheslyn Hay
Emily Maude Whitehouse daur 18 Cheslyn Hay
Francis Sam Whitehouse son 17 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
George William Thomas G-son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Mary Ann Dawkins serv 14 Servant Chadsmoor
F7.P5 Station Street
Albert R Weller H M 34 Miner Hewer Rugeley
Lucy Weller wife M 32 Cheslyn Hay
Daisy Weller daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Weller son 3 Cheslyn Hay
1881 Census Hednesford Road Cannock
John Weller H M 43 Boot Maker Bilston
Emily Weller wife M 47 Brereton
Sophia Weller daur 15 Cannock
ALBERT R Weller son 14 Rugeley
Clementine M Holford visitor 3 Brewood
F7.P5 Station Street
Charles T Brough H M 25 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Martha Brough wife M 30 New Invention
Fred Brough son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Maude Brough daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
1881 Census (maybe)
Charles Brough H M 27 Engineer (Eng Driv) Cheslyn Hay
Mary Brough wife M 27 Bloxwich
CHARLES Brough son 4 Cheslyn Hay
George Brough son 2 Cheslyn Hay
F7.P6 Station Street
Thomas Whitehouse H M 58 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Whitehouse wife M 53 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Whitehouse son 27 Coalminer loader Cheslyn Hay
Annie Whitehouse daur 13 Cheslyn Hay
F7.P6 Station Street
Thos Williams H M 37 Coalminer Knightley
Sarah A Williams wife M 32 Cheslyn Hay
Leonard Williams son 10 Cheslyn Hay
Thos Williams son 8 Cheslyn Hay
Emma Williams daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Lily Williams daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
George Williams son 2 Cheslyn Hay
William Williams vis S 20 Stoker at Colliery Cheslyn Hay
1881 Census Gnosall
Thomas Williams 13 Farm servant (in Door) Knightley
In the house hold of Samuel George Huxley Farmer and wife Sarah Huxley
F7.P6 Station Street
Chas Moore H M 33 Coalminer Odbury? Staffs
Mary Jane Moore wife M 29 Cheslyn Hay
Caroline Moore daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
Charles Moore son 8 Cheslyn Hay
Imanuel Moore son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Jane Moore daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Enoch Moore son 6 mns Cheslyn Hay
F7.P6 Station Street
Richard Davies H M 45 Coalminer Moseley Village
Sophia Davies wife M 39 Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Davies daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
James W G Davies son 10 Cheslyn Hay
Francis Mary Davies daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Fred Davies son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Davies son 5 mns Cheslyn Hay
F8.P7 Station Street.
Henry Sambrook H M 34 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Eva Maria Sambrook wife M 33 Churchbridge
Frederick Sambrook son 13 Cheslyn Hay
Laura Jane Sambrook daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
Ada Ellen Sambrook daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
Ernest Enoch Sambrook son 6 Cheslyn Hay
May Sambrook daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
Susannah Sambrook daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
Clara Sambrook daur 5 mns Cheslyn Hay
F8.P7 Station Street
Edwin North H M 60 Carpenter & Joiner Penkridge
Ann North wife M 60 Walsall
Henry Al North son M 33 Carpenter Wednesbury
Ann North daur M 22 (sick) Wednesbury
Wilfred North G-son 8 Albrighton Salop
Ruth Adderley serv 11 Gen Serv Cannock
Horace Adderley boar 2 Cannock
F8.P7.Station Street
Jas Wm Smith H M 31 L+N … Platelayer Liverpool
Jane Smith wife M 32 Tixall Staffs
Elizabeth Mary Smith daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
William Parker boar S 25 L+N Plateleyer Tixall
Ernest Grogutt boar S 30 Platelayer Brocton
F8.P7 Station Street
Fred Leon Myatt H M 29 Railway Signalman Knightley
Frances Eleanor Myatt wife M 27 Eccleshall
Eleanor Jane Myatt daur 5 Bloxwich
F8.P8 Coppice Lane.
Samuel Horton H M 49 Handler Edge Tool Great Wyrley
Mary Horton wife M 46 Brownhills
Howard Horton son 17 Edge Tool warehouse Cheslyn Hay
Ernest Horton son 15 Edge Tool Handler Cheslyn Hay
Albert John Horton son 12 Cheslyn Hay
Edith Horton daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
Jane Horton daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
Samuel Horton son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Phoebe Horton daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
1881 Census Station Road?
SAMUEL Horton H U 29 Auger (Tool) Maker Great Wyrley
F8.P8 Coppice Lane
Henry Benton H M 62 Farmer Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Benton wife M 58 Armitage
Ernest Hy Benton son 17 Farm Lab Cheslyn Hay
1881 Census Station Street
HENRY Benton H Wid 41Cheslyn Hay
Albert Ed Benton son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Florence Benton daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
Mary Eliz Benton daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
F8.P8 Coppice Lane
Elizabeth Jones H Wid 66 (no place recorded)
Harry Jones son 33 Colliery Clerk Broseley Salop
Albert Jones son 27 Manufactory Clerk Cheslyn Hay
Richard Evan Garbett Neph 7 Cheslyn Hay
Sam Sambrook H M 28 Iron Mixer Fitter Great Wyrley
Sarah Sambrook wife M 25 Bloxwich
Lily Sambrook daur 3
Henry Sweolenok Lodg S 62 Painter Poland
1881 Census Walsall Road
William G Sambrook H M 45 Coalminer Essington
Mary A Sambrook wife M 36 Landywood
George (Jnr) Sambrook son 12 Scholar Wyrley
William Sambrook son 9 Scholar Wyrley
SAMUEL Sambrook 8 Scholar Wyrley
Elizabeth Sambrrok daur 3 Wyrley
Alfred Sambrook son 1 Wyrley
Wm Hy Brevitt H M 39 Coalminer Shareshill
Harriet Brevitt wife M 41 Aston Warws
Leonard Brevitt son 15 Worker Tilleries Cheslyn Hay
Rosa A Brevitt daur 14 Cheslyn Hay
Harry Brevitt son 12 Cheslyn Hay
Florrie Eliz Brevitt daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Emma Brevitt daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
1881 Census 3 Rail Road (may be)
William Brevitt H M 41 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Ann Brevitt wife M 39 Shareshill
WILLIAM (Jun) Brevitt son U 20 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Harriet Brevitt daur U 18 Cheslyn Hay
Mary Brevitt daur 15 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Breviyy son 12 Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Brevitt daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Ellen Brevitt daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
F9.P9 Littlewood.
Enoch Whitehouse H M 38 Coalminer Great Wyrley
Martha Whitehouse wife M 42 Cheslyn Hay
Wm Ed Whitehouse son 9 Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Whitehouse Mo Wid 63 Great Wyrley
Saml Whitehouse H M 58 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Whitehouse wife M 56 Newcastle
Florence Whitehouse daur 21 Cheslyn Hay
Lucy Whitehouse daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
Eli Whitehouse son 16 works at brick…. Cheslyn Hay
Arnold Whitehouse son 14 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Hudson vis M 30 Forgeman platelayer Stafford
Clara Hudson wife M 26 Cheslyn Hay
Florence C Hudson daur 2 Stafford
F9.P9 Littlewood
George Evans H Wid 37 Coalminer Hewer Wolverhampton
Fred Bern Evans son 10 Bridgtown
Annie Evans daur 8 Shareshill
William Evans son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Lizzie Evans daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
Agnes Evans daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
Charles Stollard H M 49 Coalminer Roadman Dudley Worcs
Agnes Maud Stollard daur 14 Cheslyn Hay
Leah Stollard daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
F9.P9 Littlewood
John Perks H M 54 Iron & Steel Roller Cheslyn Hay
Emma Perks wife M 53 Wedges Mills
Noah Chilton H M 30 Coalminer Loader Acton
Emma Chilton wife M 34 Shareshill
Charlotte M Chilton daur 10 Cannock
Sarah Ellen Chilton daur 7 Cannock
Francis Chas Chilton son 4 Cheslyn Hay
David Chilton son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Sidney Baden Chilton son 1 Cheslyn Hay
F9.P10 Littlewood
Albert Pee H M 45 Coal Miner -Loader Dudley Worcs
Louisa Pee wife M 45 Dudley Worcs
Rose Pee daur 21 Cheslyn Hay
Albert Pee son 17 Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice Pee daur 13 Cheslyn Hay
Walter Pee son 9 Cheslyn Hay
Dorothy Pee daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Alfred Geo Pee son 5 mns Cheslyn Hay
F9.P10 Littlewood
Chas Wood H M 32 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Fanny Wood wife M 34 Cheslyn Hay
George Wood son 10 Cheslyn Hay
Matilda Wood daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Violet Wood daur 1 mn Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Wood Mo Wid 75 Liecestershire
F9.P10 Littlewood
Jas Hodgkins H M 32 Loco Engine Driver Penkridge
Mary Ellen Hodgkins wife M 36 Shaftsbury Dorcet
F9.P10 Littlewood
John Tipton H M 74 Coalminer Staffordshire
Mary Tipton Wife M 59 Staffordshire
F10.P11 Littlewood
Hy Pritchard H M 29 Tile Fetcher at Brickyard Highley Salop
Sarah Pritchard wife M 28 Bridgtown
Dora Pritchard daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Jones Mo-in-law Wid 74 Jackfield Salop
John Potts boar S 18 Lab at Tileries Jackfiled Salop
F10.P11 Littlewood
Hy Bird H M 42 Gen Lab Staffordshire
Lydia Bird wife M 39 Lapley
Harry Bird son S 18 Gen Lab Cannock
William Bird son S 13 Cannock
Sarah A Bird daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
F10.P11 Littlewood
Emma Rogers H M 44 Licenced Victualler Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Rogers daur S 18 Cheslyn Hay
Annie Rogers daur 15 Cheslyn Hay
Jas Wm Rogers son 13 Cheslyn Hay
Emily Rogers daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
Wm Rogers Snr Unc Wid 77 Cheslyn Hay
F10.P11 Littlewood
Wm Hy Bowen H M 59 Edge Tool Maker Cheslyn Hay
Mary Bowen wife M 57 Cheslyn Hay
Sarah J Bowen daur S 25 Cheslyn Hay
Wm H Bowen son S 23 Edge Tool Maker Cheslyn Hay
Fred Bowen son S 21 Striker Cheslyn Hay
Isiah Bowen son 18 Box M? at Iron Works Cheslyn Hay
F10.P12 Littlewood.
Thomas Rogers H M 50 Engine Driver at Colly Cheslyn Hay
Mary Rogers wife M 51 Cheslyn Hay
Albert Rogers son S 30 Pit Bank Lab above Cheslyn Hay
Thos Rogers son S 25 Colliery Stoker below Cheslyn Hay
Israel Rogers son S 23 Colliery Stoker below Cheslyn Hay
William Rogers son S 16 Pit Bank Lab above Cheslyn Hay
Rosanna Rogers daur S 19 Cheslyn Hay
F10.P12 Littlewood
Mary Gripton H Wid 44 Cheslyn Hay
Wm Gripton son S 19 labourer at Colliery Cheslyn Hay
Jane Gripton daur S 11 Cheslyn Hay
Jessie Gripton daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
Garnett AGripton son 6 Cheslyn Hay
John Alsopp Unc S 55 Coalminer below Roadman Gt Wyrley
F10.P12 Littlewood
Thos Lawson H M 50 Colliery ???? Clerk Staffordshire
Emma Lawson wife M 50 Salop
Letitia Lawson daur S 17 Cheslyn Hay
Wm Fred Lawson son 12 Cheslyn Hay
Walter Thomas Lawson son 8 Cheslyn Hay
F10.P12 Littlewood
Jas E Turner H M 23 Coalminer Loader Hewer Landywood
Gertrude Ann Turner wife M 23 Bloxwich
Doris Turner daur 3 mns Cheslyn Hay
F10.P12 Littlewood
Wm Rogers H M 48 Miner Checkweighman Cheslyn Hay
Mary J Rogers wife M 48 Blakenhall
Wm Rogers son S 19 Carpenter & Joiner Cheslyn Hay
Arnold W Rogers son S 15 Pit Bank boy (above) Cheslyn Hay
Albert Victor Rogers son 9 Cheslyn Hay
Leon John Rogers son 6 Cheslyn Hay
John Middleton s-in-law M 28 Coalminer below Roadman Stoke on Trent
Edith Middleton daur M 22 Cheslyn Hay
F11.P13 Coppins Lane
Alfred Loach H M 49 Brickworks Manager Maidens Bridge Kingswinford
Susanna Loach wife M 50 Pensnet
Edith Anne Loach daur S 24 Kingswinford
David Wm Loach son S 19 Brickworks Foreman Ziffield Northants
Elsie Loach daur 17 Telegraph Clerk Calafornia Northfield
Lilly Susan Loach daur 15 Pupil Teacher School Towchester Northants
Frances Hy Loach son 13 Towchester Northants
F11.P13 Colly Yard
Edward Brough H M 35 Fitter & Turner of Iron Cheslyn Hay
Mary A Brough wife M 32 Cheslyn Hay
Harold A Brough son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Martha Lillie Brough daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
Emma Brough daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Wesley Ed Brough son 5 Cheslyn Hay
Dennis Brough son 1 Cheslyn Hay
F11.P13 Colly Yard
Joseph Follows H M 48 Colliery Engineer Staffordshire
Caroline Follows wife M 48 Worcestershire
Joseph B Follows son S 22 Colliery Fitter Staffordshire
Mary M Follows daur S 20 Staffordshire
Winifred Follows daur S 18 Pupil Teacher School Staffordshire
F11.P13 Colly Yard
John Sergeant H M 43 Farm Bailiff Market Drayton Salop
Julia Sergeant wife M 40 Filston? Cheshire
Beatrice Sergeant daur 7 ??htfield Salop
Joseph Sergeant son 5 Whitchurch Salop
George Sergeant son 4 Westbury Salop
Louisa Sergeant daur 3 Westbury Salop
Lucy Emily Sergeant daur 7 mns Cheslyn Hay
Kate Lill Walker serv 14 Servant (Domestic) Shareshill
F11.P13 Lodge Farm
Edwin Hodgkyns H M 26 Stockman (cattle) on Farm Houghton Hunts
Louisa Hodgkyns wife M 25 Shareshill
Edwin Hodgkyns son 2 Hatherton
Wilfred Hodgkyns son 2mns Cheslyn Hay
Willm Hodgkyns Fa M 67 Bushbury
Francis Hodgkyns Mo M 66 Agricultural Labourer Eccleshall
F11.P14 Littlewood.
George Hodgkyns H M 60 General Labourer Bushbury
Sarah Hodgkyns wife M 60 Bednall
Wm Hodgkyns son S 29 Coal Carter Penkridge
Eliza Alice Hodgkyns daur S 22 Great Wyrley
F11.P14 Littlewood
Chas Evans H M 49 Coalmner Myford? Salop
Georgina Evans wife M 45 Stone Staffs
John Evans son S 19 Coalminer Horse Driver Cannock
Edwin Evnas son 15 Door Miner in mines Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Evans son 13 Cheslyn Hay
Georgina Evans daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
Chas Evans son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Mary J Evans daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Ann Evans daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
F11.P14 Littlewood
Geo Evans H M 27 Coalminer Hewer Worthen Salop
Ann Evans wife M 27 West? Salop
Gertrude M Evans daur 9 mns Cheslyn Hay
F11.P14 Littlewood
Samual Smith H M 36 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Sarah J Smith wife M 36 Bilston
William J Smith son 11 Cheslyn Hay
F11.P14 Littlewood
William Weetman H M 37 Blacksmith Cheslyn Hay
Fanny Weetman wife M 35 Cheslyn Hay
Elsie Weetman daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
Howard Weetman son 8 Cheslyn Hay
Marian Weetman daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Sarah A Weetman daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
F12.P15 Littlewood.
Enoch Pearce H M 56 Iron Works-Cinder Burner Dudley Port Staffs
Charlotte Pearce wife M 43 Cheslyn Hay
Andrew Pearce son S 16 Iron Works Labourer Cheslyn Hay
Wilfred Pearce son 14 Errand Boy Cheslyn Hay
Hilda May Pearce daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
Mary Ellen Pearce daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Note: Enoch was the son of John & Ann Pearce. Charlotte was his second wife. His first wife was
Mary Ann who died in 1878 at the age of 33.
F12.P15 Littlewood
Henry Weetman H M 40 Blacksmith Wednesfiled
Sarah Mary Weetman wife M 32 Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Weetman daur S 15 Cheslyn Hay
Ethel Weetman daur 13 Cheslyn Hay
Mabel Weetman daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Weetman son 7 Cheslyn Hay
F12.P15 Littlewood
William Hosegood H M 42 Surgeon Seaford Bott Somerset
Emily G Hosegood wife M 35 Bridgeport Dorset
Alan John Hosegood son 12 Cannock Staffs
Kathleen Hosegood daur 9 Cannock
Roland W.C. Hosegood son 6 Cannock
Mabel D Hosegood daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
Ethel Carpenter serv 19 Domestic Servant Cannock
Alice Butler serv S 20 Domestic Servant Gailey
F12.P15 Littlewood
William E Bentley H M 31 Coal Hewer Loader Ogley Hay
Alice Sophia Bentley wife M 32 Cheslyn Hay
Violet Bentley daur 11 Norton Canes
Rosanna Bentley daur 9 Norton Canes
Wm Bate F-in-law Wid 56 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Thos Bate b-in-law 23 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
Harry Bate b-in-law 20 Coalminer Horse driver Cheslyn Hay
Walter Bate b-in-law 18 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Bate s-in-law 15 Cheslyn Hay
Constance Bate s-in-law 8 Cheslyn Hay
F12.P16 Station Street.
AG Hawkins H M 33 Grocer Cheslyn Hay
Lillian Hawkins wife M 35 Derby
Harold Alb’t Hawkins son 3 Cheslyn Hay
Douglas Adrian Hawkins son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Hollie Follows serv S 17 Servant-Dom Cheslyn Hay
F12.P16 The Lot
Chas Bate H M 40 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Bate wife M 30 Cheslyn Hay
Vincent Bate son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Thos Whitehouse b-in-law S 40 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
F12.P16 The Lot
Abr Turner H M 27 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Mary Turner wife M 26 Oldbury
Abr Turner son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Charles Turner son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Howard Turner son 2 Cheslyn Hay
William Baden Turner son 4 mns Cheslyn Hay
F12.P16 The Lot
Wm Whitehouse H M 22 Coalminer Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Eliz’th Whitehouse wife M 22 Great Wyrley
Eva Lill Whitehouse daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
Ivy Miriam Whitehouse daur 6 mns Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Ann Stanton Rel S 29 Great Wyrley
F12.P16 The Lot
Edward Brough H M 79 Engine Driver Cheslyn Hay
Clara Brough wife M 67 Wolverhampton
John Brough son M 47 Edge Tool Maker Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Ann Brough d-in-law M 37 Walsall
Note: John Brough married 14th June 1886 Sarah Ann Reed: No Children
F12.P16 The Lot
Lucy Bradbury H Wid 58 Lauderess Cheslyn Hay
John Lovatt lod S 32 Coal Miner Penkridge
John Hawkins boar 5 Landywood
F13.P17 The Lot.
Wm Perry H M 36 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Clara Perry wife M 37 Cheslyn Hay
Jas Perry son 13 Cheslyn Hay
William Perry son 10 Cheslyn Hay
Clara J Perry daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Sidney Perry son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Ethel Perry daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Violet M Perry daur 11 mns Cheslyn Hay
F13.P17 The Lot
George Arthur Brough H M 27 Edge Tool Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Brough wife M 24 Salop
Clara May Brough daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
George E Brough son 2 Cheslyn Hay
John Aush Brough son 6 mns Cheslyn Hay
Note: George married Eliza Maiden
F13.P17 The Lot
Fred Foster H M 52 Labourer at Coal Wharf Cannock
Mary Ellen Foster wife M 35 Longton
Sarah E Foster daur 5 Cannock
F13.P17 The Lot
William Brough H M 30 Edge Tool Worker Cheslyn Hay
Emma Brough wife M 25 Landywood
William Brough son 5 Cheslyn Hay
Lillian Brough daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
F13.P17 The Lot
William Steadmans H M 29 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Steadmans wife M 31 Bridgtown Staffs
Grace Steadmans daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Silas Brevitt neph 1 Cheslyn Hay
F13.P17 The Lot
Sam Bills H M 28 Coalminer Hewer Dudley Worcs
Mary Ann Bills wife M 24 Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Jane Bills daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
John Thos Bills son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Florence Allsop Rel 14 Cheslyn Hay
F13.P18 The Lot.
Edward Jones H M 22 Coalminer loader Hewer Cannock
Florence Jones wife M 23 Cheslyn Hay
F13.P18 The Lot
William Evans H M 42 Coalminer Hewer Palfrey?
Selina Evans wife M 36 Cheslyn Hay
Lily Evans daur 15 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Evans son 12 Cheslyn Hay
Ann Maria Evans daur 7 Yorkshire
Bertram Evans son 4 Cheslyn Hay
F13.P18 The Lot
Chas Brough H M 33 Hammer Worker Tool Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Brough wife M 37 Blakenhall
George Arth Brough son 9 Cheslyn Hay
Martha J Brough daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Chas Ed Brough son 3 Cheslyn Hay
Vincent John Brough son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Harriet Brough Aunt Wid 60 Cheslyn Hay
F13.P18 The Lot
Thomas Perks H M 44 Field Carpenter Shareshill
Harriet Perks wife M 45 Cannock
Thomas Perks son 20 Iron Worker (Striker) Cheslyn Hay
Henry Perks son 18 Iron Works Labourer Cheslyn Hay
Ruby Perks daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
Robert Perks son 8 Cheslyn Hay
Charles Perks son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Fred Perks son 3 Cheslyn Hay
F13.P18 The Lot
Thos James H M 27 General? Labourer Salop
Jane James wife M 21 Oldbury
F13.P18 The Lot
Prudence Dace H Wid 73 Cheslyn Hay
Benjamin Dace son S 35 Tile Maker C Cheslyn Hay
Lucy Dace daur S 28 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Sandford G-son 15 Tile Maker Cheslyn Hay
F14.P19 The Lot
Jos Parbrook H M 40 Coalminer below Cheslyn Hay
Ellen Parbrook wife M 42 Cheslyn Hay
Sydney Parbrook son S 18 Horse Driver in Coal mine Cheslyn Hay
Gertrude Parbrook daur 16 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Parbrook son 8 Cheslyn Hay
Kathleen Parbrook daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
F14.P19 The Lot
William Savage H M 57 Blacksmith Great Wyrley
Mary A Savage wife M 54 Cheslyn Hay
Alfred Savage son S 24 (Feeble Minded) Cheslyn Hay
F14.P19 The Lot
Sam Garratt H M 32 Driller & Tiller Great Wyrley
Mary A Garratt wife M 31 Cheslyn Hay
Wilfred Garratt son 10 Cheslyn Hay
John Garratt son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Louisa G Garratt daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Winston Garratt son 1 Cheslyn Hay
F14.P19 The Lot
William Hy Savage H M 29 Coalminer loader Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Hannah E Savage wife M 26 Great Wyrley
Thomas Howard Savage son 2 Great Wyrley
Doris Eveline Savage daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
F14.P19 Station Street
Moses Lockett H M 39 Coalminer (Hewer) Aston
Rosanna Lockett wife M 33 Cheslyn Hay
F14.P19 Station Street
George Tricklebead H M 75 None Tamworth
Mary Ann Tricklebead wife M 75 Banton
F14.P19 Station Street
William Taylor H M 27 Coalminer Hewer Roadman Bloxwich
Bertha Taylor wife M 26 Bloxwich
Harry Taylor son 3 Bloxwich
F14.P20 Station Street.
Thomas Kay H M 64 Retired Farmer Staffordshire
Jemima Kay wife M 52 Warwickshire
F14.P20 Station Street
Charles Beardmore H M 23 Geberal Labourer Rugeley
Lucy Beardmore wife M 26 Rugeley
Herbert Beardmore son 7 mns Newtown
F14.P20 Station Street
George Turvey H M 38 Carter at Colliery Evenley Northants
Amy Elizabeth Turvey wife M 35 Hinton in Hedges.Northan
Edith Ellen Turvey daur 11 Brackley Northants
Fred Geo Turvey son 10 Brackley Northants
Mabel Lily Turvey daur 8 Brackley Northants
Ernest Edmund Turvey son 3 Brackley Northants
F14.P20 Station Street
Thomas Baker H M 55 Labourer at Colliery Stafford
Ann Baker wife M 60 Stafford
F14.P20 The Rose & Crown
Joseph Sims H M 55 Licensed Victualler England
Mary Sims wife M 55 England
Mary J Sims daur S 28 England
Emma Sims daur S 23 (Blind) England
William Hy Sims son 12 America
F14.P20 Station Street
John Dace H M 49 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Annie Dace wife M 44 Darby Ashfield
Chas Dace son 20 Pit Horse Driver Cheslyn Hay
John Dace son 14 Pit Horse Driver Cheslyn Hay
Harry Dace son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Walter Dace son 5 Cheslyn Hay
Ellen Lindop M-in-law Wid 78 Cheslyn Hay
Handel Turner boar 14 Pit Horse Driver Cheslyn Hay
F15.P21 Chapel Square.
Moses Whitehouse H M 49 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Sarah J Whitehouse wife M 44 Shop Cheslyn Hay
Howard Whitehouse son 14 Cheslyn Hay
Mary Whitehouse daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
Florrie Hawkins serv 15 Servant Cheslyn Hay
F15.P21 Chapel Square
John Skitt H M 33 Coalminer loader Hewer Madeley Salop
Ellen Skitt wife M 30 Bridgtown
Eliz’th Skitt daur 12 Norton Canes
Elsie Skitt niece 1mns Cannock
John Shorter b-in-law S 19 Coalmine Horse Driver Bridgtown
Albert Shorter b-in-law S 17 Coalminer Horse Driver Bridgtown
F15.P21 Chapel Square
Simeon Morgan H M 34 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Emma Morgan wife M 31 Cheslyn Hay
George Morgan son 13 Cheslyn Hay
Sidney Morgan son 12 Cheslyn Hay
Harriet Morgan daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Morgan son 5 Cheslyn Hay
Ellen Morgan daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
F15.P21 Chapel Square
Wm Pearce H M 26 General Labourer Witney Oxon
Beatrice Pearce wife M 24 Witney Oxon
Clara Horne vis 11 Witney Oxon
Reginald Pearce son 9 mns Witney Oxon
F15.P21 Chapel Square
Sarah Stanton H Wid 42 None Chesterfield
Mary Stanton daur S 17 Cheslyn Hay
Alice Stanton daur 13 Cheslyn Hay
Harry Stanton son 10 Cheslyn Hay
Nellie Stanton daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Matilda Stanton daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
F15.P22 Chapel Square The White Lion.
Edwin Turner H Wid 57 Licensed Victualler County of Stafford
F15.P22 Chapel Square
William Whitehouse H M 57 Coalminer Hewer Great Wyrley
Sarah A Whitehouse wife M 47 Cannock
Jas Harvey son S 27 Coalminer Roadman Newtown
Jas Boulton G-son 1 Cheslyn Hay
F15.P22 Chapel Square
Jas Lockley H M 36 Coalminer loader Hewer Wolverhampton
Charlotte Lockley wife M 25 Cheslyn Hay
William Hy Lockley son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Violet Lockley daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
George Lockley son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Lockley son 6 mns Cheslyn Hay
F15.P22 Chapel Square
William Pryer? H M 39 Coalminer Loader Stoke-Upon-Trent
Julia Pryer? wife M 36 Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Pryer? daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
Martha Pryer? daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Susanna Pryer? daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Ellen Pryer? daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
F15.P22 Chapel Square
George Alf Bull H M 38 Edge Tool Worker Dudley
Lavinia Bull wife M 40 Sedgley
Ethel Mary Bull daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
George Walter Bull son 9 Cheslyn Hay
John Thos Bull son 8 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Elwell Bull son 3 Cheslyn Hay
Arthur Ed Elwell b-in-law S 21 Axle Polisher Sedgley
F15.P22 Chapel Square
Phineas Baker H M 77 Coalminer Labourer Cheslyn Hay
Mary Baker wife M 67 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Baker son S 35 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Baker son S 24 Coalminer loader Cheslyn Hay
Note: Phineas Baker died in 1905, aged 83 and Mary Baker died in 1906, aged 73
F16.P23 Chapel Square.
Jas Pearson H M 38 Coalminer below Roadman Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Pearson wife M 33 Cheslyn Hay
Ann Eliza Pearson daur 15 Cheslyn Hay
Mildred M Pearson daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
Alberta Pearson daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
Ann Parbrook M-in-Law Wid 63 Mill Green
F16.P23 Chapel Square
John Turner H M 25 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Mary Turner wife M 30 Hednesford
William Thos Ramsdel son 9 Hednesford
Alice Louise Turner daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
William Baker lodg S 83 None Landywood
Note: William died 1903 age 85
F16.P23 Chapel Square
Pricilla Gaskin H S 65 West Bromwich
Joseph Gaskin son S 23 Labourer Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Note: Joseph married 31st August 1901 St. Mark’s Church Great Wyrley
Joseph Gaskin 23 Bachelor Miner Cheslyn Hay Pricilla Gaskin
Phoebe Maria Foster 21 Spinster Cheslyn Hay Jabez Foster Miner
In the presence of Frederick Bird & Fanny Spellman
Joseph & Phoebe have the following children
Gladys christened 20th October 1901
Joseph ……………8th November 1903
William ………….26th November 1905
Minnie……………14th January 1908
George born 2nd May 1915 & christened 23rd May.
See Folio 157. Page 9 for Priscilla’s daughter Clara
F16.P23 Station Street
John Parbrook H M 51 Boot Dealer Cheslyn Hay
Rebecca Parbrook wife M 48 Pensnett
Horace Parbrook son 14 Cheslyn Hay
Clifford Parbrook son 12 Cheslyn Hay
F16.P23 Station Street
Chas Wm Carter H M 49 Colliery Labourer Cheslyn Hay
Jemima Carter wife M 50 Cheslyn Hay
Albert Carter son S 27 Warehouseman Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Carter son S 25 Coalminer Loader (Hewer) Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Ann Carter daur S 23 Cheslyn Hay
Ernest Carter son S 19 Board School Teacher Cheslyn Hay
Clarica Carter daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
F16.P23 Station Street
George Follows H M 35 Coalminer loader Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Follows wife M 36 Cheslyn Hay
Albert Follows son 13 Cheslyn Hay
William Follows son 10 Cheslyn Hay
Florence Follows daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Emily Follows daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
George Follows son 2 Cheslyn Hay
F16.P24 The Green.
Martin Leonard H M 32 Colly Horse Driver below Wolverhampton
Harriet Leonard wife M 29 Coed Poeth Denbeigh
Elizabeth Leonard daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
Martin L Roberts son 2 mns Cheslyn Hay
Richard Roberts b-in-law M 24 Colly Horse Driver Coed Poeth Denbiegh
Thurza Roberts s-in-law M 19 Blakenhall
F16.P24 The Green
Richard Jenkins H M 42 Coalminer Hewer Dudley
Lizzie Jenkins wife M 35 Landywood
Beatrice Jenkins daur 15 Cheslyn Hay
Lizzie Jenkins daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
John Jenkins son 9 Cheslyn Hay
Percy Jenkins son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Richard Jenkins son 5 Cheslyn Hay
May Jenkins daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
Walter Jenkins son 4 mns Cheslyn Hay
Note: 6
th April 1885
Richard Jenkins full age Bachelor Miner Great Wyrley Richard Jenkins Iron Worker
Lizzie Perks 19 Spinster Cheslyn Hay John Perks Miner
In the presence of William Cope & Emily Perks
F16.P24 Railroad
Hannah Brevitt H Wid 88 Great Wyrley
Charlotte E Brevitt G-daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
F16.P24 Railroad
William Brevitt H Wid 61 Coalminer below Roadman Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Brevitt son S 32 Coalminer Roadman Cheslyn Hay
Jas Thos Bickley S-in-law M 26 Coalminer Roadman Wednesfield
Elizabeth Bickley daur M 24 Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Brevitt G-daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
William Bickley G-son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Nellie Bickley G-daur 10 mns Cheslyn Hay
F16.P24 Railroad
Jas Perry H M 69 Watchman Cheslyn Hay
Amy Perry wife M 70 Cheslyn Hay
F17.P25 Railroad.
Joseph Turner H M 38 Coalminer Stallman Middleton Salop
Emily Turner wife M 42 Cheslyn Hay
Jas Ernest Turner son 16 Cabinet Maker App Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Ann Turner daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
Edward Turner son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Turner daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
F17.P25 Railroad
Thomas Brevitt H M 47 None Cheslyn Hay
Ellen Brevitt wife M 48 Blakenhall
Thomas Brevitt son 20 Coalminer loader Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Jas Brevitt son 17 Works at Tilleries Cheslyn Hay
Nellie Brevitt daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
F17.P25 Railroad
John Smith H M 48 Gen Lab on pit bank Longnor
Minnie F Smith wife M 43 Gnosall
Lucy A Smith daur 15 Cheslyn Hay
Jas Thos Smith son 12 Cheslyn Hay
William Smith son 10 Cheslyn Hay
George Smith son 9 Cheslyn Hay
Violet Smith daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
Elsie Smith daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Lily Smith daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
F17.P25 Railroad
Thomas Butler H M 70 None England
Fanny Butler wife M 64 Staffordshire
F17.P25 Railroad
Stephen Whitehouse H M 35 Coalminer Hewer Stallman Cheslyn Hay
Caroline Whitehouse wife M 25 Broseley Salop
Jas Albert Whitehouse son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Stephen Whitehouse son 6 mns Cheslyn Hay
Rose Thomas niece 8 Cheslyn Hay
F17.P26 Railroad.
John Whitehouse H M 55 Coalminer Stallman Hewer Great Wyrley
Amelia Whitehouse wife M 50 Cheslyn Hay
John Whitehouse son 18 Labourer on Wharf Cheslyn Hay
Lily Whitehouse daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
Amelia Whitehouse daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
F17.P26 Railroad
Henry Horne H M 30 General Labourer Witney Oxon
Ann Horne wife M 30 Witney Oxon
Kate Horne daur 11 Witney Oxon
Herbert Horne son 1 Witney Oxon
F17.P26 Railroad
John Bowen H M 56 Edge Tool Forger Cheslyn Hay
Mary A Bowen wife M 54 Cheslyn Hay
Wm Bowen son 32 Edge Tool Striker Cheslyn Hay
Fred Bowen son 12 Cheslyn Hay
Jas Ernest Bowen son 10 Cheslyn Hay
Emily Bowen daur 14 Nurse Cheslyn Hay
F17.P26 Railroad
Jabez Hood H M 28 General Lab Ironworks Bridgtown
Eliza Hood wife M 28 Cheslyn Hay
Mabel Hood daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
F17.P26 Railroad
Henry Baker H S 55 Coalminer Essington
Lucy Baker Mo Wid 74 Living on own means Brewood
F17.P26 Railroad
Rosanna Jones H Wid 65 Commonside Worcs
Edward Jones son M 29 Assistant School Master Cheslyn Hay
F17.P26 The Talbot Inn
Richard Marshall H M 43 Licensed Victualler Great Wyrley
Mary A Marshall wife M 45 Cheslyn Hay
Enoch Marshall son S 20 Coalminer pit bank Cheslyn Hay
Clara Marshall daur 17 Barmaid Cheslyn Hay
Richard Marshall son 11 Cheslyn Hay
May Marshall daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
Lily Marshall daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
John Smith boar S 32 Coalminer loader Hewer Bath ????
Emma Rowley serv S 13 General Servant Potteries
F18.P27 vy House.
Jos Hawkins H M 88 Retired Gentleman Cheslyn Hay
Rosa Elizabeth Hawkins daur S 44 Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Sambrook serv S 23 Domestic Great Wyrley
F18.P27 High Street
John Hawkins H M 66 Colliery Proprieter Employer Cheslyn Hay
Sarah A Hawkins wife M 61 Wasall
Agnes Dutton serv S 19 General Servant-Dom Landywood
F18.P27 Low Street
John Wollaston H M 50 Groom Little Heath
Ellen Wollaston wife M 45 Wolverhampton
William Wollaston son S 24 Coalminer Overman Cheslyn Hay
Adelaide Wollaston daur S 21 Cheslyn Hay
Josiah Wollaston son S 19 Coalminer below Roadman Cheslyn Hay
Henry Wollaston son 18 Iron Worker Cheslyn Hay
Arthur Wollaston son 17 Iron Worker Cheslyn Hay
Ethel Wollaston daur 14 Cheslyn Hay
Edith Wollaston daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
Albert Wollaston son 10 Cheslyn Hay
Clara Wollaston daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
Millie Wollaston daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Eleanor Wollaston daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
F18.P27 Low Street
Peter Davis H M 45 Coalminer Hewer West Bromwich
Sarah J Davis wife M 45 Walsall
F18.P24 Low Street
William Wootton H M 41 Grocery Shopkeeper,post Office Shareshill
Annie Wootton wife M 39 Cheslyn Hay
Fred Geo Wootton son 16 Grocers Ass + Telegraph Ass Cheslyn Hay
Flor Mary Savage serv S 19 General Servant Cheslyn Hay
F18.P24 Low Street
Fred Whitehouse H M 39 Coalminer Stallman Cheslyn Hay
Ellen Whitehouse wife M 40 Landywood
Eliza Whitehouse daur 16 Cheslyn Hay
William Whitehouse bro S 41 Coalminer below Overman Cheslyn Hay
F18.P28 Low Street. F18. P28.
Philip Thomas H M 32 Edge Tool Maker Cheslyn Hay
Susanna Thomas wife M 29 Cheslyn Hay
Emma Thomas daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
Fred Thomas son 9 Cheslyn Hay
Maude Thomas daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
May Thomas daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Philip Hy Thomas son 2 Cheslyn Hay
F18.P28 Low Street
Thomas Sutherton H M 33 Loader in Mine Hewer Bilston
Eliza Sutherton wife M 30 Cannock
A.H.S.Sutherton daur 10 Cannock
F Sutherton son 8 Cheslyn Hay
A.A. Sutherton son 5 Cheslyn Hay
W.H. Sutherton son 3 Cheslyn Hay
F.M. Sutherton daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
F18.P28 Low Street
John Jones H M 26 Coalminer Loader Salop
Annie Jones wife M 24 Landywood
Bertie Jones son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Jas Hy Jones son 5 mns Cheslyn Hay
F18.P28 Low Street
William Evans H M 45 Coalminer below Roadman Minsterley Salop
Rosannah Evans wife M 44 Cheslyn Hay
William H Evans son S 22 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Jos Evans son S 19 Labourer on ????? Cheslyn Hay
Dinah Evans daur 15 Cheslyn Hay
Stephen Evans son 6 Cheslyn Hay
F18.P28 Low Street
George Turner H M 49 Coalminer below Roadman Bradley
Sarah A Turner Wife M 45 Hill Top
Edith Ellen Turner daur 16 Cheslyn Hay
F19.P29 Low Street.
Phineas Baker H M 36 Coalminer below Foreman Essington
Anne Baker wife M 36 Sedgley
Alice Baker daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
Clifford Baker son 9 Cheslyn Hay
Fred Baker son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Herbert Baker son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Note: Phineas Baker married Ann Astbury. He was the son of Henry & Lucy Baker, nee Green
F19.P29 Delemare
Fred Wm Hawkins H M 30 Commercial Clerk Cheslyn Hay
Bertha Hawkins wife M 34 Lindley Yorks
Wilfred Brearley Hawkins son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Frank Baden Hawkins son 9 mns Cheslyn Hay
Eliza J Dace serv S 17 Gen Servant-Dom Cheslyn Hay
Agnes Maude Dace vis 11 Cheslyn Hay
F19.P29 Cross Street
William H Barrett H M 27 Groom & Gardener Calf Heath Staffs
Elizabeth Barrett wife M 23 Cheslyn Hay
Katherine Scragg boar S 35 Teacher (School) Hanley
F19.P29 Seymour Villa
Henry Hawkins H M 53 Roof Tile Manufacturer Cheslyn Hay
Sarah J Hawkins wife M 47 Cheslyn Hay
Arnold Seymour Hawkins son S 22 Brick Manufacturer Cheslyn Hay
Lau C Hy Hawkins son 12 Cheslyn Hay
Raymond Ed Hawkins son 9 Cheslyn Hay
Clement Leslie Hawkins son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Ada Jones serv S 17 Geberal Servant Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice Ellen Savage serv 15 General Servant Cheslyn Hay
F19.P29 High Street
Thomas Pickering H M 35 Coalminer Stallman Appleby Derbys
M A Pickering wife M 27 Landywood
F19.P29 High Street
William Buck H M 28 Boatman Barge Cheslyn Hay
Annie Buck wife M 26 Cannock
Lucy Ann Buck daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
William Buck son 4 Wolverhampton
Fred Buck son 2 Cheslyn Hay
F19.P30 High Street.
William Hy Westwood H M 26 Frutier Shop Cheslyn Hay
Louisa Westwood wife M 33 Cheslyn Hay
F19.P30 High Street
William Jas Devereux H M 43 Sur? Assistant Bromyard Hereford
Clara Devereux wife M 36 Cheslyn Hay
Dorothy Mary Devereux daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
Jack Godfrey Devereux son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Clifford Devereux son 9 Cheslyn Hay
F19.P30 High Street
Edward Jackson Hope H M 60 Ministry Methodist New Con Millington ?????
Jane Hope wife M 61 Helesby
Eveline Jackson Hope daur S 30 Bowdon
Arthur Edward Hope son S 19 Stationer ? Barrow-in-Furness Lancs
Gladys Hope Causon? niece 4 Newark Notts
Elizabeth Ann Gripton serv S 21 Domestic Servant Cheslyn Hay
F19.P30 High Street
William Holcroft H M 45 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Susan Holcroft wife M 43 Bloxwich
Harmer C Holcroft son S 18 Edge Tool Handler Cheslyn Hay
Marrian Holcroft daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
Chas Kingston rel S 26 Coalminer Roadman Cheslyn Hay
F19.P30 High Street
William Follows H M 55 Coalminer below Stallman Huntington
Sarah Follows wife M 53 Walsall Wood
William Follows son 16 Tile Carrier Cheslyn Hay
Alf B Carpenter s-in-law M 23 Steel Plater Bridgtown
Flora Carpenter daur M 23 Cheslyn Hay
F19.P30 High Street
Jas Kingston H M 25 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Phoebe Ann Kingston wife M 23 Great Wyrley
F19.P30 High Street
Eli Birch H M 48 Sleerer Barge (boat) Blakenhall
Lucy Birch wife M 49 Cheslyn Hay
Fred Birch son S 19 Sleerer Boat Cheslyn Hay
Eli Birch son S 17 ????? Cheslyn Hay
1881 Census 20 High Street
Eli Birch H M 29 Steerer of boats (barge) Blakenhall (Eli died in 1916)
Lucy Birch wife M 30 Cheslyn Hay (Lucy died in 1923)
William Birch son 8 Cheslyn Hay
Samuel Henry Birch son 4 Cheslyn Hay
F20.P31 High Street.
William Baker H M 50 Overman at Colliery Essington
Emma Baker wife M 48 Huntington
Joseph Baker son S 25 Coalman below Roadman Cheslyn Hay
Wm Baker son S 23 Coalminer Roadman Cheslyn Hay
Hann Eliza Baker daur S 20 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Baker son S 18 Banksman at Colliery above Cheslyn Hay
Benjamin Baker son S 17 Coalminer Roadman Cheslyn Hay
Harriet Baker daur 14 Cheslyn Hay
Edith Baker daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
James Baker son 10 Great Wyrley
Annie Baker daur 8 Great Wyrley
John Baker son 7 Great Wyrley
Phineas Baker son 6 Cheslyn Hay
William Locket s-in-law M 32 CoalminerHewer Stallman Cheslyn Hay
Lucy Ann Lockett daur M 24 Cheslyn Hay
Eva Lockett niece 1 Cheslyn Hay
F20.P31 High Street
Catherine Wolloxall H Wid 56 Shareshill
Humphrey Wolloxall son S 20 Coalminer below Roadman Cheslyn Hay
Rosanne Wolloxall daur S 24 Cheslyn Hay
F20.P31High Street
Harry Pearson H Wid 35 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Harry Pearson son S 8 Cheslyn Hay
Michael Enoch Pearson bro S 38 Retired Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Haydon Westwood neph S 18 Coalminer horse driver Cheslyn Hay
F20.P31 High Street
Ed Westwood H M 47 Coalminer Stallman Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Westwood wife M 47 Cheslyn Hay
Harriet Westwood daur 21 Domestic Servant Cheslyn Hay
Rosa Westwood daur 15 Cheslyn Hay
Florence Westwood daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Whitehouse aunt Wid 85 Cheslyn Hay
F20.P32 High Street.
Dan Whitehouse H M 40 Foreman Coal Boat Loader Cheslyn Hay
Rebecca Whitehouse wife M 40 Milliner Ruabon? Wales
Gertrude Whitehouse daur 13 Cheslyn Hay
Annie A Douglas vis 9 St Helens Lancs
F20.P32 High Street
William Williams H M 44 Coalminer above Burton on Trent Staffs
Emma Williams wife M 62 Brewood
Chas Edgar Whitehouse G-son 12 Cheslyn Hay
Handel Whitehouse boar S 34 Colliery Lab below Cheslyn Hay
Note: Charles Edgar Whitehouse was born 23rd April 1888, the son of Elizabeth Whitehouse
F20.P32 High Street
John Whitehouse H M 57 Coalminer below Stallman Cheslyn Hay
Flor Whitehouse wife M 36 Churchbridge
George Whitehouse son S 19 Coalminer loader Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Albert Whitehouse son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Leonard Whitehouse son 8 Cheslyn Hay
F20.P32 High Street
Henry Whitehouse H M 25 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Kate Whitehouse wife M 24 Cheslyn Hay
Mildred M Whitehouse daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
F20.P32 High Street
Moses Lockett H S 33 Coal Miner (hewer) Cheslyn Hay
Emma Whitehouse Mo Wid 62 Pelsall
F20.P32 High Street
John Elwell H M 41 Coalminer Stallman Hewer Bilston
Eliza Elwell wife M 33 Uttoxeter
Thomas Elwell son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Hannah Elwell daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
Samuel Elwell son 2 Cheslyn Hay
John Elwell son 1 Cheslyn Hay
F20.P32 High Street
Jas Winfer H M 29 Coalminer Hewer Roadman Shareshill
Eliz Winfer wife M 28 ????Park Oxon
Flor Winfer daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Dora Winfer daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
William Winfer son 2 Cheslyn Hay
F21.P33 High Street.
Jas Hawkins H M 34 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Fanny Hawkins wife M 34 Cheslyn Hay
Ethel Hawkins daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
F21.P33 High Street
William Russell H M 35 Coalminer Hewer Gt Wyrley
Emmie Russell wife M 36 Landywood
Rose Ann Somerton daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
Elsie B Somerton daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
John C Somerton son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Violet A Somerton daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Dorothy Daisy Somerton daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
F21.P33 High Street
Thomas Holcroft H M 31 Coalminer loader Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Florrie Holcroft wife M 25 Cheslyn Hay
Edith Mary Holcroft daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
F21.P33 High Street
John Hy Whitehouse H M 35 Coalminer Boot & Shoe dealer Cheslyn Hay
Hannah Whitehouse wife M 32 Cheslyn Hay
Pearl Whitehouse daur 14 Boot & Shoe Shopkeeper Cheslyn Hay
Ruby Whitehouse daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
Jessie Whitehouse daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Jas Hy Whitehouse son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Donald Event C Whitehouse son 2 mns Cheslyn Hay
Mary Ann Weetman M-in-law Wid 66 Cheslyn Hay
F21.P33 High Street
Samuel Pee H M 37 Coalminer Dudley Worcs
Annie Pee wife M 34 Cheslyn Hay
Albert Pee son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Wlfred Pee son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Annie Pee daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
Clifford Pee son 2 Cheslyn Hay
F21.P33 High Street
William Perks H M 26 Grocer & Shopkeeper Cheslyn Hay
Harriet Perks wife M 24 Cheslyn Hay
F21.P34 High Street.
Chas Altree H M 40 Coalminer Hewer Gt Wyrley
Sarah Altree wife M 40 West Bromwich
Mary Eliz Altree daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Fred Chas Altree son 5 Cheslyn Hay
Flor May Altree daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
F21.P34 High Street.
William Altree H M 47 Coalminer Hewer Gt Wyrley
Sarah Altree wife M 38 Doddington Oxon
Sam Jas Altree son S 18 Butcher Assistant Cheslyn Hay
Florence Altree daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
F21.P34 High Street
Isaac Smith H M 31 Engine Fitter Leek
Alice Smith wife M 26 Assistant teacher? Cheslyn Hay
F21.P34 High Street
Auton Hugh Syree H Wid 41 Retired Medical Cape Colony
Anne Savage serv Wid 53 House Keeper Exhall? Warws
F21.P34 High Street
David Askey H Wid 61 Brickmaker Cannock
John Askey son S 28 Brickmaker Cannock
Ernest Askey son S 21 Brickmaker Hednesford
William Askey son M 24 Brickmaker Hednesford
Sarah Askey d-in-law M 22 Cheslyn Hay
Doris Askey G-child 9 mns Cheslyn Hay
Wm Showell s-in-law M 30 Brickmaker Essington
Emily Showell daur M 26 Hednesford
Jessie Showell G-child 6 Bridgtown
Gladys Showell G-child 4 Cheslyn Hay
Wm Showell G-chilld 2 Cheslyn Hay
Note: Marriages of this family
25th December 1867 St. Luke’s Church, Cannock
David Askey full age Bashelor Brickmaker Cannock John Askey Labourer
Mary Emery full age Spinster Cannock Joseph Emery Brickmaker
In the presence of James Stopp & Ann Askey
nd April 1899, at St. Mark’s Church, Great Wyrley
Samuel Mellor 28 Bachelor Miner Cheslyn Hay George Mellor Green Grocer
Mary Jesse Askey 29 Spinster Cheslyn Hay David Askey Brickmaker
In the presence of William Askey & Nellie Askey
11th June 1899 St. Mark’s Church, Great Wyrley
William Askey 21 Bachelor Brickmaker Cheslyn Hay David Askey Brickmaker
Sarah Ellen Lindop 20 Spinster Cheslyn Hay Annie Lindop
In the presence o fCharles Henry Dace & Nellie Askey
Emily Showel died in 1922, aged 47. They were living at 8 Council Houses
15th July 1905 Eliza married at St. Mark’s Church
William Baker 27 Bachelor Miner Cheslyn Hay William Baker Miner
Eliza Askey 21 Spinster Cheslyn Hay David Askey Brickmaker Foreman
In the presence of William Askey & Ellen Askey
16th April 1911 St. Mark’s Church Gt Wyrley
William Henry Cross 36 Widower Miner Churchbridge James Cross (deceased) Railway Servant
Ellen Askey 29 Spinster Cheslyn Hay David Askey Brickmaker
In the presence of William Showell & Jesse Showell
F21.P34 High Street
Joseph Thomas H M 59 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Ann Thomas wife M 56 Cheslyn Hay
Josiah Thomas son S 26 Minister Meth New Connexion Cheslyn Hay
Oliver? Hy Thomas son S 20 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Bertha Thomas daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas M Smythe rel 22 (deaf) Runcorn Cheshire
F22.P35 High Street
William Shorter H M 48 Boot & Show Maker Cheslyn Hay
Ellen Shorter wife M 45 Shareshill
Effie Shorter daur S 18 Shopkeeper Cheslyn Hay
Ross Shorter son 15 Boot & Shoe Maker Cheslyn Hay
Gladys Shorter daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
Jack Shorter son 4 Cheslyn Hay
F22.P35 High Street
William Marshall H M 24 Coalminer loader Essington
Clara Marsahll wife M 25 Hednesford
Dorothy Marshall daur 2 Great Wyrley
Minnie Marshall daur 1 mns Cheslyn Hay
Nellie Mrshall sis S 19 Hednesford
Eliza Marshall sis S 17 Hednesford
F22.P35 High Street
David Evans H M 51 Egineer Bilston
Ann Evans wife M 60 Bilston
F22.P35 High Street
John Smith H M 23 Iron Worker Labourer Princes End
Elizabeth Smith wife M 23 Cheslyn Hay
John Smith son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Louisa Stackhouse M-in-law Wid 63 Wellington Salop
F22.P35 High Street
Samuel Walker H M 30 Waggoner at Colliery Weaton Aston
Elizabeth Walker wife M 31 Cheslyn Hay
Arnold Whitehouse son 3 Cannock
William Hy Walker son 4mns Cheslyn Hay
F22.P35 High Street
Elizabeth Sayer H S 50 Licensed Victualler Great Wyrley
Emma Kate Sayer wife 41 Cheslyn Hay
F22.P35 High Street
John Hall H Wid 71 Retired Butcher Great Wyrley
Mary Ann Tolefree niece S 43 House Keeper Wheaton Aston
Sarah Bate/Baker? Serv S 44 Dom serv Kates Hill Dudley Worcs
F22.P36 Rock Villa.
Ed Hawkins H M 61 Living on own means Cheslyn Hay
Harriet Hawkins wife M 64 Wedges Mills
Beatrice Lowe daur M 32 Cheslyn Hay
Sydney Hawkins son S 27 Grocer Shopkeeper Cheslyn Hay
Leslie Hawkins Lowe G-son 6 Stapenhill Derby
Donald Sam Lowe G-son 4 Stapenhill Derby
Sarah Brindley serv S 42 Cook Domestic Brereton
Ada Whitehouse serv S 17 General Servant Cheslyn Hay
F22.P36 High Street
George Evans H M 53 Grocer & Gen Dealer Hill Top
Mary Evans wife M 52 Peatleton Lancs
Robert Evans son S 28 Edge Tool Manufacturer Clerk Cheslyn Hay
William Hy Evans son S 25 Wood Turner Cheslyn Hay
Mary Evans daur S 23 Cheslyn Hay
Gertrude Evans daur 21 Cheslyn Hay
Ralph Evans son S 17 Railway ?? ?? Cheslyn Hay
Jesse Evans daur 13 Cheslyn Hay
Alphonso Hertzog? Vis S 16 Apprentice Salford Lancs
F22.P36 High Street
Walter Hackett H M 32 Butcher Longdon
Morene Hackett wife M 30 Shertone
Constance Hackett daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Evelyn Hackett daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
Martha Hackett daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
Dorothy Hackett daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Agnes Hackett daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
Edgar Hackett son 5 wks Cheslyn Hay
Note: Walter Hackett married Murrena Read
F22.P36 High Street
William Turner H M 55 Coalminer (hewer ) Billington
Eliza Turner wife M 58 Gt Wyrley
Lucy Turner daur 18 Cheslyn Hay
Enoch Turner son 16 Wood Turner Cheslyn Hay
F23.P37 High Street.
Wm Turner H M 58 Coalminer Hewer Great Wyrley
Sarah Ann Turner wife M 39 Wolverhampton
William Turner son 15 Coalminer Horse Driver Hatherton
Bertha Turner daur 13 Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Turner daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
John T Turner son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Alexander Turner son 1 Cheslyn Hay
F23.P37 High Street
Jas Mitchell H M 39 Coalminer Roadman Warwickshire
Mary Mitchell wife M 38 Bilston
Marian Mitchell daur 12 Cannock
Mary E Mitchell daur 10 Cannock
Robert Hy Mitchell son 2 Cheslyn Hay
F23.P37 High Street
Albert Gossage H M 39 Colly Blacksmith B’ham Warws
Susan Gossage wife M 35 Bridgtown
Albert Gossage son 10 Wedges Mills
Jane Gossage daur 8 Wedges Mills
Ellen Gossage daur 7 Shareshill
John Gossage son 5 Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Gossage daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
F23.P37 High Street
Frank Roberts H M 24 Coalminer Roadman Wales
Mary A Roberts wife M 20 Bloxwich
Ellen Grace Roberts daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
F23.P37 High Street
George Biddle H M 36 Coalminer Hewer Norton Canes
Selina Biddle wife M 28 Hednesford
Olive Biddle daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
F23.P37 High Street
Samuel Marshall H M 35 Coalminer Great Wyrley
Rose Marshall wife M 30 Cheslyn Hay
Edward Marshall son 10 Cheslyn Hay
Florrie Marshall daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
F23.P38 High Street.
Hy Parbrook H M 36 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Maria Parbrook wife M 42 Bilston
Elsie Parbrook daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
Gertrude Parbrook daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
F23.P38 High Street
Alfred Smith H M 41 Coalminer Hewer Wolverhampton
Emily Smith wife M 31 Landywood
Alfred J Smith son 9 Landywood
Howard Smith son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Clifford Smith son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Smith daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Smith son 3 mns Cheslyn Hay
F23.P38 High Street
William Jones H M 31 Coalminer blow Forman Cheslyn Hay
Lucy Jones wife M 25 Bloxwich
F23.P38 High Street
William Parbrook H Wid 47 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Louisa Jones serv Wid 48 Servant Cheslyn Hay
George Parbrook son S 18 Coalminer horse driver Cheslyn Hay
Jos Parbrook son 10 Cheslyn Hay
F23.P38 High Street
William Jones H M 24 Coalminer horse driver Cheslyn Hay
Rosanna Jones wife M 28 Cheslyn Hay
Ada Jones daur 5 mns Cheslyn Hay
Isaiah Jones boarS 18 Coalminer horse driver Cheslyn Hay
F23.P38 High Street
William Shorter H M 23 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Mary A Shorter wife M 23 Blakenhall
Harry Redfer Shorter son 10 mns Cheslyn Hay
May Boddis vis 10 Blakenhall
F23.P38 High Street
Percival Carpenter H M 30 Licenced Victualler own ale Cannock
Betsy Carpenter wife M 30 Bloxwich
Percival Carpenter son 3 Cannock
F24.P39 High Street.
William Biddle H M 62 Engine Driver Dudley Port Worcs
Emma Biddle wife M 62 Great Wyrley
Elizabeth A Biddle daur S 28 Dress Maker at home Pelsall
Joseph Biddle son S 25 Horse Driver in Coal minePelsall
Emma Biddle daur 16 Great Wyrley
Wm Hy Hon boar S 20 Running on at Colliery below Pattingham
F24.P39 High Street
George Hy Pee H Wid 59 Coalminer Foreman Dudley Worcs
Alber Pee son S 23 Coalminer Roadman Cheslyn Hay
Florrie Pee daur S 20 Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Cross vis M 55 Wolverhampton
F24.P39 High Street
Joseph Holmes H M 56 Shop Keeper & Haulier Swinton Lancs
Ann Holmes wife M 57 Shop Cheslyn Hay
John Holmes son S 25 Coalminer below loader Cheslyn Hay
Albert Holmes son S 22 Railway Porter Cheslyn Hay
Ernest Holmes son S 18 Carter Cheslyn Hay
F24.P39 Mount Pleasant
Jane Gripton H Wid 65 Employer (at home) Old Follow Rd Can
Lucy Gripton daur S 40 Cheslyn Hay
Fred Wm Gripton son S 33 Wheelwright (at home) Cheslyn Hay
Bradney J Gripton son S 29 Wheelwright (at home) Cheslyn Hay
Camilla M Gripton daur S 21 Dressmaker (at home) Cheslyn Hay
F24.P39 Mount Pleasant
George Davenport H M 59 Blacksmith Kidderminster Worcs
Margaret Davenport wife M 46 Bilston
George A Davenport son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice Davenport daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
F24.P39 Mount Pleasant
David Davis H M 28 Coalminer Roadman Alfields
Sarah Davis wife M 25 Bridgtown
F24.P39 Mount Pleasant
Handel Weetman H M 30 Groceries Worker Great Wyrley
Emma Jane Weetman wife M 36 Bridgtown
F24.P40 High Street
Jesse Crutchley H M 51 Plumber & Decorator Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Crutchley wife M 33 Great Wyrley
Thomas Crutchley son S 21 Paint Sign Writer (at home) Cheslyn Hay
Emma Benton serv S 20 Servant Domestic Essington
F24.P40 High Street
Jerimiah Smith H M 27 Coalminer Hewer Great Wyrley
Jane Smith wife M 25 Bloxwich
Dan Smith son 3 Great Wyrley
Jos Hy Smith son 10 mns Cheslyn Hay
F24.P40 High Street
John Hy Carpenter H M 33 Lab pit Coalminer England
Annie Carpenter wife M 29 England
Martha L Carpenter daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph A? L Carpenter son 4 Cheslyn Hay
George E V Carpenter son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice M Carpenter daur 7 mns Cheslyn Hay
Thomas C Carpenter boar S 29 Coalminer England
Esau H Carpenter boar S 29 Coalminer England
F24.P40 High Street
William Jones H M 45 Coalminer Fireman Cheslyn Hay
Harriet Jones wife M 44 Church Eaton
Andrew F Jones son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Norman C Jones son 3 Cheslyn Hay
Hugo W Jones son 1 Cheslyn Hay
F24.P40 High Street
Oliver Jones H S 45 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Alfred Jones bro S 41 Coalminer banksman Cheslyn Hay
Betsy Jones sis S 37 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas H Jones bro S 35 Coalminer loco driver Cheslyn Hay
Lucy Jones sis S 30 Cheslyn Hay
F24.P40 High Street
William Sutherton H M 39 Coalminer Loader Bilston
Hannah Sutherton wife M 32 Cheslyn Hay
George W Sutherton son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Evelyn G Sutherton daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
Samson Parbrook boar 28 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
F25.P41 High Street
Wm Chas Smith H M 29 Coalminer Loader Longnor
Sarah Jane Smith wife M 22 Wolverhampton
Lillian Smith daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
Clifford Chas Smith son 5 mns Cheslyn Hay
F25.P41 High Street
John Barber H Wid 38 General Labourer Walsall
Jas Barber son 6 Walsall
Dora Barber daur 12 Walsall
F25.P41 High Street
William Lawson H M 31 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Edith L Lawson wife M 28 Jackfield Salop
Evelyn M Lawson daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
William Cyril Lawson son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Eliza J Lawson daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Jos Lawson son 3 Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Batty sis-in-law Wid 48 Charwoman Broseley Salop
Edith Batty niece S 19 Feebleminded from childhood Alsoft Yorks
George Batty neph 14 Edge Tool Works Striker Alsoft Yorks
F25.P41 High Street
John Ellis H Wid 59 Agricultural Labourer Salop
Albert Clewley s-in-law M 27 Puddler at Iron Works Bridgtown
Mary Clewley daur M 31 Salop
Evelyn Clewley G-daur 9 mns Cheslyn Hay
Ellen Clewley vis 15 Bridgtown
F25.P41 High Street
Thomas Williams H M 30 Fitter & Turner Dudley Worcs
Rose Williams wife M 27 Cheslyn Hay
John Williams son 5 Cheslyn Hay
F25.P41 Glenthorne
Thomas A Hawkins H M 46 Colliery Proprieter employer Cheslyn Hay
Althea Hawkins wife M 46 Cheslyn Hay
Althea Mary Hawkins daur 14 Cheslyn Hay
Osmond C Hawkins son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Clarence Hawkins son 9 Cheslyn Hay
Edith E Cope serv 18 Geberal Servant Cheslyn Hay
Bertha Beech serv 18 General Servant Norton
F25.P42 High Street.
Richard Benton H Wid 53 Baker & Grocer Great Wyrley
Minnie J Benton daur S 24 Great Wyrley
Henrietta Benton daur S 21 Great Wyrley
Elsie Benton daur S 18 Cheslyn Hay
F25.P42 Station Street
David Price H M 50 Coalminer Roadman Sedgley
Eliza Price wife M 51 Great Wyrley
Benjamin Price son S 22 Coalminer loader Cheslyn Hay
William Price son 16 Lab in Coal pit Great Wyrley
Ann Marlow serv Wid 57 Domestic Servant Walsall
F25.P42 Station Street
Jeffrey C Browell H M 26 Butcher Swadlincote Derby
Jesse Browell wife M 20 Gt Wyrley
Chas Hy C Browell son 8 mns Gt Wyrley
Walter G Bill As S 29 Butcher Wedges Mills
F25.P42 Station Street
Benjamin Williams H M 63 Commisioner Agent West Bromwich
Mary A Williams wife M 57 West Bromwich
Beatrice Williams daur S 23 Cheslyn Hay
Lily J Williams daur S 20 Dudley Worcs
F25.P42 Station Street
Samuel Parbrook H M 31 Hauling Engine Driver Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Parbrook wife M 28 Hednesford
Elizabeth M Parbrook daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
Arnold Parbrook son 3 Cheslyn Hay
Jessie M Parbrook daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
F25.P42 Reg No 346 Canal Boat
Frank Evans H S 20 Boatman Barge Gloucester
Bert Evans bro 13 Stearer Gloucester
F25.P42 Reg No 141 Canal Boat
John Woolley H M 48 Boatman Shropshire
Elizabeth Woolley wife M 47 Shropshire
F25.P42 Reg No 96 Canal Boat
Joseph Bott H M 70 Boatman Stroud Glou
George Cook serv S 45 Boatman Gloucester
F25.P42 Reg No 17 Canal Boat
Moses Evans H M 46 Boatman Bilston
John Evans neph S 15 Boatman Birmingham Warws
All that part of the Township of Cheslyn Hay, which lies on the South West side of Cross Street comprising
the houses on South West side of Cross Street, part of Low Street from, but excluding the house of Mr.F.W
Hawkins, High Street from but, excluding the Red Lion Inn, the whole of Hatherton Street and Hill Street,
Black Lees Lane or Brickiln Lane to Boundary of Parish including Old Brickyard, Saredon Road to
extremity of Parish including Cheslyn Hay Brickyard all houses at Wedges Mills which are situate in the
Parish of Cheslyn Hay including Leather Mill and Middle Hill Farm continuing along Wolverhampton
Road, Wheatsheaf Inn and 2 cottages …? Include Old Falls Farm off Low Street
Witnessmy hand this Eighth day of April 1901
Thomas Hawkins: Enumerator
Ada E Gripton: Registrar
F29.P1 Brickiln Lane.
William G Ponder H M 47 Coalminer Loader Stafford
Mary Ponder wife M 32 Darlaston
William Ponder son S 15 Tile Worker Cannock
George Ponder son 9 Cannock
Thomas Ponder son 7 Cannock
Maria Ponder daur 4 Cannock
Beatrice Ponder daur 2 Cannock
Clara Ponder daur 5 mns Cheslyn Hay
F29.P1 Brickiln Lane Wrekin View
John Marsh H M 26 Coalminer Hednesford
Ada Marsh wife M 26 Hednesford
Eli Marsh son 4 Hednesford
Harry Marsh son 2 Hednesford
F29.P1 Brickiln Lane Wrekin View
John Brown H M 45 Coalminer Stallman Wednesbury
Alice Brown wife M 41 Perry Barr
Albert Brown son S 15 Colliery Lab below Perry Barr
Charlotte Brown daur S 14 Perry Barr
John Brown son 7 Perry Barr
Alfred Brown son 4 Perry Barr
F29.P1 Brickiln Lane Ivy House
Lucy Clewley H Wid 57 Farmer employer Cheslyn Hay
Harmer Clewley son S 34 Farmers son Cheslyn Hay
Ada Clewley daur S 30 Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice Clewley daur S 26 Cheslyn Hay
Arthur Clewley son S 24 Cowman Cattle Cheslyn Hay
Annie Clewley daur S 23 Cheslyn Hay
F29.P1 Brickiln Lane
David Jackson H Wid 72 Edge Tool Maker retired Saredon
F29.P1 Brickiln Lane
George Lunt H M 30 Labourer at Brick works Great Wyrley
Florence Lunt wife M 25 WoodhousesWitmore
Emma Lunt daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
Baden Lunt son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Susannah Lunt daur 2 mns Cheslyn Hay
Note: George Lunt married Florence Collier in 1893
daughter of George & Elizabeth Collier, nee Webb
F29.P2 Laney Green.
Joseph Davis H M 70 Ag Labourer Hopesay Salop
Eleanor Davis wife M 61 Shifnal Salop
F29.P2 Laney Green
William Addison H M 37 Farm Worker Otherton
Sarah Ann Addison wife M 35 B’ham Warws
Thomas Kingston boar S 26 Colliery Labourer Cheslyn Hay
F29.P2 Wheatsheaf Laney Green
John Broadhurst H M 57 Farmer employer Mill Green
Mary A Broadhurst wife M 47 Walsall
Ernest J Broadhurst son S 25 Farmers son Brownhills
Lily Broadhurst daur S 17 Domestic Servat Brownhills
Annie Starkey s-daur S 16 Domestic Servant Willenhall
Frederick Starkey s-son S 13 Willenhall
Clara Cross vis S 16 Walsall
F29.P2 Middle Hill Farm
William H Eccleston H M 37 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
Lizzie J Eccleston wife M 30 Great Wyrley
George W Eccleston son 9 Cheslyn Hay
John T Eccleston son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Albert Eccleston son 5 Cheslyn Hay
Eliza G Eccleston daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Paul A Eccleston son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Shadrack Eccleston son 5 mns Cheslyn Hay
F29.P2 Middle Hill
James E Reaney H M 24 Coalminer Hewer Great Wyrley
Alice Reaney wife M 21 Stretton
F29.P2 Wedges Mills
John Dowed H M 24 Coalminer Loader Newport Salop
Mary Dowed wife M 23 Hednesford
John Dowed son 3 Cannock
George Dowed son 2 Cannock
Annie Dowed daur 4 mns Cannock
F30.P3 Wedges Mills
William Harrison H M 30 Farm Shepherd Stone
Mary A Harrison wife M 29 Warrington
Arthur Harrison son 6 Market Drayton Salop
Annie Harrison daur 4 Market Drayton Salop
Elsie Harrison daur 3 Market Drayton Salop
Ada Harrison daur 1 Wolverhampton
F30.P3 Wedges Mills
William Walker H M 52 Farm Shepherd Shareshill
Annie Walker wife M 53 Middleton Warws
Caroline C Walker daur S 24 Shareshill
Edith M P Walker G-daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
F30.P3 Wedges Mills Star & Garter
William Smith H M 37 Publican Cheslyn Hay
Julia Smith wife M 38 Brownhills
William G Smith son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Jack Smith son 3 mns Cheslyn Hay
Albert W Pearson adop 6 Cheslyn Hay
Luce? Jones serv 20 Dom Bridgtown
F30.P3 Wedges Mills
Israel Bill H M 70 Retired Edge Tool Maker Cannock
Fanny Bill wife M 58 Cannock
Fanny Bill daur S 17 Drapers Apprentice Cannock
Cecil Bill son S 14 Cannock
Daisy Bill daur S 14 Cannock
Violet Bill daur S 13 Cannock
F30.P3 Wedges Mills
William J Haycock H M 64 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Celia Haycock wife M 64 Cannock
Sylvia Medlicott daur M 26 Cheslyn Hay
Celia A Medlicott G-daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Alice Bill sis S 48 Cook Housekeeper Dom Cannock
F30.P4 Wedges Mills
John Gent H M 47 Colliery Carpenter Shenstone Staffs
Sarah Gent wife M 46 Ogley Hay
John T Gent son S 19 Colliery Horse Driver below Chase Terrace
William A Gent son S 18 Colliery Horse Driver below Chase Terrace
Sarah J Gent daur S 13 Chasetown
Matilda Gent daur 10 Cannock
Alfred Gent son 8 Cannock
Harriet Gent daur 6 Cannock
Agnes Gent daur S 25 Servant Domestic Chasetown
F30.P4 Wedges Mills
Archibald Haycock H M 39 Miner Coal Hewer Cannock
Pamela Haycock wife M 39 Cheslyn Hay
Andrew Haycock son S 19 Platelayer Cheslyn Hay
William Haycock son S 18 Blacksmiths Striker Cannock
Jessie Haycock daur 13 Cannock
Albert Haycock son 11 Cannock
F30.P4 Wedges Mills
Thomas Ward H M 51 Miner Coal Loader Cannock
Mary Ward wife M 50 Cheslyn Hay
George Ward son S 19 Miner Coal Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Joe Ward son S 16 Miner Horse Driver Tettenhall Wood
William Ward son 11 Wilts
Harry Ward son 7 Cheslyn Hay
F30.P4 Wedges Mills Leather Mill
William Hodgkins H M 29 Waggoner on Farm Haughton
Alice Hodgkins wife M 23 Saredon
Frank Hodgkins son 1 Cheslyn Hay
F30.P4 Wedges Mills Leather Mill
John Allman H M 39 Waggoner on Farm Blymhill
Mary Allman wife M 35 Haughton
Lily Allman daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Edward Hill boar S 26 Waggoner on Farm Church Eaton
F30.P4 Old Falls Farm
John H Stokes H M 40 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Susan Stokes wife M 40 Cannock
John H Stokes son S 15 Tile Presser Cheslyn Hay
F31.P5 Old Falls Farm
Anne Perks H Wid 77 Oaken
Edwin Perks G-son S 21 Tile Presser Cheslyn Hay
Alfred Perks G-son S 18 Coalminer Horse Driver Cheslyn Hay
Alma Dace serv S 15 Housemaid Domestic Cheslyn Hay
Hannah Perks d-in-law Wid 29 Cook Domestic Cheslyn Hay
F31.P5 Cross Street
John E Hart H M 29 Butcher Betton Cottage
Julia Hart wife M 25 Great Wyrley
Ada Mears niece S 15 Great Wyrley
F31.P5 Cross Street
James Hood H M 39 Edge Tool Maker Wyrley
Ann M Hood wife M 39 Worcester
May E Hood daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
James L Hood son 9 Cheslyn Hay
F31.P5 Cross Street
Enoch Baker H M 47 Coalminer Stallman Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Baker wife M 45 Cheslyn Hay
Harriet A Williams daur M 24 Milliner Cheslyn Hay
Clara Baker daur S 16 Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Baker daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph H Baker son 10 Cheslyn Hay
James A Baker son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Ernest C Williams G-son 1 Cheslyn Hay
F31.P5 Cross Street
Thomas Weetman H M 35 Grocer & Draper employer Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Weetman wife M 29 Cheslyn Hay
Lilian M Weetman daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Barbara Usher serv S 21 Gen servant Domestic Gateshead Durham
F31.P5 Cross Street
Sarah J Pheasant H Wid 28 Cheslyn Hay
Minnie Pheasant daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Elsie Pheasant daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
James Pheasant boar Wid 65 Colliery horse keeper Sutton Colfield Warws
Note: Sarah Jane’s husband, Charles Pheasant died in 1899, aged 35
th June 1920 St. Mark’s Church Great Wyrley
William Fellows 34 Widower Miner 46 High Street, Cheslyn Hay William Fellows Miner
Minnie Pheasant 24 Spinster 27 High Street, Cheslyn Hay Charles Pheasant Miner
In the presence of Alfred Franks & Beatrice Pheasant
F31.P6 Cross Street
Frederick Hawkins H M 49 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Mary Hawkins wife M 50 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Hawkins son S 24 Tile work Cheslyn Hay
Arthur F Hawkins son S 22 Colliery Labourer Cheslyn Hay
Albert C Hawkins son S 19 Auger work Cheslyn Hay
F31.P6 Cross Street
Josiah Whitehouse H M 52 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Whitehouse wife M 53 Stoke Prior Warws
Stephen G Whitehouse son S 23 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Albert S Whitehouse son S 21 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
William E Whitehouse son S 18 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
John O Whitehouse son S 15 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
F31.P6 Cross Street
Frederick Poole H M 38 Brick? Labourer Lapley
Sarah E Poole wife M 34 Church Eaton Staffs
Frederick Poole son 9 Chapel in le Frith Derby
Ellen Poole daur 7 Chapel in le Frith Derby
Lilian Poole daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Charles Poole son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Poole Fa Wid 81 Retired Lapley
F31.P6 Chapel
F31.P6 Cross Street
Charles Perks H M 41 Coalminer Hewer Shareshil
Selina Perks wife M 43 Cheslyn Hay
Agnes Perks daur S 18 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Perks son S 14 Colliery Worker Door opener Cheslyn Hay
Ellen Perks daur S 11 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Perks son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Susan Perks daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
F32.P7 Cross Street
Frederick Alltree H M 41 Iron Puddler Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Alltree wife M 39 Cheslyn Hay
Frederick J Alltree son S 19 Edge Tool Maker Cheslyn Hay
Florence Alltree daur S 16 Cheslyn Hay
Albert Alltree son S 14 Tile Maker Cheslyn Hay
William Alltree son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice Alltree daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Alltree daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Elsie M Alltree daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Ernest Alltree son 1 Cheslyn Hay
F32.P7 Cross Street
William Pearson H M 39 Miner Coal (hewer) Cheslyn Hay
Mary L Pearson wife M 35 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Pearson son S 17 Tile Maker Cheslyn Hay
James A Pearson son S 14 Miner Horse Driver Cheslyn Hay
Mary L Pearson daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
Sarahann Pearson daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice Pearson daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Pearson daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
Evelyn Pearson daur 6 mns Cheslyn Hay
F32.P7 Low Street
Thomas Gaskin H M 31 Coalminer (hewer) Essington
Hannah Gaskin wife M 28 Landywood
William T Gaskins son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Infant Gaskin daur 2 wks Cheslyn Hay
F32.P7 Low Street
William Yates H M 57 Coalminer (hewer) Great Haywood
Eliza Yates wife M 53 Bradley
Nellie L Millwood adop S 16 Cannock
F32.P7 Low Street
Henry Westwood H M 35 Coalminer Dayteler Cheslyn Hay
Emily Westwood wife M 35 Cheslyn Hay
Lilian Westwood daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
William A Westwood son 8 Cheslyn Hay
Ethel Westwood daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
F32.P8 Low Street
Lloyd Roberts H M 51 Coalminer Llangollen Denbiegh
Catherine Roberts wife M 51 Llangollen Denbiegh
Dinah Roberts daur S 20 Coedfoeth Denbiegh
William Roberts son S 18 Coedfoeth Denbiegh
Edith Roberts daur S 16 Coedfoeth Denbiegh
Annie Roberts daur S 15 Coedfoeth Denbiegh
Lloyd Roberts son 12 Coedfoeth Denbiegh
M E Roberts daur 9 Cannock
F32.P8 Low Street
Daniel Parkes H M 39 Coalminer Loader Great Bridge
Mary A Parkes wife M 35 Sheffield Yorks
Isaac Parkes son 14 Coalminer below Day teller Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice Parkes daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
Edith A Parkes daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
Hannah E Parkes daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
Florence M Parkes daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
Alice Parkes daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
Violet Parkes daur 10 mns Cheslyn Hay
F32.P8 Low Street
John Whitehouse H M 55 Coalminer Retired Cheslyn Hay
Harriet Whitehouse wife M 53 Kidderminster Worcs
Eliza Whitehouse daur S 21 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Whitehouse son S 16 Labourer Brick yard Cheslyn Hay
Ada Whitehouse daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Downton lodg S 44 Coalliery Labourer N.K.
F32.P8 Low Street
John Farnell H M 55 Coalminer Hewer N.K Staffs
Ellen Farnell wife M 50 N.K Staffs
Harriet Farnell daur S 27 Cheslyn Hay
Elijah Farnell son S 25 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
John Farnell son S 23 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
William Farnell son S 17 Brickyard Labourer Cheslyn Hay
Samson Farnell son 12 Cheslyn Hay
Richard Farnell son 9 Cheslyn Hay
F33. P9.Edwin Farnell son 7 Cheslyn Hay
George Farnell son 5 Cheslyn Hay
Note: 25th December 1785 St. Mark’s Church, Great Wyrley
John Farnell 31 Widower Cheslyn Hay Henry Farnell Labourer
Ellen Poultney 21 Spinster Cheslyn Hay Joseph Poultney
In the presence of Thomas Farnell & Jane Farnell
F33.P9 Low Street
Joseph Plant H M 30 Coalminer Loader Cannock
Nellie Plant wife M 26 Cannock
Albert Plant son 5 Cannock
Wilfred Plant son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Martin boar S 19 Tile Maker Cheslyn Hay
F33.P9 Low Street
Henry Chaloner H Wid 55 Coalminer Hewer Pleck Walsall
Elizabeth Thomas Wid 56 House Keeper Domestic Cheslyn Hay
William Thomas boar S 25 Coalminer Pony Driver Cheslyn Hay
John James Thomas boar 8 (name John has line through) Cheslyn Hay
F33.P9 Low Street
George Russell H M 52 Coalminer below Dayteler Cheslyn Hay
Amelia Russell wife M 47 Wedges Mills
Isaiah Bowen boar S 45 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
F33.P9 Low Street
George Morgan H M 38 Coalminer (hewer) Cheslyn Hay
Ada Morgan wife M 36 Bentley
Arthur Morgan son S 14 Brickyard Labourer Sidaway
John Morgan son S 13 Brickyard Labourer Sidaway
Ethel Morgan daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
Clarence Morgan son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Gladys Morgan daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Hilda Morgan daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Raymond Morgan son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Doris Morgan daur 5 mns Cheslyn Hay
F33.P9 Low Street
Thomas Boon H M 26 CoalminerLoader (hewer) Darlaston
Hannah Boon wife M 23 Cheslyn Hay
Emma Boon daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Boon daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
F33.P9 Low Street
Charles Wheatley H M 30 Coalminer West Bromwich
Mary Wheatley wife M 34 Cheslyn Hay
Alice Wheatley daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
F33. P10. Stella Wheatley daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
William Wheatley son 3 Cheslyn Hay
Albert H Hanagan boar S 24 Coalminer Walsall
F33.P10 Low Street
Frank Bowen H M 50 Blacksmith Cheslyn Hay
Isabella Bowen wife M 51 Cheslyn Hay
Ernest Lockley s-son 8 Bridgtown
Isabella Lockley G-daur 5 Bridgtown
F33.P10 Low Street
Jacob Russell H M 62 Living on own means Cheslyn Hay
Rose Russell wife M 52 Essington
F33.P10 Low Street
William H Mason H M 29 Coalminer (hewer) Cheslyn Haay
Laura Mason wife M 21 Cannock
William H Mason son 1 Cheslyn Hay
F33.P10 Low Street
William Goodman H M 27 Colliery Examiner Cannock
Florence Goodman wife M 24 Walsall Wood
Edith D Goodman daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
F33.P10 Low Street
Charles A Perks H M 27 Coalminer Loader (hewer) Cannock
Miriam Perks wife M 24 Cannock
Joseph E Perks son 3 Cheslyn Hay
Elsie Perks daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
F33.P10 Low Street
John Price H M 48 Labourer at Colliery Wednesfield
Ellen Price wife M 42 West Bromwich
George Price son S 21 Labourer at Coliery Cheslyn Hay
Jane Price daur S 19 Cheslyn Hay
John Price son S 17 Labourer at Colliery Cheslyn Hay
James Price son S 15 Labourer at Colliery Cheslyn Hay
William Price son 12 Cheslyn Hay
Ellen Price daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
Elsie Price daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Isaac Hickin lodg S 22 Coalminer below drive Great Wyrley
F33.P10 Low Street
Eliza Mason H Wid 65 Cheslyn Hay
F34.P11 Low Street
William Boulton H M 25 Coalminer loader Pelsall
Beatrice Boulton wife M 20 Cheslyn Hay
John Boulton son 10 mns Cheslyn Hay
F34.P11 Low Street
Edward Hawkins H M 35 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Ann Hawkins wife M 33 Churchbridge
Gertrude Hawkins daur S 14 Cheslyn Hay
Handel Hawkins son 10 Cheslyn Hay
Jabez Hawkins son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Edward Hawkins son 3 Cheslyn Hay
Alice Hawkins daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
F34.P11 Low Street
Stephen Bailey H M 58 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Hannah Bailey wife M 57 Shareshill
Charles Bailey son S 23 General Farm Labourer Cheslyn Hay
Annie Bailey daur S 20 General servant Domestic Shareshill
William Bailey son S 18 Tillery Man Shareshill
Mary Bailey daur S 16 General Servant Domestic Cheslyn Hay
Walter Bailey son S 14 Tillery Man Cheslyn Hay
George Bailey son 10 Cheslyn Hay
Note: Stephen was the son of Joseph and Mary Bailey, nee Merricks. He died in 1921, aged 79
F34.P11 Low Street
George Roobottom H M 45 Grocer Geberal Dealer Bloxwich
Hannah Roobottom wife M 34 Grocers Assistant Blakenhall
Lucy Jones daur S 19 Grocers Gen Assistant Blakenhall
F34.P11 Low Street
James Smith H M 27 Coalminer Hooker on Bloxwich
Emily Smith wife M 26 Cheslyn Hay
Harold Smith son 5 Great Wyrley
James Smith son 3 Cheslyn Hay
Emma Hawkins Mo-in-Law Wid 64 Nottinghamshire
William Hawkins boar S 15 Coalminer Nipper Cheslyn Hay
F34.P11 Low Street
Arthur Hitchens H M 44 Engineer at Iron Works Bilston
Emma Hitchens wife M 40 Bilston
Clara Hitchens daur S 18 Mothers Help Bilston
Arthur Hitchens son S 15 Office Boy (Lame from Stroke) Bilston
F34. P12 Ira D Hitchens daur 10 Bilston
Mary Hitchens daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
F34.P12 Low Street
Edward Goodman H M 54 Colliery Engine Winder Cannock
Agnes Goodman wife M 53 Cheslyn Hay
Edward Goosman son S 22 Stationary Engine Stoker Cheslyn Hay
Lizzie Goodman daur S 21 Cheslyn Hay
Alfred Goodman son S 18 Colliery Banksman Cheslyn Hay
Florence Goodman daur S 14 Cheslyn Hay
Emily Motterain adop 10 Cannock
F34.P12 Low Street
John Taylor H M 51 Clay Quarry Maker Cheslyn Hay
Emma Taylor wife M 50 Cheslyn Hay
Andrew Whitehouse neph 14 General Labourer Cheslyn Hay
Maud Taylor neice 9 Cheslyn Hay
F34.P12 Low Street
Samuel Steadman H M 29 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Harriet Steadman wife M 27 Cheslyn Hay
Samuel C Steadman son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Violet Steadman daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
F34.P12 Low Street
Charles Gilbert H M 34 CoalPit Bank Lab Barton
Henrietta Gilbert wife M 28 Wolverhampton
Norman Gilbert son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice Gilbert daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Gilbert bro S 28 Coalminer Horse Driver Barton
F34.P12 Low Street
Alfred Wilcox H M 36 Coalminer Darlaston
Emma Wilcox wife M 34 Wombourn
Mary E Wilcox daur 9 Wolverhampton
Alfred W Wilcox son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Alice A Wilcox daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Amy B Wilcox daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Charles M Wilcox son 1 Cheslyn Hay
William Clifft boar Wid 74 Gardener Domestic Codsall
Note: 25th December 1890 St. Mark’s Church Great Wyrley
Alfred Wilcox 26 Widower Blast Furnace Keeper Coseley James Wilcox Clerk
Emma Clifft 24 Spinster Cheslyn Hay William Clifft Farm Lab
In the presence of W Wilcox & Ann Gough
F35.P13 Low Street.
George Allsopp H M 38 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
Mary A Allsopp wife M 51 Ironbridge Salop
F35.P13 Low Street
Thomas Ridgway H M 26 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Betsy Ridgway wife M 25 Birmingham Warws
Albert Ridgway son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Gladys Ridgway daur 9 mns Cheslyn Hay
F35.P13 Low Street
John Corns H M 30 Railway Shunter (Points) South Africa (British Subject)
Emma Corns wife M 20 Cheslyn Hay
Harold W Corns son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Pheobe Rainbird Aunt Wid 72 West Bromwich
F35.P13 Low Street
John Wood H M 72 Retired Grocer Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Wood wife M 75 Cheslyn Hay
Frederick W Wood son S 31 Grocer Shopkeeper Cheslyn Hay
F35.P13 Low Street
Henry Ridgway H Wid 45 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Wilfred Ridgway son S 19 General Labourer Tilleries Cheslyn Hay
Harry W Ridgway son 10 Cheslyn Hay
Hannah Perks sis Wid 29 Cheslyn Hay
F35.P13 Low Street
Thomas Tew H M 37 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Sarah J Tew wife M 32 Bloxwich
Thomas G Tew son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice Tew daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Tew son 8 Cheslyn Hay
Jessie Tew daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
William Tew son 2 Cheslyn Hay
F35.P13 Low Street
Sarah Tew H Wid 72 Codsall
William Tew son Wid 42 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Tew son S 33 Caolminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
Edward Tew son S 29 Invalid from Child Cheslyn Hay
F35.P13 Low Street
Joseph Hemingsley H M 61 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Ellen Hemingsley wife M 57 Cheslyn Hay
William H Hemingsley son M 27 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
F35. P14. Hannah Hemingsley daur-in-law M 26 Chasetown
Christine N Heminglsey G-daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
F35.P14 Low Street
Benjamin Morgan H M 59 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
Julia Morgan wife M 54 Great Wyrley
John Pinson lodg Wid 50 Labourer General Bloxwich
Violet Bullivant niece 5 Bloxwich
F35.P14 Low Street
Richard Plant H M 28 Coalminer Hewer Coseley
Mary E Plant wife M 28 Cannock
Elsie Plant daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
Richard Plant son 3 Cheslyn Hay
John Plant son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Mary E Plant daur 1 mn Cheslyn Hay
John Lawson F-in-law Wid 61 Edge Toolmaker Great Wyrley
Beatrice Lawson Sis-in-law S 15 Cheslyn Hay
F35.P14 Low Street
Eliza Brough H Wid 73 Salt Heath ( Calf Heath?)
David Brough son S 47 Labourer in Brickyard Cannock
Samuel Brough G-son S 26 Labourer in Brickyard Cheslyn Hay
F35.P14 Low Street
Elizabeth Jones H Wid 60 Broseley Salop
Elizabeth Jones daur S 26 Broseley Salop
F35.P14 Low Street
John Hawkins H M 33 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Priscilla Hawkins wife M 30 Cheslyn Hay
Albert Hawkins son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Percy Hawkins son 8 Cheslyn Hay
John Hawkins son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Eva Hawkins daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
F35.P14 Low Street
John Walker H M 26 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
Annie Walker wife M 22 Cheslyn Hay
Kathleen M Walker daur 1 mn Cheslyn Hay
F36.P15 Low Street Hawthorn Cottage
John Hawkins H M 53 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Emma Hawkins wife M 52 Cheslyn Hay
Lily Hawkins daur S 22 Cheslyn Hay
Edith M Hawkins daur S 20 Cheslyn Hay
Wilfred Hawkins son S 18 Axle Trade Cheslyn Hay
Alice Hawkins daur S 16 Cheslyn Hay
F36.P15 Low Street
Joseph Kendall H M 62 Retired Coalminer Bloxwich
Jane Kendall wife M 62 Cheslyn Hay
Lousia Kendall daur S 20 Cheslyn Hay
F36.P15 Low Street
James Wolloxall H M 40 Coalminer Hewer Dudley Worcs
Mary J Wolloxall wife M 40 Tividale
Joseph Wolloxall son 13 General Labourer Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Wolloxall daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
Ann M Wolloxall daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
Emma Wolloxall daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
James Wolloxall son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Sarah J Wolloxall daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
F36.P15 Low Street
John Bird H M 31 Coalminer Loader Wednesfield
Amy Bird wife M 40 Kingsworth Hereford
Edward Simons S-son S 18 Tile Presser Heath Hayes
Thomas W Limer s-son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Frederick G Limer s-son 10 Cheslyn Hay
Sidney E Taylor s-son 4 Cheslyn Hay
John Bird son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Samson Limer boar S 45 General Labourer Dunston Heath
F36.P15 Low Street
Godfrey Hawkins H M 32 General Laboure Cheslyn Hay
Matilda Hawkins wife M 38 Cheslyn Hay
Alice A Hawkins daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Hawkins daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice Hawkins daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
Henrietta Hawkins daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
F36. P16 James Lawson boar S 36 Striker in Forge Bridgtown
John Lawson boar S 31 Striker in Forge Bridgtown
F36.P16 Low Street
Richard Moore H S 61 Coalminer Hewer Oldbury Worcs
Mary Evans serv S 58 Housekeeper Domestic Bilston
Richard Evans son 15 General Labourer Cheslyn Hay
William Taylor adop 8 Cheslyn Hay
F36.P16 Low Street
Joseph Lunt H M 38 Coalminer Stallman Yarnfield
Sarah A Lunt wife M 41 Tipton
Edward H Rushton son S 13 Farm Labourer Hednesford
Elsie M Lunt daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Lucy Lunt daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
James Turner boar S 31 Coalminer Loader Darlaston
F36.P16 Low Street
Harry Willis H M 40 Coalminer Loader N.K. Oxfordshire
Martha M A Willis wife M 38 West Bromwich
William H Willis son S 18 Coalminer below Horse driver Cheslyn Hay
Martha A Willis daur S 16 Chesyn Hay
Thomas Willis son S 15 Coalminer below Nipper Cheslyn Hay
Edward Willis son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Kate E Willis daur 8 West Bromwich
Albert E Willis son 6 New Invention
Minnie Willia daur 5 New Invention
George Willis son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Alice Willis daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
A Courtney vis M 32 Coalminer Cannock Chase
E Courtney vis S 30 Labourer Cannock Chase
F36.P16 Saredon Road
William Somerton H M 28 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Somerton wife M 27 Essington
George T Somerton son 3 Cheslyn Hay
William Somerton son 1 Cheslyn Hay
F37.P17 Saredon Road
George Mason H M 33 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Jane E Mason wife M 29 Cheslyn Hay
Jesse Mason daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
George Mason son 5 Cheslyn Hay
Laura Mason daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Hall vis Wid 40 Coalminer (hewer) Loader Saredon
F37.P17 Saredon Road
John Hall H M 34 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
Susannah Hall wife M 29 Oldbury Worcs
Elizabeth Moore daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
John Hall son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Richard Hall son 3 Cheslyn Hay
Charles W Hall son 1 Cheslyn Hay
F37.P17 Saredon Road
Alfred Lloyd H M 55 Brick Burner N.K. Salop
Rebecca Lloyd wife M 50 N.K. Salop
Levi Lloyd son S 30 Coalminer Dayteler N.K. Salop
F37.P17 Saredon Road
Joseph Heminsley H Wid 49 Farmer employer Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Heminsley son S 22 Grocer Cheslyn Hay
Richard Heminsley Fa Wid 89 Living on own means Willenhall
Mary Heminsley serv S 24 Geberal Servant Dom Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Brown lodg S 50 Farm Labourer N.K.
F37.P17 Saredon Road Company Buildings
Henry Barratt H M 66 General Colliery Labourer Dunston
Caroline Barratt wife M 68 Ratty?
F37.P17 Saredon Road 2 Company Buildings
William H Whitehouse H M 33 Coalminer Stallman Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Whitehouse wife M 30 Walsall
Harry Whitehouse son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Florence Whitehouse daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
George Whitehouse son 3 Cheslyn Hay
Doris Whitehouse daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
F37.P17 Saredon Road Company Buildings
James Whitehouse H M 30 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Whitehouse wife M 27 Oldbury Worcs
F37.P18 Saredon Road Company Buildings
Josiah Kendall H M 37 Coalminer Stallman Cheslyn Hay
Harriet Kendall wife M 25 Broseley Salop
Alice A Kendall daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Harold Kendall son 5 Cheslyn Hay
Harry Kendall son 3 Cheslyn Hay
Nelly Kendall daur 10 mns Cheslyn Hay
F37.P18 Saredon Road 4 Company Buildings
George Ridgway H M 37 Coalminer (hewer) Cheslyn Hay
Ellen Ridgway wife M 37 B’ham Warws
Wilfid Ridgway son 10 Hednesford
Henry Ridgway son 7 Hednesford
Laura Ridgway daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Fanny Ridgway daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
Alice Ridgway daur 2 mns Cheslyn Hay
George Ridgway boar Wid 72 Boiler Cleaner at Colliery Warwickshire
F37.P18 Saredon Road 5 Company Buildings
Frederick Downton H M 38 Labourer at Colliery Halvelry Salop
Martha M Downton wife M 36 Cardiff Glamorgan
Frederick J Downton son 13 Tile yard Machinist Cardiff Glamorgan
Gertrude L Downton daur 12 Cardiff Glamorgan
Thomas J Downton son 7 Cannock
Sarah A Downton daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
William Downton son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Ernest R Downton son 8 mns Cheslyn Hay
F37.P18 Saredon Road 6 Company Buildings
William E Elwell H M 37 Coalminer Hewer Wolverhampton
Hannah Elwell wife M 35 Uttoxeter
William B Elwell son 13 Brickyard Labourer Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Elwell daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
Fred Elwell son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Elsie Elwell daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
F37.P19 Saredon Road 7 Company Buildings
William H Lunt H M 29 Coalminer Hewer Great Wyrley
Emma Lunt wife M 27 Bilston
Edith J Lunt daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
Isabella daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
Samuel Elwell boar S 40 Coalminer Hewer Sedgley
F37.P19 Saredon Road 8 Company Buildings
Samuel Mellor H M 30 Coalminer Loader Strainshall?
Mary J Mellor wife M 31 Cannock
Mary Mellor Mo Wid 66 Stainshall
F37.P19 Saredon Road 9 Company Buildings
Thomas H Westwood H M 33 Coalminer (Hewer) Pelsall
Mary A Westwood wife M 32 Cheslyn Hay
John Whitehouse boar Wid 62 Living on own means Cheslyn Hay
Hayden Whitehouse boar S 21 Railway Navvy Cheslyn Hay
Job Whitehouse boar S 16 Coalminer Nipper Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Clewley boar S 22 Coalminer Horse Driver Landywood
Florence Taylor niece S 12 Cheslyn Hay
F37.P19 Saredon Road 10 Company Buildings
Edwin James H M 75 Bishops Wood
Margaret James wife M 62 Llaumumwig N Wales
F37.19 Saredon Road Company Bulidings
Charles Hook H M 24 Waterman Gloucester
Caroline Hook wife M 24 Gloucester
May M E Hook daur 4 mns Cheslyn Hay
F37.19 Saredon Road 11 Company Buildings
John Holt H M 39 Coalminer Hewer Walsall
Rose Holt wife M 34 Shareshill
William Smith son S 18 Coalminer Brewood
Dorothy Holt daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
Mary A Holt Mo Wid 70 Cheslyn Hay
F37.P19 Saredon Road 12 Company Buildings
Thomas Morris H M 49 Coalminer Hewer Wenlock Salop
Eliza Morris wife M 36 Broseley
Henry Morris son S 22 Coalminer Loader Broseley
Sarahann Morris daur S 13 Cheslyn Hay
John Morris son 11 Cheslyn Hay
F38. P20 Edwin Morris son 11 Cheslyn Hay
William Morris son 9 Cheslyn Hay
F38.P20 Saredon Road Company Buildings
Francis Morris H M 26 Coalminer Hewer Broseley Salop
Ellen Morris wife M 27 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Morris son 2 Cheslyn Hay
F38.P20 Saredon Road 13 Company Buildings
Thomas Beardsmore H M 32 Railway Navvy Colton Rugeley
Harriett Beardsmore wife M 30 Routon Nr Stafford
Harriet Beardsmore daur 8 Hill Ridware
Mary Beardsmore daur 7 Hill Ridware
Charlotte Beardsmore daur 5 Hill Ridware
Sarah Beardsmore daur 3 Norton Bridge
Lucy Beardsmore daur 1 Great Haywood
F38.P20 Saredon Road 14 Company Buildings
Charles Allen H M 41 Coalminer Hewer Stallman Cannock
Ellen Allen wife M 43 Cannock
Sarah A Allen daur S 21 Domestic Servant Wyrley
Charles Allen son S 18 Tile Worker Brickyard Cheslyn Hay
George Allen son 14 Tile Worker Brickyard Cheslyn Hay
Samuel Allen son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Gertrude Allen daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
Ada Allen daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Allen daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
Ellen Allen daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
Andrew Allen son 1 Cheslyn Hay
F38.P20 Saredon Road 15 Company Buildings
James Pearson H S 27 Coalminer below Driver Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Duncombe Mo Wid 65 Cheslyn Hay
John Pearson bro S 38 Coalminer below Fireman Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Britain vis S 25 Tailoress Walsall
F38.P20 Saredon Road 16 Company Buildings
Elijah Dace H M 53 Coalminer Dayteller Cheslyn Hay
Mary A Dace wife M 51 Dressmaker Saredon
Walter H Dace son S 21 Coalminer below Driver Cheslyn Hay
F39. P21 Laura E Dace daur S 18 Cheslyn Hay
Daisy Dace neice 8 Cheslyn Hay
Irene L Dace daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
F39.P21. 18 Company Buildings
John Pearson H M 70 Roadman below Cheslyn Hay
Mary M Pearson wife M 64 Cheslyn Hay
Josiah Pearson son S 34 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Thomas H Pearson son S 24 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
Handel Pearson son S 22 Coalminer below Cheslyn Hay
Enoch Pearson son S 18 Tile Maker Brick Cheslyn Hay
Emerald Pearson G-daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
F39.P21. 18 Company Buildings
Job Lockett H M 37 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Lydia Lockett wife M 32 Bilston
Ernest W Lockett son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas A Lockett son 8 Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice Lockett daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
Dorothy J Lockett daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Lockett daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
F39.P21. 19 Company Buildings
Mrs Mears H Wid 64 Sweet Shop Wolverhampton
Robert Stanton boar M 24 Plate Layer Stafford
F39.P21. 20 Company Buildings
Edward Pearson H M 67 Coalminer below Daytiler Heathtown
Mary Pearson wife M 62 N.K. Salop
E John Pearson son S 30 General Dealer Cheslyn Hay
Thomas J Pearson son S 23 Coalminer Dayteler Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice Pearson G-daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
F39.P21. 21 Company Buildings
George Fletcher H M 37 Coalminer Stallman Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Fletcher wife M 32 Cheslyn Hay
George Fletcher son S 17 Labourer in Brickyard Cheslyn Hay
Leonard Fletcher son S 15 Labourer in Brickyard Cheslyn Hay
Ernest Fletcher son 12 Cheslyn Hay
Annie Fletcher daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
William Fletcher son 4 mns Cheslyn Hay
F39.P22 Pinfold Lane
John Glover H M 51 Labourer Coalminer Bloxwich
Caroline Glover wife M 68 Saredon
John Kent boar S 19 Labourer Coalminer Cannock
F39.P22 Pinfold Lane
Henry Potts H M 37 Collier Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Agnes E Potts wife M 33 Cheslyn Hay
Albert E Potts son S 16 Collier Worker below Cheslyn Hay
Sydney Potts son S 14 Collier Worker below Cheslyn Hay
Elsie Potts daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Fred Potts son 1 Cheslyn Hay
William Potts nephS 19 Collier Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Arthur Potts neph 12 Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Upton serv 13 Nurse Domestic Hill Top
F39.P22 Pinfold Lane
Thomas Hawkins H M 30 Coalminer (hewer) Loader Cheslyn Hay
Mary A Hawkins wife M 27 Row Lane Salop
F39.P22 Pinfold Lane
Elizabeth Bickley H Wid 48 Great Wyrley
William Turner boarS 20 Stamper Improver Iron Cheslyn Hay
Henry Willis boar Wid 71 Miner Lab below Oxford
John Maloney boar S 28 Miner Loader Ireland
F39.P22 Pinfold Lane
Jerimiah Whitehouse H M 65 On own means Cheslyn Hay
Tamar Whitehouse wife M 60 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Whitehouse son S 28 Coalminer loader Cheslyn Hay
F39.P22 Pinfold Lane
Mark Wilcox H M 34 Coalminer loader Darlaston
Henrietta Wilcox wife M 34 Bilston
Albert Wilcox son 7 Moxley
Elsie Wilcox daur 2 Wolverhampton
F39.P22 Hill Street
William Allen H Wid 62 Living on own means Dudley Worcs
Ada Brown daur M 21 Cannock
William Brown S-in-law 23 Coalminer (hewer) Great Wyrley
F39.P22 Hill Street
Joesph Allen H M 32 Coalminer Fireman Cheslyn Hay
Hilena Allen wife M 32 Burton on Trent
F40.P23 Hill Street
Joseph Hitchens H M 36 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Mary A Hitchens wife M 36 Cheslyn Hay
Nellie Hitchens daur 4 mns Cheslyn Hay
F40.P23 Hill Street
John Felton H M 39 Coalminer Stallman Tong Salop
Annie Felton wife M 27 Cheslyn Hay
Albert Felton son 12 Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice Felron daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Sam Felton son 1 Cheslyn Hay
F40.P23 Hill Street
Thomas Wood H M 54 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Sarah A Wood wife M 52 Cheslyn Hay
Charles F Wood son 18 Coalminer Horse Driver Cheslyn Hay
Clara Wood daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Wood son 10 Cheslyn Hay
F40.P23 Hill Street
Moses Stokes H M 65 Coalminer Stallman (hewer) Cheslyn Hay
Priscila Stokes wife 84 Wolverhampton
Edward Stokes son S 41 (Cripple) Cheslyn Hay
F40.P23 Hill Street
George Perks H M 45 Coalminer below Fireman Bushbury
Harriet Perks wife M 45 Cheslyn Hay
George H Perks son S 21 Coalminer (hewer) Cheslyn Hay
Lewis Perks son S 19 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Herbert Perks son S 14 Cheslyn Hay
Alfred Perks son 10 Cheslyn Hay
Bertram Perks son 6 Cheslyn Hay
F40.P23 Hill Street
Joseph Hall H M 44 Coalminer (hewer) Saredon
Sarah Hall wife M 43 Cheslyn Hay
William T Eccleston son S 23 Coalminer (hewer) Cheslyn Hay
Mary A Hall daur S 19 Cheslyn Hay
Samuel Hall son S 17 Coalminer Driver Cheslyn Hay
Gertrude M Hall daur 13 Cheslyn Hay
Agnes M Hall daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
F40. P24 Fanny E Hall daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Edith Hall daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
Alfred A Hall son 3 mns Cheslyn Hay
F40.P24 Hill Street
William Read H M 39 Coalminer Hewer Stallman Walsall
Emma Read wife M 39 Housewife Stafford
Theophilus Read son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Annie Read daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Gladys Read daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
Alice Read daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
John Smith lodg S 33 Coalminer below Stallman Cheslyn Hay
John Adams lodg S 42 Coalminer below loader Shareshill
F40.P24 Hill Street
Thomas Perks H M 48 Baker Bushbury
Elizabeth Perks wife M 44 Cheslyn Hay
Emma P Perks daur S 20 Cheslyn Hay
F40.P24 Hill Street
John Steadman H M 43 Coalminer (hewer) Cheslyn Hay
Jane Steadman wife M 40 Dressmaker Pillaton
Emma Steadman daur S 16 Cheslyn Hay
Florence Steadman daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
Edith M Steadman daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
Hannah Lunt Mo-in-law Wid 68 Shirt Maker Coppenhall
Note: 31st December 1905 St. Mark’s Church, Great Wyrley
Charles Hy Dace 25 Bachelor Miner Cheslyn Hay John Dace Miner
Emma Steadman 20 Spinster Cheslyn Hay John Steadman Miner
In the presence of Wiliam Askey & Eliza Jane Dace
F40.P24 Hill Street
James Pearson H M 29 Coalminer (hewer) Cheslyn Hay
Sarah A Pearson wife M 25 Cheslyn Hay
James Pearson Fa Wid 61 Coalminer (hewer) Cheslyn Hay
Ethel Pearson sis S 17 Cheslyn Hay
F40.P23 Hill Street
George Allen H M 40 Coalminer (hewer) Cheslyn Hay
Ann Allen wife M 35 Holbeck Leeds Yorks
F40.P23 Hill Street
Josiah Whitehouse H M 27 Coalminer (hewer) Cheslyn Hay
Alice M Whitehouse wife M 21 Cheslyn Hay
Erbert Whitehouse son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Hilda Whitehouse daur 2 mns Cheslyn Hay
F41.P25 Hill Street
John Bull H M 62 Miner Coal Dudley Worcs
Mary Bull wife M 63 Dudley Worcs
Sarah J Bull daur S 26 Dressmaker Cheslyn Hay
F41.P25 Hill Street
William E Steadman H M 35 Coalminer (hewer ) Cheslyn Hay
Mary M Steadman wife M 33 Cheslyn Hay
John W Steadman son 3 Cheslyn Hay
George A Steadman son 11 mns Cheslyn Hay
F41.P25 Hill Street
Eliza McCulloch H M 31 Cheslyn Hay
Harry McCulloch son 2 Cheslyn Hay
John McCuloch son 11 mns Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Perks visS 24 Cheslyn Hay
Note: Christened at St Mark’s Church, Great Wyrley
Harry born 11th May 1898. Chr 29th May 1898
John born 13th April 1900. Chr 22nd May 1900
Eliza McCulloch aged 71,of 34 hill Street, buried 27th October 1940 (19D)
John McCulloch aged 82, of 34 Hill Street, buried 25th February 1952 (D39)
F41.P25 Hill Street
William Craddock H M 28 Coalminer Hewer Cannock
Rose Craddock wife M 27 Hednesford
Ada M Craddock daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
William S Craddock son 9 mns Cheslyn Hay
F41.P25 Hill Street
William Whitehouse H M 45 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Mary Whitehouse wife M 45 Cheslyn Hay
Alfred Whitehouse son S 20 Coalminer below Driver Cheslyn Hay
Ada Whitehouse daur S 16 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Whitehouse son 12 Cheslyn Hay
Edwin Whitehouse son 9 Cheslyn Hay
William Whitehouse son 8 Cheslyn Hay
Jessie M Whitehouse daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
F41.P25 Hill Street
Edward Smith H M 28 Coalminer Loader Leicestershire
Mary A Smith wife M 26 Cheslyn Hay
Albert E Smith son 3 mns Cheslyn Hay
Horace P Smith son 4 Great Wyrley
F41.P25 Hill Street
Charles Lockett H M 41 Coalminer Stallman Cheslyn Hay
Mary A Lockett wife M 39 Chasetown
Ellen Lockett daur S 20 Cheslyn Hay
Charles Lockett son S 17 Pit Bank Miner above Cheslyn Hay
F41. P26 Albert Lockett son S 14 Cheslyn Hay
Jesse Lockett son 12 Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Lockett daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
Gladys Lockett daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
F41.P26 Hill Street
Thomas Morgan H M 41 Miner Coal below Stallman Saredon
Harriet Morgan wife M 41 Great Wyrley
William T Morgan son S 20 Brickyard Labourer Bridgtown
Abel J Morgan son S 18 Miner Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Mildred Morgan daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
Ambrose Morgan son 8 Cheslyn Hay
Leah A Morgan daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Laurel G Morgan daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Walker Mo-in-law Wid 80 Saredon
F41.P26 Hill Street
Charles R Walton H M 39 Head School Master Wigmore Hereford
Ellen Walton wife M 43 Assistant School Teacher Edge Hill Liverpool
Donald L P Walton son 12 Cheslyn Hay
Annie Graham vis Wid 40 House Matron in Institute Edge Hill Liverpool
Elizabeth Perks serv S 15 General Servant Dom Cheslyn Hay
F41.P26 Hill Street
George Barnett H M 33 Coalminer below Stallman Worcester
Maria Barnett wife M 30 Cheslyn Hay
George Barnett son 6 Cheslyn Hay
William Barnett son 11 mns Cheslyn Hay
Note: 13th May 1894 St. Mark’s Church, Great Wyrley (Page 213.No.426)
George Barnett 26 Bachelor Miner Cannock George Barnett deceased
Maria Hawkins 23 Spinster Cheslyn Hay Jabez Hawkins deceased
In the presence of Henry Turner* & Alice Turner*
F41.P26 Hill Street
Henry Turner H M 35 Coalminer below Stallman Darlaston
Alice Turner wife M 33 Cheslyn Hay
Violet Turner daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Turner son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Katheline Turner daur 3 mns Cheslyn Hay
F42.P27 Hill Street
Samuel Marshall H M 29 Brick & Tile Works Manager Hednesford
Lydia Marshall wife M 26 Kingswinford
Norman Marshall son 5 mns Bridgtown
Louisa Chater serv S 15 General servant Domestic West Bromwich
F42.P27 Hill Street
Mary A Lawson H Wid 26 Cheslyn Hay
Frederick W Lawson son 5 Cheslyn Hay
Handel Altree boarS 20 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
Mary A Perks vis S 18 Cheslyn Hay
F42.P27 Hill Street
Samuel J Lawson H M 26 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Bertha F Lawson wife M 27 Cannock
George Hodgkins b-in-law 34 Colliery Labourer Bogmoor
Louisa Hodgkins sis 35 Cheslyn Hay
Mildred A Hodgkins niece 10 Cheslyn Hay
Florence E Hodgkins niece 4 Cheslyn Hay
F42,P27 Hill Street
James Hitchens H M 29 Coalminer below Stallman Cheslyn Hay
Lydia Hitchens wife M 28 Great Wyrley
Charles Hitchens son 2 Shareshill
George Whitehouse lodg M 23 Coalminer below Loader Cheslyn Hay
Alice Whitehouse lodg M 20 Essington
Albert Whitehouse neph 2 mns Cheslyn Hay
Lizzie Whitehouse vis 12 Cheslyn Hay
F42.P27 Hill Street
Jabez Shorter H M 43 Blacksmith Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Shorter wife M 42 Dressmaker Cheslyn Hay
William J Shorter son S 21 Die Fitter at Factory Cheslyn Hay
Sarah A Shorter daur S 19 Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice E Shorter daur S 16 Cheslyn Hay
Harold Shorter son S 15 Finial? Dresser at Tile Factory Cheslyn Hay
Mildred Shorter daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
Elsie Shorter daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
Note: William born 9th December 1879 christened 20th January 1800
Sarah Ann born 15th October 1881 christened 5th November 1881
Beatrice Emma born 22nd May 1884 christened 22nd June 1884
Harold born 26th November 1885 christened 27th November 1885
Mildred born 26th April 1889 christened 21st May 1889
Albert born 22nd April 1891 christened 17th April 1891
Laurence &
Harry (Twins) born 18th September 1893 christened 15th October 1893
Horace born 9th June 1895 christened 7th July 1895
F42.P28 Hill Street
Joseph Stokes H M 38 Coalminer (hewer) Cheslyn Hay
Laura Stokes wife M 37 Brewood
Doris Stokes daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Mary Stokes daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Stokes son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Beard boar S 28 General Labourer Headless Cross Redditch Worcs
F42.P28 Hill Street
James Morgan H M 55 Coalminer (hewer ) Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Morgan wife M 50 Cannock
Jessie Thomas lodg S 28 Assistant board school teacher South Australia
Elizabeth Thomas lodg S 27 Assistant Board School Teacher South Ausralia
F42.P28 Hill Street
William Stokes H M 35 Coalminer below Rope Minder Cheslyn Haay
Mary A Stokes wife M 34 Cheslyn Hay
William Hitchens son S 14 Coalminer below Nipper Cheslyn Hay
Violet Stokes daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
F42.P28 Hill Street
Frederick Green H M 30 Carpenter Oldbury Worcs
Pheobe Green wife M 29 Oldbury Worcs
Frederick W Green son 7 Oldbury Worcs
Samuel J Green son 6 Oldbury Worcs
John Green son 2 Oldbury Worcs
F42.P28 Hill Street
Cornelius Pearson H M 29 Coalminer below Loader Cheslyn Hay
Edith Pearson wife M 24 Hednesford
Bertram Pearson son 2 Cheslyn Hay
F42.P28 Hill Street
Charles Steadman H M 40 Coalminer Hewer Stallman Cheslyn Hay
Marinda Steadman wife M 38 Cheslyn Hay
Mary J Steadman daur S 16 Cheslyn Hay
Charles Steadman son S 14 Lockerer in Mine below Cheslyn Hay
Marinda Steadman daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
William H Steadman son 10 Cheslyn Hay
Bertha Steadman daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
John E Steadman son 5 Cheslyn Hay
Caroline Steadman daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
F43. P29 Gladys M Steadman daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Turner boar M 23 Coal Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Rose A Turner boar M 18 Cheslyn Hay
F43.P29 Hill Street
Stephen Whitehouse H M 33 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
Mary Whitehouse wife M 29 Cheslyn Hay
Ethel M Whitehouse daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
William S Whitehouse son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Osmond J Whitehouse son 3 Cheslyn Hay
Fanny Whitehouse daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
Note: 17th October 1892 St. Mark’s Church, Great Wyrley
Stephen Whitehouse 25 Bachelor Miner Great Wyrley John Whitehouse Miner
Mary Dutton 21 Spinster Great Wyrley William Dutton Miner
In the presence of Thomas Whitehouse & Florence Dutton
F43.P28 Hill Street
Pheobe Bladon H M 62 Cheslyn Hay
William Hitchens son S 25 Coalminer below Loader Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Bladon son S 23 Land Labourer Cheslyn Hay
George Bladon son S 21 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
F43.P28 Hill Street
William Morgan H M 53 Coalminer Stallman Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Morgan wife M 40 Cheslyn Hay
Alfred Morgan son S 19 Journeyman Baker Cheslyn Hay
Ethel M Morgan daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
F43.P28 Old School House
Daniel Bryan H M 36 Coalminer Great Wyrley
Harriet H Bryan wife M 28 Great Wyrley
Francess A Bryan daur 6 Great Wyrley
Gladys A Bryan daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
F43.P28 Hill Street
Mark E Colley H M 22 Colliery Banksman Cannock
Fanny Colley wife M 26 Great Wyrley
Ronald A B Colley son 3 mns Cheslyn Hay
F43.P28 High Street
William Holt H M 31 Coalminer (hewer) Stallman Walsall
Margaeret Holt wife M 29 Bushbury
May Holt daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Annie Holt daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
William Holt son 11 mns Cheslyn Hay
F43.P30 High Street
John Parsons H M 36 Coalminer (hewer) Loader Godston Surrey
Annie Parsons wife M 29 Cheslyn Hay
Herbert S Parsons son 1 Cheslyn Hay
F43.P30 High Street
Sarah A Cope H Wid 46 Cheslyn Hay
George Cope son S 21 Coalminer above Truck Loader Cheslyn Hay
Albert Cope son S 16 Coalminer Truck Loader Cheslyn Hay
Rose Cope daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
Isaac Clewley boar S 25 Coalminer (hewer) Essington
F43.P30 High Street
Elizabeth Bullivant H Wid 61 Living on own means Cheslyn Hay
F43.P30 High Street
George Steadman H S 40 Fruitier & Haulier Cheslyn Hay
Charles Steadman bro S 38 Miner Truck Loader Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Steadman sis S 34 Housekeeper Dom Cheslyn Hay
Note: 1st December 1901 St. Mark’s Church, Great Wyrley
Charles Steadman 37 Bachelor Miner Cheslyn Hay Charles Steadman deceased
Florence Whitehouse 21 Spinster Cheslyn Hay Samuel Whitehouse Miner
In the presence of William Handel Whitehouse & Edith Emma Cope
F43.P30 High Street
Annie Parker H S 21 Plain Sewing shirt Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice Parker sis S 13 Domestic Servant Cheslyn Hay
Ernest J Parker bro 11 Cheslyn Hay
Elsie M Parker sis 6 Cheslyn Hay
F43.P30 High Street
Elijah Kendall H M 37 Coalminer (hewer) Cheslyn Hay
Mary A Kendall wife M 29 Cheslyn Hay
Florence Kendall daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
William Kendall son 5 Cheslyn Hay
Albert Kendall son 3 Cheslyn Hay
Lucy A Kendal daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
F43.P30 High Street
Pheobe Lunt H Wid 62 Cheslyn Hay
F43.P30 High Street
John James H M 31 Coalminer (hewer) Loader Cheslyn Hay
Eliza James wife M 26 Cheslyn Hay
David J James son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Percy James son 5 mns Cheslyn Hay
F43.P30 High Street
Haratio Hampton H M 41 Grocer Draper Beerseller Walsall
Jessie Hampton wife M 39 Scotland
Annie N Hampton daur S 14 Cheslyn Hay
Mathew Hampton son 13 Cheslyn Hay
F44. P31 Agnes Hampton daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
John Hampton son 8 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Hampton son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Nellie Hampton daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
F44.P31 High Street
Charles Whitehouse H M 27 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Lizzie Whitehouse wife M 24 Cheslyn Hay
Handel Whitehouse son 5 Cheslyn Hay
Charles Whitehouse son 3 Cheslyn Hay
Christopher Whitehouse son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Mary Taylor adopted 10 Cheslyn Hay
F44.P31 High Street
Arthur Preece H M 33 Coalminer (hewer) Loader Hereford
Sarah A Preece wife M 30 Cannock
Elizabeth Preece daur 10 Cannock
Arthur Preece son 8 Cannock
Edith E Preece daur 6 Cannock
Sarah Preece daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Bertha Preece daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
Alfred Preece son 7 mns Cheslyn Hay
F44.P31 High Street
Benjamin Dutton H M 37 Contractor Pit Top Coal Great Wyrley
Sarah A Dutton wife M 32 Cheslyn Hay
Alfred T Dutton son 9 Cheslyn Hay
Josiah Dutton son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Violet S Dutton daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
Charles Topliss boar S 21 Railway Platelayer Rugeley
F44.P31 High Street
Joseph Smith H M 31 Colliery Platelayer Ellenhall
Ann E Smith wife M 29 Croxton
Miriam Smith daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
Jessie Smith daur 3 mns Cheslyn Hay
George Sollom boar S 19 Railway Platelayer Walton Berswick
F44.P32 High Street
Thomas Roberts H M 29 Coalminer Hewer Stallman Wrexham N Wales
Mary A Roberts wife M 30 Lancashire
Alice Roberts daur 9 Chadsmore
Noah Betton b-in-law S 21 Working in Brickyard Chadsmore
John Betton b-in-law S 16 Working in Brickyard Chadsmore
F44.P32 High Street
Albert H Thomas H M 31 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
Ada Thomas wife M 24 Liverpool
Lily M Thomas daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Sarah A Thomas daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Mary Hawkins Aunt Wid 72 Domestic Servant Landywood
F44.P32 High Street
Thomas Jukes H M 69 Wharfman Coal mine Cannock
Hannah Jukes wife M 74 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Jukes G-son S 27 Coalminer Loader Cheslyn Hay
Daisy Withur G-daur 11 Aston B’Ham Warws
F44.P32 High Street
William Hill H M 24 Statoinary Engine Man Hednesford
Sarah Hill wife M 24 Cheslyn Hay
Ethel Hill daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Lillian Lockett Sis-in-law S 13 Cheslyn Hay
F44.P32 High Street
William Lockett H M 53 Bricklayer Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Lockett wife M 52 Cheslyn Hay
William H Lockett son S 31 Brickyard Labourer Cheslyn Hay
Thomas E Lockett son S 25 Bricklayer Cheslyn Hay
John Lockett son S 19 Brickyard Labourer Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Lockett son S 14 Bricklayers Servant Cheslyn Hay
Lydia Lockett daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
F44.P32 High Street
William Hassall H M 31 Coal Cleaner above ground Shareshill
Rachel Hassall wife M 25 Aeresnook?
F44.P32 High Street
Isaac E Morgan H M 32 Coalminer Hewer Dawley Salop
Annie Morgan wife M 25 Dawley Salop
Edith A Morgan daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Jones vis S 17 General Servant Domestic Cheslyn Hay
F45. P33 Irene K Morgan daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
William Pearson lodg M 27 Coalminer Cannock
Ellen Pearson lodg M 24 Broseley Salop
Horace A Pearson lodg 1 Cheslyn Hay
Arthur Pearson lodg 9 mns Cheslyn Hay
F45.P33 High Street
William Bate H M 55 Coalminer Heath Town
Emma Bate wife M 49 Walsall
Arthur Bate son S 21 Coalminer Bloxwich
James Bate son S 20 Coalminer Bloxwich
Ernest Bate son S 19 Coalminer Bloxwich
William Bate son S 15 Coalminer Bloxwich
Sarah Bate daur 13 Bloxwich
Charles Bate son 12 Bloxwixh
Martha Bate daur 8 Bridgtown
F45.P33 High Street
Harriet A Morgan H Wid 29 Grocer Shop Keeper Cheslyn Hay
Elsie Morgan daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Florence Lockett serv S 19 Cook Domestic Cheslyn Hay
F45.P33 High Street
William Glover H S 33 Grocer Bloxwich
Caroline Glover Mo Wid 71 Housekeeper Dom Bloxwich
F45.P33 High Street
Charles Preece H M 56 Coalminer Much Wenlock Salop
Mary Preece wife M 52 Broseley
Fred Preece son S 21 Brickyard Labourer Broseley
Albert Preece son S 15 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Preece son 13 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Edward Preece son 10 Newsagent Cheslyn Hay
Jane Oakley G-daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
F45.P33 High Street
George Pearson H M 52 Colliery Fireman below Short Heath
Eliza Pearson wife M 49 Draper Willenahll
Bertha Whitehouse niece S 15 Assistant Cheslyn Hay
F45.P34 High Street
William Jones H M 48 Coal Hewer Bridgnorth Salop
Sarah J Jones wife M 46 Dawley Salop
Edward Jones son S 23 Brickyard Labourer Dawley Salop
John Jones son S 21 Canal Boat Loader Coal Dawley Salop
William Jones son S 15 Canal Boat Cleaner Cheslyn Hay
Richard H Jones son 10 Cheslyn Hay
Alfred Jones son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Raymond Jones son 5 Cheslyn Hay
F45.P34 High Street
William Jellyman H M 29 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Julia E Jellyman wife M 25 Cheslyn Hay
Martha E Jellyman daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
William E Jellyman son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Francis H Jellyman son 4 mns Cheslyn Hay
Alfred T Davies b-in-law S 17 Tile Works Labourer Cheslyn Hay
Rose Davies s-in-law 11 Cheslyn Hay
Elijah Stokes lodg S 58 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
F45.P34 High Street
George Wootton H M 45 Grocer employer Shareshill
Kate Wootton wife M 47 Wolverhampton
Edith A Wootton daur S 19 Cheslyn Hay
Winifred K Wootton daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Louisa Stanton serv S 14 General Servant Domestic Landywood
F45.P34 High Street
Richard Plant H M 65 Colliery Boat Loader Bilston
Sarah Plant wife M 67 B’ham Warws
Ernest Vincent boar S 25 Coalminer Hewer West Bromwich
F46.P35 High Street
Albert E Goodman H M 29 Colliery Truck Loader Hewer Bridgtown
Mary A Goodman wife M 26 Heath Town
Thomas L Goodman son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Albert Goodman son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Edward Goodman son 6 mns Cheslyn Hay
F46.P35 High Street Colliers Arms
William Tomkinson H M 36 Devonshire
Ellen Tomkinson wife M 36 Norfolk
Mary E Tomkinson daur 11 London
Louisa Tonkinson daur 6 Staffordshire
F46.P35 High Street
Henry Stokes H M 46 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Hannah Stokes wife M 47 Cheslyn Hay
Harry Stokes son 18 Engine Driver Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Stokes daur S 16 Cheslyn Hay
Fred Stokes son S 14 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Hannah Stokes daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
Isaac Stokes son 9 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Stokes son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Catherine Stokes daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Annie Stokes daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
F46.P35 High Street
James Hitchens H M 65 Coalminer Loasder Hewer Hednesford
Ann M Hitchens wife M 65 Cheslyn Hay
F46.P35 High Street
Thomas Bowen H M 30 Butcher Wednesfield
Sarah Elizabeth Bowen wife M 28 Gt Wyrley
Catherine Bowen daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
William Bowen son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Bowen son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Gertrude Bowen daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
Lizzie Bowen daur 9 mns Cheslyn Hay
Emma J Allen serv S 16 Housemaid Domestic Cheslyn Hay
Note: Thomas, son of William Bowen, (Licensed Victualler, married Sarah Elizabeth Buckley, daughter
of Jonathan Buckley (Miner) 3rd April 1892 at St. Mark’s Church, Great Wyrley.
F46.P36 High Street
Eliza Baker H M 50 Cannock
Jerimiah Whitehouse boar S 33 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Benjamin Dutton boar S 18 Brickyard Labourer Gt Wyrley
Beatrice Dutton boar S 16 General serv Domestic Gt Wyrley
F46.P36 High Street
Isaac Elwell H M 35 Coalminer Bilston
Mary A Elwell wife M 30 Daisy Bank Staffs
Sarah Elwell daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Elwell son 5 Cheslyn Hay
Isaac Elwell son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Lydia Elwell daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
Albert Plant b-in-law S 24 Truck Loader Hewer West Bromwich
F46.P36 High Street
George Gill H M 31 Coalminer Gt Wyrley
Mary A Gill wife M 40 Board School Cleaner Alldridge
F46.P36 High Street Lord Nelson
Benjamin Colley H M 45 Licensed Victualler Dawley Green Salop
Mary Colley wife M 38 Cheslyn Hay
Annie Colley daur S 16 Cannock
Benjamin Colley son S 15 Cannock
F46.P36 High Street
John Heminsley H M 35 General Hauler Cheslyn Hay
Mary Heminsley wife M 33 Essington
Lucy Heminsley daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
John Heminsley son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Edith Heminsley daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
Mary Heminsley daur 7 mns Cheslyn Hay
William J Leake boar S 30 General Labourer Lilleshall Salop
Note, John was the son of William & Caroline Heminsley, nee Pursehouse. Born 5th February 1866
He married Mary Benton 5th December 1891
F46.P36 High Street
John Davis H M 34 Coalminer Heath Town
Martha Davis wife M 33 Wood End
John T Davis son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Pheobe Davis daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
William Davis Fa Wid 68 Coalminer Hewer Wednesfield
F47.P37 High Street
Joseph Crutchley H M 35 Coalminer Gt Wyrley
Elizabeth Crutchley wife M 26 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Crutchley son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Albert V Crutchley son 1 mn Cheslyn Hay
Mary J Lockett sis S 35 Cheslyn Hay
William Lockett neph S 20 Colliery ….? Loader Cheslyn Hay
F47.P37 High Street
Joseph T Bates H M 25 Coalminer Loader Burntwood
Mary G Bate wife M 21 Cheslyn Hay
F47.P37 High Street
Edward Ballett H M 28 Coalminer Tipton
Jane A Ballet wife M 25 B’ham Warws
Leah S Ballet daur 5 Rushall
Emily E Ballet daur 4 Walsall
Sarah J Ballet daur 3 Hamsted
Richard E Ballet son 10 mns Cheslyn Hay
Ernest B Williams boar M 26 Miner hewer of Coal Dudley Worcs
F47.P37 High Street
Emma Owen H Wid 61 Lichfield
John Owen son S 26 Collier Coal Hewer Hednesford
Kate Owen daur S 18 Domestic Servant Hednesford
George Turner lodg S 28 Collier Coal Miner Hill Top
James Seybridge lodg S 42 Collier Coalminer Salop
F47.P37 High Street Hatherton Arms
George Wesley H M 37 Publican West Bromwich
Emily Wesley wife M 32 Burntwood
Ruth Wesley daur 13 Burntwood
Olive Westley daur 7 Chasetown
Leslie Wesley daur 6 Chasetown
William Wesley son 5 Burntwood
Bertha Wesley daur 3 Leamington Warws
Lottie Wesley daur 2 Chasetown
Gladys Wesley daur 5 mns Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Reed lodg S 21 Coalminer Hill Top
F47.P38 High Street. F47. P38.
Thomas Hawkins H M 68 Butcher Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Hawkins wife M 59 Gt Wyrley
Henrietta Hawkins daur M 24 Domestic Servant Cheslyn Hay
John H Hawkins son S 19 Coalminer Rope Miner Cheslyn Hay
Benjamin Hawkins son 11 Cheslyn Hay
F47.P38 High Street
Thomas Doughty H M 42 Carpenter Penkridge
Amy Doughty wife M 42 Willenhall
Beatrice M Williams s-daurS 14 Willenhall
Ethel Doughty daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Amy Doughty daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas W Doughty son 3 Cheslyn Hay
Marion Doughty daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
F47.P38 High Street
Robert Cooper H M 71 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Emma Cooper wife M 64 House Duties Cheslyn Hay
George Cooper son S 18 Tillery Labourer Cheslyn Hay
James Garra lodg S 50 Agricultural Labourer Ireland
F47.P38 High Street
Charles Webb H M 26 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Mary A Webb wife M 22 Cheslyn Hay
Jack Webb son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Pearson lodg S 18 General Labourer Cheslyn Hay
Note: 26th March 1899 St. Mark’s Church Great Wyrley (page 16.No.31)
Charles Webb 23 Bachelor Miner Great Wyrley Stephen Webb Miner
Mary Ann Pearson 20 Spinster Great Wyrley George Pearson Miner
In the presence of George Pearson & Eliza Tongue
F47.P38 High Street
William Butler H M 53 Coalminer Hewer Oxford
Ann Butler wife M 50 Chorley
William Butler son S 23 Coalminer Hewer Gailey
Ellen L Butler daur S 18 Gailey
Frances E Butler daur S 16 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph H Butler son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Grace Butler G-daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
William Butler (jnr) married Harriet Johnson
F48.P39 Hatherton Street.Board School
Isaac Stokes H M 73 Retired Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Stokes wife M 71 Cheslyn Hay
Edward Dodd boar S 20 Journeyman Bricklayer Blymhill Lawn
F48.P39 Board School
F48.P39 Hatherton Street
Isaac Stokes H M 36 Coalminer Stallman Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Rose Stokes wife M 25 Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Stokes daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
George Stokes son 1 Cheslyn Hay
F48.P39 Hatherton Street
Joseph Hawkins H M 34 Mining Engineer Cheslyn Hay
Mary W Hawkins wife 37 Bromsgrove
Mary J H Leighton serv S 22 Servant Domestic B’ham Warws
Florence Allen serv S 19 Servant Domestic Bridgtown
Shirley? W Hawkins Son 8 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph D Hawkins Son 5 Cheslyn Hay
F48.P39 Hatherton Road
Thomas Harvey H M 37 Labourer General Staffordshire
Amelia Harvey wife 28 Staffordshire
Ethel Harvey daur 10 Staffordshire
Cyril Harvey son 9 Staffordshire
Alice Harvey daur 3 Staffordshire
Thomas Harvey son 11 mns Staffordshire
John Harvey bro S 39 Labourer General Staffordshire
F48.P39 Hatherton Street
John Whitehouse H M 29 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Harriet Whitehouse wife M 25 Wedges Mills
Gladys Whitehouse daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
F48.P39 Hatherton Street
Joseph Lawson H Wid 52 Coalminer Stoney Stanton Leics
Charles Lawson son S 22 Labourer General Cheslyn Hay
Emma J Lawson daur S 18 Cheslyn Hay
Enoch A Lawson son S 20 Labourer General Cheslyn Hay
Wilfred Lawson son S 17 Edge Tool Maker Cheslyn Hay
F48.P40 Hatherton Street
George H Pee H M 31 Coalminer Longton
Hannah Pee wife M 29 Cheslyn Hay
Eric Pee son 3 Cheslyn Hay
Herbert G Pee son 2 Cheslyn Hay
John Webb boar S 30 Assistant Grocer Studley Warws
F48.P40 Hatherton Street
George Holmes H M 26 Coalminer Hewer Chase Terrace
Lucy Holmes wife M 26 Great Wyrley
Robert Holmes son 5 Great Wyrley
Joe Holmes son 3 Cheslyn Hay
F48.P40 Hatherton Street
Joseph Whitehouse H M 34 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Agnes Whitehouse wife M 32 Cheslyn Hay
Miriam Whitehouse daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
Edith Whitehouse daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Clifford Whitehouse son 5 Cheslyn Hay
F48.P40 Hatherton Street
George Hudson H M 45 Underground Manager Cheslyn Hay
Amelia Hudson wife M 43 Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Huson daur S 20 Dressmaker Cheslyn Hay
Herbert Hudson son S 18 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Frank Hudson son S 17 Clerk C C Cheslyn Hay
Florence M Hudson daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
F48.P40 Hatherton Street
William H Bowen H M 42 Coalminer cager below Oldswinford Worcs
Francis E Bowen wife M 38 Wolverhampton
John H Bowen son 11 Cheslyn Hay
William R Bowen son 7 Cheslyn Hay
George W Bowen son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Note: William Henry Bowen was born 11th August 1858. He married 25th December 1888 at St. Mark’s
Church, Great Wyrley, Frances Ellen Jones (Both died in 1936 & were buried in Grave 51D)
John Henry born 1st January 1890. Mary Ellen christened 6th Jan 1892.
William Robert christened 28th Jan 1894. George Whitfield born 15th August 1899.
Charles Albert born 1st March 1902. Frank born 2nd November 1905 .
Francis Camilla christened 22nd Nov 1896 & James Herbert christened 29th May 1898.
F48.P40 Hatherton Street
Haden Whitehouse H Wid 45 Coalminer Overlooker Cheslyn Hay
Ada Whitehouse daur S 19 Housekeeper Dom Cheslyn Hay
Mildred Whitehouse daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
Fred Whitehouse son 7 Cheslyn Hay
F48.P40 Hatherton Street
John Hassall H M 34 Coalminer Calf Heath
Eliza Hassall wife M 36 Cheslyn Hay
F49. P41 Charles E Hassall son 8 Cheslyn Hay
John Hassall son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Annie Hassall daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
Eli Hassall son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Bernard Hassall son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Infant son 1 wk Cheslyn Hay
F49.P41 Hatherton Street
John Davies H M 46 Coalminer Hewer St Georges Salop
Pheobe Davies wife M 47 Cheslyn Hay
Ernest Davies son S 18 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Emmie Davies daur S 15 Servant Cheslyn Hay
Maude Davies daur S 12 Cheslyn Hay
F49.P41 Hatherton Street
William Kendall H M 30 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Lily Kendall wife M 19 Cheslyn Hay
F49.P41 Hatherton Street
Richard H Lockett H M 25 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Selina Lockett wife M 26 Bridgtown
Nellie Lockett daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Lockett son 5 mns Cheslyn Hay
Handel Thomas boarS 22 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
F49.P41 Hatherton Street
John Thomas H M 48 Coalminer Foreman Cheslyn Hay
Emily Thomas wife M 43 Cheslyn Hay
Alfred Thomas son S 25 Grocers Assistant Cheslyn Hay
John Thomas son S 21 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Enoch Thomas son S 16 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
George Thomas son S 14 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Sidney Thomas son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Wilfred Thomas son 9 Cheslyn Hay
Florence Thomas daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Thomas son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Elsie Thomas daur 9 mns Cheslyn Hay
F49.P42 Hatherton Street
Harry Plant H M 35 Labourer (Colliery) Brewood
Sarahann Plant wife M 35 Dressmaker Wedges Mills
George Waltho son S 14 Drapers Assistant Wedges Mills
Herbert Plant son 8 Wedges Mills
Jack Waltho broS 20 Labourer Wedges Mills
Maud Waltho sis S 17 Milliner Wedges Mills
F49.P42 Hatherton Street
James Lockett H M 39 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Lockett wife M 35 Cheslyn Hay
Mary Lockett daur S 15 Cheslyn Hay
Adelide Lockett daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice Lockett daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
James H Lockett son 5 Cheslyn Hay
Bertram Lockett son 3 Cheslyn Hay
John F Lockett son 6 mns Cheslyn Hay
Jesse Potts F-in-law Wid 76 Broseley Salop
F49.P42 Hatherton Street
William H Biddle H M 29 Coalminer Hewer Pelsall
Fanny Biddle wife M 27 Longton
Doris Biddle daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
F49.P42 Hatherton Street
William Westwood H M 37 Weighing Machine Clerk Cheslyn Hay
Annie Westwood wife M 34 Liverpool
Violet Westwood daur S 13 Cheslyn Hay
Gertrude Westwood daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
Vincent Westwood son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Annie Westwood daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
May Westwood daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
Willaim Westwood son 2 Cheslyn Hay
William Westwood Fa Wid 65 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
F49.P42 Hatherton Street
Job Whitehouse H M 42 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Whitehouse wife M 42 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Whitehouse son S 21 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Ernest Whitehouse son S 19 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
F50. P43 Sydney Whitehouse son S 16 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Luther Whitehouse son 14 Monitor in Board School Cheslyn Hay
Carrie Whitehouse daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Lawrence Whitehouse son 2 Cheslyn Hay
F50.P43 Queen Street
Henry Morris H M 61 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Emma Morris wife M 58 Cheslyn Hay
Annie Jones daur S 19 Cheslyn Hay
F50.P43 Queen Street
Samuel H Birch H M 23 Hip and Valley maker Cheslyn Hay
Charlotte Birch wife M 22 West Bromwich
Samuel E Birch son 5 mns Cheslyn Hay
F50.P43 Queen Street
William Clews H M 26 Coalminer Hewer Yorkshire
Elizabeth Clews wife M 24 Aldridge
Margaret Clews daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
Isabell Clews daur 3 Cheslyn Hay
F50.P43 Queen Street
James Butler H M 31 Coalminer Mintnor? Salop
Rose Butler wife M 29 Worthen Salop
F50.P43 Queen Street
James Tipping H M 39 Coalminer Bloxwich
Emma Tipping wife M 50 Cheslyn Hay
F50.P43 Queen Street
Thomas Whitehouse H Wid 47 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
F50.P43 Queen Street
Harriet Kingston H Wid 45 Cheslyn Hay
William Wilkins boarS 32 Cheslyn Hay
George Kingston son S 17 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Arthur Kingston son 11 Cheslyn Hay
F50.P43 Queen Street
Henry Webb H M 45 Coalminer Ledbury Ledbury Here
Jane Webb wife M 41 Cheslyn Hay
Anne Webb daur S 23 Cheslyn Hay
F50.P43 Queen Street
William Baxter H S 27 Coalminer Landywood
Margaret Baxter Mo Wid 50 Ireland
Arthur A Haydon – – 4 mns Manchester Lancs
F50.P43 Queen Street
Ann Hanley H Wid 69 Wiliscote Warws
F50.P44 Queen Street
Bernard Masefield H M 30 Coalminer below Dayteler Saredon
Matilda Masefield wife M 30 Aldridge
Arthur Masefield son 4 Walsall
Lewis Masefield son 2 Cheslyn Hay
F50.P44 Queen Street
James Whitehouse H M 61 Basket Maker Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Whitehouse wife M 62 Great Bridge
Ruth Whitehouse daur S 19 Cheslyn Hay
F50.P44 Queen Street
John Lockett H Wid 75 Living on own means Cheslyn Hay
Ada Baker G-daur S 19 Cheslyn Hay
F50.P44 Queen Street
Moses Lockett H M 45 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Mary Lockett wife M 44 Cheslyn Hay
John Lockett son S 25 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Lockett son S 19 Labourer Brickyard Cheslyn Hay
Minnie Lockett daur S 16 Cheslyn Hay
Moses Lockett son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Philibert Lockett daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Mary Lockett daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
F50.P44 Queen Street
Job Ridgway H M 33 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Martha Ridgway wife M 32 Salop
Lily Thomas daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
John Ridgway son 5 Bloxwich
Job Ridgway son 4 Bloxwich
George Ridgway son 1 Cheslyn Hay
F50.P44 Queen Street
Frederick S Horton H M 26 Coalminer Hewer Gt Wyrley
Harriet S Horton wife M 21 Brewood
Frank R Horton son 5 mns Cheslyn Hay
F50.P44 Queen Street
Samuel Newell H M 22 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Clara Newell wife M 21 Cheslyn Hay
Samuel Newell son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Badon Newell son 3 mns Cheslyn Hay
F51.P45 Queen Street
Henry Dace H M 39 Engineer from West ? No3? Cheslyn Hay
Mary Dace wife M 37 Cheslyn Hay
John H Dace son 14 Coalminer Stoker Cheslyn Hay
Maude Dace daur 11 Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice E Dace daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Elsie M Dace daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
Leslie Dace son 11 mns Cheslyn Hay
F51.P45 Queen Street
Joseph Perry H Wid 48 Coalminer Hewer Brewood
Emma Perry daur S 17 Cheslyn Hay
George Perry son 14 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Mary J Perry daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
Florence Perry daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
F51.P45 Queen Street
William Lockett H Wid 36 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
William Lockett son S 17 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
May Lockett daur S 16 Cheslyn Hay
Harriet A Lockett daur S 14 Cheslyn Hay
Mary Lockett daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
Charles H Lockett son 8 Cheslyn Hay
Violet Lockett daur 4 Cheslyn Hay
Catherine A Lockett daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
F51.P45 Queen Street
John Wilkins H M 57 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Lucy Wilkins wife M 52 Cheslyn Hay
F51.P45 Queen Street
Joseph Burton H M 39 Insurance Agent Alfreton Derby
Ellen Burton wife M 40 Wednesbury
Ernest E Burton son S 18 Coalminer N.K.Selston Notts
Archibald Burton son S 17 Edge Tool Worker N.K.Selston Notts
Joseph Burton son S 15 Coalminer N.K.Westwood Nott
Samuel Burton son 13 Edge Tool Worker Bridgtown
Sarah E Burton daur 11 Bridgtown
James A Burton son 8 Saredon
F51.P46 Queen Street
William Wright H M 47 Coalminer Hewer Redditch Worcs
Elizabeth Wright wife M 47 Middlesex
William J Wright son S 22 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Rose Wright daur S 13 Cheslyn Hay
George H Wright son 9 Cheslyn Hay
F51.P46 Queen Street
Esther Davis H Wid 44 Charwoman Cannock
Elizabeth Davis daur S 20 Cheslyn Hay
John Davis son S 17 Brickyard Labourer Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Davis son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Eli Swan boar S 46 Coalminer Hewer Lichfield
F51.P46 Queen Street
William Dawkins H M 65 Baker Hartshorn Darby
Sarah Dawkins wife M 63 Coventry Warws
Josiah Dawkins son Wid 32 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Albert E Dawkins G-son 8 Cheslyn Hay
Ethel Dawkins G-daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Edith Dawkins G-daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
F51.P46 Queen Street
John Boulton H M 48 Farm Labourer Essington
Rebecca Boulton wife M 47 Gt Wyrley
Job Boulton son 13 Farmers Lad Cheslyn Hay
Myra Boulton daur 10 Leacroft
Mary Boulton daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
Harriet Boulton daur 5 Cheslyn Hay
F51.P46 Queen Street
Samuel T Boulton H M 21 Coalminer Essington
Alice Boulton wife M 22 Cheslyn Hay
F51.P46 Queen Street
Henry Thomas H M 50 Coalminer Hewer Old Park Salop
Emily Thomas wife M 57 Coalbrook Dale
Rebecca Benton adop 11 Cheslyn Hay
F51.P46 Queen Street
James Preece H M 24 Coalminer Brewood
Emily Preece wife M 24 Bloxwich
James Preece son 1 Landywood
F52.P47 Queen Street. F52. P47.
Ernest Bird H M 26 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Sarah J Bird wife M 20 Bloxwich
Hannah Bird G-Mo Wid 83 Codsall
F52.P47 Queen Street
Bernard Bird H M 57 Platelayer Cheslyn Hay
Jane Bird wife M 50 Brewood
Frederick Bird son S 24 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Arthur Bird son S 21 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Ethel Bird daur S 17 Cheslyn Hay
Bertha Bird daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
Lizzie J Bird daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
F52.P47 Queen Street
Henry Russell H M 48 Colminer Cheslyn Hay
Mary A Russell wife M 49 Cheslyn Hay
Thomas Russell son S 24 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Henry Russell son S 19 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Leonard Russell son S 17 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
John Russell son S 15 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
William Russell son S 9 Cheslyn Hay
Albert Russell son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Silas Russell son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Nellie Russell daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
F52.P47 Queen Street
Thomas Hand H M 42 Coalminer Tipton
Susan Hand wife M 40 Cheslyn Hay
Daisy Hand daur 13 Cheslyn Hay
Lionel Hand son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Gervase Hand son 9 Cheslyn Hay
Ethel Hand daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Adlina Hand daur 6 Cheslyn Hay
Sidney Hand son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Doris Hand daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
Cyril Hand son 9 mns Cheslyn Hay
F102.P21 Wedges Mills. Red Lion
Thomas Child H M 58 Publican Lapley
Emily Child wife M 55 Stafford
Stephen Handy serv S 18 …? Carter America
Sarah Pieice serv S 18 Servant (Domestic) Hednesford
F102.P21 Wedges Mills
Alfred Onions H M 41 Gardener (Domestic) Broseley Salop
Ellen Onions wife M 39 Brewood
Jesse Onions daur 11 Brewood
Rosina Onions daur 8 Brewood
Harry Onions son 5 Hatherton
Violet Onions daur 2 Hatherton
F115.P2 Laney Green
William Crosly H M 44 Collier underground Shareshill
Alice Crosly wife M 40 Shareshill
James P Crosly son S 17 Miner below Shareshill
George H Crosly son S 11 Shareshill
Thomas Crosly son 9 Shareshill
Albert Crosly son 7 Shareshill
Isabel A Crosly daur 5 Shareshill
Henry Crosly son 2 Shareshill
Emma Crosly daur 1 Shareshill
F115.P2 Laney Green
Arthur J? Pace H M 38 Miner below Willenhall
Fanny Pace wife M 33 Coven
George H Pace bro S 19 Labourer Shareshill
Fanny Pace daur 1 Saredon
F116.P3 Laney Green
John Adams H M 81 Invalid Coven
Maria Adams wife M 79 Codsall
Joseph Adams son S 46 General Labourer Coven
William Adams G-son S 19 Carter Shareshill
F116.P3 Laney Green
Joseph Beeson H M 40 Coal Miner (below) Bradley Bilston
Hannah Beeson wife M 38 Bradley Bilston
Elizabeth Beeson daur S 14 Bilston
Joseph Beeson son 13 Bilston
Fanny Beeson daur 11 Bilston
Samuel Beeson son 9 Bilston
Benjamin Beeson son 7 Bilston
Sarah Ann Beeson daur 3 Laney Green
Gertrude Beeson daur 2 Laney Green
Infant son 2wks Laney Green
Charles Pace boar 32 Miner underground Willenhall
F116.P3 Laney Green
Leonard Smith H M 40 General Servant Coven
Maria Smith wife M 38 Coven
Thomas Smith son S 13 Coven
Annie Smith daur 11 Coven
Edith Smith daur 10 Shareshill
F116.P3 Laney Lane
George Allen H M 34 Coal Miner below Shareshill
Mary E Allen wife M 37 Shareshill
Arthur H Winsor neph 7 Shareshill
F116.P3 Laney Green
William Pace H M 60 Coal Miner below Laney Green
Mary Pace wife M 57 Willenhall
William Pace son S 36 Coal Miner below Shareshill
Mary Ann Pace daur S 28 Shareshill
F116.P4Laney Green
Ann Crosly H Wid 62 Shareshill
George H Crosly son S 30 Coal miner below Shareshill
Anne Crosly daur S 22 Shareshill
Lily Crosly daur 2 Shareshill
Harry Horton boar S 26 Surface Collier Hatherton
F116.P4 Holly Bush Cottage
Charles Bickley H M 48 Night Collier Long Norton
Harriet Bickley wife M 38 Bloxwich?
William E Bickley son S 15 Driver in mine Wyrley
Ernest Bickley son S 12 Cheslyn Hay
Winifred H Bickley daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
Alice M Bickley daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
Walter E Bickley son 6 Cheslyn Hay
Bertha E Bickley daur 4 Saredon
Francis G Bickley daur 2 Saredon
Leonora L Bickley daur 9mns Saredon
F116.P4 Holly Bush Farm
Harry Handley H M 41 Farmer unknown
Alice Handley wife M 36 Wolstanton
Lilian M Handley daur S 16 ?onby
James Handley son 10 Saredon
Catherine B Handley daur 3 Saredon
Albert Handley son 2mns Saredon
Robert Tibbs serv S 40 Carter on Farm unknown
Annie Thomas Dom S 14 Domestic Servant Cheslyn Hay
George Kingston boar S 25 Labourer in Railway Cheslyn Hay
F116.P4 Part of Holly Bush Farm house
Alfred Davis H M 29 Roller underground Rushall
Mary E Davis wife M 32 Oldbury
F117.P5 Black Lees Farm
William Wood H Wid 68 Farmer Shareshill
Harriet Wood daur S 32 Shareshill
Edward Wood son S 24 Farmers son Shareshill
Edith Ann Wood daur S 16 Shareshill
Lilian D Wood daur S 12 Moseley Worcs
John Sanders serv S 32 Stockman on Farm Bloxwich
F117.P5 Warston
William Heminsley H M 62 Farmer Cheslyn Hay
Caroline Heminsley wife M 58 Great Wyrley
Walter Heminsley son M 26 Collier on Surface Saredon
Isaac Heminsley son S 22 Farm Hand Saredon
Caroline Heminsley daur S 18 Saredon
George Heminsley son S 15 Farm Hand Saredon
Lucy Heminsley daur S 13 Saredon
F117.P5 Warston
William Sayer H M 49 Farmer Wyrley
Blanche Sayer wife M 40 B’Ham Warws
Elsie Sayer daur S 18 B’Ham Warws
Maud Sayer daur S 16 Wyrley
Annie Sayer daur S 14 Dressmakers App Wyrley
Rose Sayer daur S 12 Wyrley
Bernard Sayer son S 9 Wyrley
Henry Sayer son 3 Saredon
Walter Taylor serv wid60 Carter on Farm Newtown
F117.P5 Holly Bush Cottages
Alfred Heminsley H M 30 F…? and Dealer Cheslyn Hay
Lucy Ann Heminsley wife M 25 Cheslyn Hay
Douci J Hages niece 5 Great Wyrley
F117.P6 Holly Bush Cottages
Stephen Robinson H M 29 Colliery Lab Calsthorpe? Leics
Hannah Robinson wife M 29 Lilbourne Northamp
Ernest Robinson son 6 Libourne Northamp
Margaret Robinson daur 4 Mawfield Leics
Gladys Robinson daur 18mns Saredon
F117.P6 Holly Bush Cottages
George Tipton H M 39 Colliery Lab Covendale Salop
Harriet Tipton wife M 38 Stretton Salop
George Tipton son S 15 Farm Lab Claverley Salop
John Thomas Tipton son 2 Cheslyn Hay
John T Davis boar S 26 Coller Underground Brewood
F117.P6 Holly Bush Cottages
Thomas Bate H M 38 Collier Underground Bilston
Ada Bate wife M 23 Gloucote
All that part of the Parish of Great Wyrley which lies on the East side or left side of the Walsall Road from
the Brook Bridge, Churchbridge to extreity of Parish, and on the Western or right hand side fromcorner of
Jone’s Lane to extremity of Parish, take south – eastern or left hand side of Jones’ Lane continue through
Lower Landywood ( still taking house on left hand side of road) to L & N W Railway Bridge and both sides
of that portion which adjoins Jones’ Lane, also Warwell Lane and Jacob’s Hall Farm, 3 houses in Watling
Witnes my hand this Sixth day of April 1901
Walter Simkin: Enumerator
Ada E Gripton: Registrar
F135.P2 Watling Street
John Smallman H Wid 65 Home Keeper for Ironworks Walsall
John Smallman jnr son M 32 Carter Gt Wyrley
Mary E Smallman son’s wife M 22 Handswood?
Gertrude Smallman son’s daur 6 Gt Wyrley
Beatrice Smallman son’s daur 4 Gt Wyrley
Note: wrote over the top of John Smallman’s profession is wrote ‘GROOM’
F135.P2 Watling Street
Solomon Starkey H M 43 Edge Tool Maker Gt Wyrley
Mary Ann Starkey wife M 42 Gt Wyrley
Clara Starkey daur S 16 Servant (Domestic) Bridgtown
Ethel Starkey daur S 12 Bridgtown
Harry Starkey son 10 Bridgtown
Prudence Starkey Mo Wid 81 Gt Wyrley
F135.P2 Watling Street
Francis Hood H M 66 Mill furnaceman Gt Wyrley
Elizabeth Hood wife M 66 Kingswinford Worcs
Hannah Hughes vis M 73 Bilston
F135.P2 Walsall Road
William Weaver H M 68 Journeyman (….?) Leominster Here
Maria Weaver wife M 65 Whittington
Albert Benton boarS 25 Farmer’s son Cheslyn Hay
F135.P2 Walsall Road
Ann Bettson H S 59 Living on own means Gt Wyrley
John Bettson bro S 55 Farmer (retired) Gt Wyrley
Mary Bettson neice S 19 Teacher in board school Cannock
Annie Bettson neice S 16 Cannock
Margaret Bettson neice 15 Teacher in board school Gt Wyrley
Emma Jackson cou S 33 living on own means Dunstall
F135.P2 Walsall Road
Richard Jones H M 40 Coal Miner (hewer) Lichfield
Jane Jones wife M 37 Lichfield
Enoch Jones son 8 Lichfield
F135.P2 Leacroft Lane
Thomas Jas Copestake H M 49 Coalminer Gt Wyrley
Alice Copestake wife M 39 London
Charles A Copestake son S 17 Edgetool master App Gt Wyrley
Alice Copestake daur 10 Gt Wyrley
Adelaide Copestake daur 1 Gt Wyrley
F136.P3 Adelaide Green vis M 26 Hartlepool Durham
Kathleen Green vis daur 4mns Hartlepool Durham
F136.P3 Leacroft Lane
William Henry Smith H M 32 Coal Miner (hewer) Brownhills
Harriet Louisa Smith wife M 28 Bilston
Harriet Louisa Smith daur 11 Imbecile from childhood Cannock
William Lewis Smith son 9 Gt Wyrley
Arnold Smith son 5 Gt Wyrley
Bernard Smith son 3 Gt Wyrley
Lilian May Smith daur 1 Gt Wyrley
Florence Bott serv 16 Servant (Dom) Penkridge
F136.P3 Leacroft Lane
Andrew Bray H M 31 Farm Lab Cowman Butterley Here
Elizabeth Bray wife M 30 Tipton
Arthur Henry Bray son 10 Butterley Here
Nelly Violet Bray daur 8 Gt Wyrley
Emily Bray daur 7 Gt Wyrley
Jno Alf Bray son 6 Gt Wyrley
Ethel Susannah Bray daur 3 Gt Wyrley
Sydney Chas Bray son 1 Gt Wyrley
F136.P3 Watling Street
Enoch Pearce H M 61 Coal Haulier Newport Salop
Hannah Pearce wife M 61 Newport Salop
William Pearce son S 22 Coal Miner (hewer) Newport Salop
Aaron Pearce son S 20 Coal Miner worker Newport Salop
Thomas Pearce G-son 8 Gt Wyrley
William Pearce G-son 7 Gt Wyrley
F136.P3 Watling Street
Mark Brookes H M 38 Coal Miner (Hewer) Gt Wyrley
Mary Brookes wife M 37 Gt Wyrley
Sidney Brookes son S 13 Gt Wyrley
Florrie Brookes daur 11 Gt Wyrley
May Brookes daur 9 Gt Wyrley
Wilfred Brookes son 7 Gt Wyrley
Edith Eliz’h Brookes daur 3 Gt Wyrley
F136.P4 Watling Street
Joseph Benton H M 53 Coal Miner (hewer) Gt Wyrley
Eliza Benton wife M 46 Bloxwich
Joseph Benton son S 24 Coal Miner Lab (below) Cannock
William Benton son S 23 Coal Miner Lab (below) Cannock
James Benton son S 20 Coal Miner horse driver Cannock
John Leonard Taylor neph S 8 Bushbury
F136.P4 Norton Lane
Henry Musson H M 58 General Labourer Leicestershire
Sarah Musson wife M 63 Gt Wyrley
William Smithyman G-son S 15 Coal Miner horse driver Gt Wyrley
F136.P4 Norton Lane
Joseph Rainey H M 36 Rock handler at Colliery Gt Wyrley
Ellen Rainey wife M 35 Gt Wyrley
Esther Rainey daur 11 Gt Wyrley
Maud Rainey daur 7 Gt Wyrley
Arthur? Rainey son 6 Cannock
Joseph Rainey son 5 Cannock
Edgar Rainey son 3 Gt Wyrley
William Rainey son 1 Gt Wyrley
Harold Rainey son 3mns Gt Wyrley
F136.P4 Norton Raod
Thomas Arthur Rainey H M 34 Coal Miner (hewer) Gt Wyrley
Emma Rainey wife M 34 Wombridge Salop
Beatrice Hannah Rainey daur 11 Gt Wyrley
Sarah Ann Rainey daur 6 Cannock
Emma Jane Rainey daur 4 Gailey
Ida May Rainey daur 3 Gt Wyrley
Helena Maude Rainey daur 11mns Gt Wyrley
F136.P4 Norton Lane
Enoch Pearce H M 31 Coal Miner (hewer) Wombridge Salop
Sarah Ann Pearce wife M 26 Bloxwich
Fanny Pearce daur 1 Gt Wyrley
Sarah Ann Pearce daur 6mns Gt Wyrley
F137.P5 Norton Lane Manor Farm
John Morgan H S 38 Farmer Cheslyn Hay
Harriet Morgan Mo Wid 67 Cheslyn Hay
Ernest W Whitehouse neph S 15 Farmer’s Nephew Cheslyn Hay
F137.P5 Norton Lane
James Edward H M 47 Coal Miner (hewer) Rollington Sa
Annie Edward wife M 48 Cheshire Mal?
Jas William Edward son S 20 Coal Miner (hewer) Norton Canes
Edwin Edward son S 16 Coal Miner horse driver Norton Canes
Eliza Edward daur S 15 Norton Canes
Annie Edward daur 13 Norton Canes
John Edward son 10 Brownhills
Maria King daur M 23 Norton Canes
John Cross boar S 25 Bricklayers Lab Cleasley? Notts
John Dore boar S 30 Bricklayers Lab B’Ham Warws
F137.P5 Norton Lane
Edward Foster H M 57 Mechanical Engineer Colliery Wellington Salop
Jane Foster wife M 56 Wolverhampton
George Foster son S 26 Mechanical Engineer Colliery Wolverhampton
Samuel Foster son S 23 Carpenter Colliery Gt Wyrley
Elizabeth Foster daur S 19 Dressmaker Gt Wyrley
Annie Foater daur S 18 Dressmaker Gt Wyrley
F137.P5 Catshill Field
William Parsons H M 40 Coal Miner (hewer) Gt Wyrley
Elizabeth Parsons wife M 37 Rugeley
Emma Parsons daur S 13 Gt Wyrley
Gertrude Parsons daur 11 Gt Wyrley
Grace May Parsons daur 9 Gt Wyrley
Ethel Parsons daur 6 Gt Wyrley
Harry Parsons daur 4 Gt Wyrley
Gladys Parsons daur 2 Gt Wyrley
Winifred Parsons daur 1 Gt Wyrley
F137.P6 Catshill Field
William Rainey H M 32 Coal Miner Rook leader Gt Wyrley
Annie Rainey wife M 30 Cannock
Geo Ernest Rainey son 5 Cannock
Ada Rainey daur 3 Cannock
Harry Rainey son 1 Cannock
F137.P6 Catshill Field
Charles Barker H M 30 Journeyman Sadler Whaddon? Cam
Louisa Barker wife M 31 Penkridge
F137.P6 Norton Lane, Beerhouse ‘Royal Oak’
Thomas Yates H M 40 Colliery Rock? H..? Norton Canes
Sarah Yates wife M 35 Chetton Salop
Horace Yates son S 15 Coal Miner Brownhills
Annie Yates daur 12 Brownhills
Elsie Yates daur 10 Brownhills
Sarah Yates daur 8 Brownhills
Catherine Yates daur 7 Brownhills
Edith ?inls? Serv S 15 Servant (Domestic) Shareshill
F137.P6 Norton Lane Ivy Cottage
Alfred Sambrook H M 50 Edge Tool Maker Gt Wyrley
Ann Sambrook wife M 45 Cannock
Martha Annie Sambrook daur S 20 Gt Wyrley
Alf William Sambrook son S 18 Pupil Teacher Elimentary School Gt Wyrley
Ernest Jno Sambrook son S 14 Gt Wyrley
Alice Maude Sambrook daur 12 Gt Wyrley
Ruby Lilian May Sambrook daur 9 Gt Wyrley
Eliz Abigail Sambrook daur 5 Gt Wyrley
F137.P6 Norton Lane
Isaiah Russell H M 37 Coalminer (hewer) Gt Wyrley
Selina E Russell wife M 35 Gt Wyrley
Albert Russell son 13 Grocer’s errand boy Gt Wyrley
Ed Russell son 11 Gt Wyrley
Lucy Russell daur 8 Gt Wyrley
Annie E Russell daur 6 Gt Wyrley
Alice M Russell daur 4 Gt Wyrley
F138.P7 Lilian May Russell daur 1 Gt Wyrley
Grace Russell daur 7mns Gt Wyrley
F138.P7 Norton Lane
Albert Locker H M 22 Coal Miner Road mender Cannock
Helen Locker wife M 21 Cheslyn Hay
Horace Locker daur 7mns Gt Wyrley
F138.P7 Norton Lane
George Locker H M 48 Coal Miner (hewer) Sutton Coldfield
Fanny Locker wife M 54 Market Harboro Leice
George Locker son S 20 Coal Miner Horsedriver Gt Wyrley
William Locker son S 18 Coal Miner Gt Wyrley
Alice? Locker daur 13 Gt Wyrley
F138.P7 Walsall Road Post Office
William Henry Brookes H M 63 Sub Post Master-Provin? Bloxwich
Eliza Brookes wife M 61 Bloxwich
Edgar Percy Brookes son S 18 joiner apprentice Gt Wyrley
Howard Eugene Brookes G-son 10 Hednesford
F138.P7 Walsall Road Rose Cottage
Mary Browell Mo Wid 60 Eastwood Notts
William Heron Browell H S 30 Colliery Manager Burton upon Trent
Albert Hassell Browell bro S 2 Ironwork Mechanic Engine Walsall Wood
Ethel Maud Browell sis S 19 Electrical Engineer Walsall Wood
Percy Browell bro S 17 Walsall Wood
Mary Fanny Smith serv S 18 General Servant (Dom) Hednesford
F138.P7 Walsall Road
William Eaton H M 73 Farm Lab cowman Sherifhales Salop
Eliza Eaton wife M 52 Worcestershire
Annie Eaton daur S 21 General Servant (Dom) Gt Wyrley
F138.P7 Walsall Road
William Gregory H M 65 Servant on farm Waggoner Darley Salop
Elizabeth Gregory wife M 62 Wergerley
Elizabeth Parnam daur Wid 42 Brierley Hill
William Smith boar S 49 Coal Miner (hewer) Milford
Thomas Lovatt boar S 73 Ag Labourer Cheslyn Hay
F138.P8 Walsall Road
Edmund Dace H M 51 Coal Miner stallman Cheslyn Hay
Mary Ann Dace wife M 42 Gt Wyrley
Henry Edmund Dace son S 18 Ironworker Gt Wyrley
George Dace son S 15 Coal Miner horse driver Gt Wyrley
Florence Dace daur S 14 Gt Wyrley
Edith Dace daur 12 Gt Wyrley
Mary Ann Dace daur 10 Gt Wyrley
John Dace son 8 Gt Wyrley
Ellen Dace daur 3 Gt Wyrley
Elsie Dace daur 1 Gt Wyrley
F138.P8 Walsall Road The Willows
Thomas Sambrook H M 54 Ironworks Mechanical Engineer Gt Wyrley
Emma Sambrook wife M 52 Gt Wyrley
Alfred E T Sambrook son S 27 Edge Tool Maker Gt Wyrley
Leonard Sambrook son S 24 Steam engine fitter Gt Wyrley
Nellie Sambrook daur S 14 Gt Wyrley
Florence Deakin boar S 35 Gt Wyrley
F138.P8 Walsall Road
Charles Wm Sambrook H M 31 Iron Turner…..? engraver Gt Wyrley
Alice Mary Sambrook wife M 31 Walsall
Dorothea Sambrook daur 3 Gt Wyrley
William Ken? Deakin son 2 Gt Wyrley
Martha (no surname) daur 3mns Gt Wyrley
Benjamin Hy Bott b-in-law S 27 Colliery winding engineman Hereford City
F138.P8 Walsall Road
James Dace H M 36 Coalminer (hewer) Cheslyn Hay
Ann Dace wife M 36 N.Wales
Ed Jas Dace son 7 Cheslyn Hay
Lilian Mary Dace daur 2 Cheslyn Hay
F138.P8 Walsall Road The Beeches
John Simkin H M 50 Solicitor’s Clerk Darlaston
Sarah Jane Simkin wife M 50 West Bromwich
Walter John Simkin son S 25 School Master Elimentary Cannock
Ann Elizabeth Simkin daur S 15 Pupil Teacher Elimentary Cannock
F139.P9 Walsall Road The Beaches
Albert Williams H M 45 Builder – House Coven
Mary Williams wife M 46 Wolverhampton
Frederick Williams son S 22 Builders son Wolverhampton
Alfred Williams son S 21 Builders son Bushbury
May Williams daur S 17 Hednesford
Robert Williams son 8 Gt Wyrley
Dorothy Williams daur 4 Gt Wyrley
F139.P9 Walsall Road
William James Bowen H M 36 Warehouseman Edgetool works Langley Green Worcs
Eliza Bowen wife M 36 Smethwick
Mary Helena Bowen daur 4 Gt Wyrley\
Eliz North boar S 55 Dressmaker Penkridge
F139.P9 Walsall Road
Margaret Whittingham H Wid 68 Wolverhampton
James Whittingham son S 20 Coalminer other work Gt Wyrley
Enoch Amos boar Wid 52 Colliery Lab Oldbury
F139.P9 Walsall Road
Lewis Whilton H M 41 Coal Miner (hewer) Shenstone
Sarah Jane Whilton wife M 35 ……..? from childhood Hednesford
Lewis Whilton son 14 Hednesford
Sarah Ann Whilton daur 12 Hednesford
Lily Gertrude Whilton daur 8 Cannock
Albert Ed Whilton son 5 Cannock
Jarin?Walk? Hulme? Whilton son 1 Cannock
Herbert Yates b-in-law S 23 Coal Miner Hednesford
F139.P9 Walsall Road
George Grindley H M 34 Coal Miner (hewer) St.George Wellington Salop
Harriet Grindley wife M 30 Gt Wyrley
Martha Grindley daur 8 Gt Wyrley
Elsie May Grindley daur 6 Gt Wyrley
Sarah Ann Grindley daur 4 Gt Wyrley
Dorothy Grindley daur 2 Gt Wyrley
John Grindley boar S 26 Coal Miner (hewer) St.George Wellington Salop
F139.P10 Walsall Road Swan Inn
Samuel Walson? H M 32 Licenced Victualler Pelsall
Mary Ann Walson? Wife M 28 Pelsall
Maria ?laire Evans serv S 14 General Labourer Bloxwich
F139.P10 Walsall Road
Jos Vincent Greensill H M 20 Grocer & Provision Merchant Cannock
Mary Jane Greensill wife M 20 Cheslyn Hay
Leslie Vincent Greensill son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Eliz Boulton serv S 16 General servant (dom) Cannock
John Baker b-in-law M 23 Grocer & Provision Merchant Cheslyn Hay
Alice Baker s-in-law M 21 Stanton Hill Notts
F139.P10 Walsall Road
William Hales H M 40 Coal Miner (hewer) Darlaston
Sarah Ann Hales wife M 45 Gt Wyrley
William Hales son S 13 Gt Wyrley
Albert Hales son 11 Cannock
Ethel Hales daur 8 Cannock
F139.P10 Walsall Road
Daniel Smith H M 50 Colliery Winding Engine Driver Quarrybank
Ellen Smith wife M 49 Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Ann Smith daur S 21 Gt Wyrley
Daniel Smith son S 20 Colliery Screening? Gt Wyrley
David Smith son S 18 Colliery Horse Driver Gt Wyrley
Ellen Smith daur S 14 Gt Wyrley
William George Smith son 12 Gt Wyrley
Ethel Mary Smith daur 8 Gt Wyrley
F139.P10 Walsall Road
William George Knowles H M 33 Coalminer (hewer) Gt Wyrley
Elizabeth Knowles wife M 33 Cheslyn Hay
Annie Eliz Knowles daur 11 Gt Wyrley
Florence Knowles daur 9 Gt Wyrley
Robert Knowles son 7 Gt Wyrley
Edith Emily Knowles daur 5 Gt Wyrley
Hannah Knowles daur 4 Gt Wyrley
Alice Knowles daur 3 Gt Wyrley
F140.P11 John Thomas Knowles son 1mn? Gt Wyrley
F140.P11 Walsall Road
Robert Tait H M 38 Order Clerk-Edge Tools Muckley Corner
Annie Tait wife M 36 Northampton
Annie Jane Tait daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
Robert Edwin Tait son 2 Cheslyn Hay
F140.P11 Walsall Road
Thomas Rowley H M 44 Coalminer-Foreman Pelsall
Phoebe Rowley wife M 43 Provision Dealer Gt Wyrley
Phoebe Ann Rowley daur S 17 Pelsall
Mary Ann Garratt M-in-law Wid 67 Living on own means Cheslyn Hay
Arthur Rickett S 15 Grocer’s Errand boy Daw End
F140.P11 Walsall Road
Chas Ed Pritchard H M 28 Coal Miner (hewer) Wednesfield
Emma Eliz Pritchard wife M 26 Gt Wyrley
Chas Thomas Pritchard son 4 Gt Wyrley
F140.P11 Walsall Road
Thomas Bullock H M 52 Coal Miner (hewer) Gt Wyrley
Hannah Bullock wife M 47 Gt Wyrley
Jas Thos Bullock son S 21 Carter for builder Gt Wyrley
George Bullock son S 19 Edge Tool Maker Gt Wyrley
Flor Hannah Bullock daur S 14 Gt Wyrley
Thos Ed Bullock son 12 Gt Wyrley
Ann Maria Bullock daur 10 Gt Wyrley
Henry Bullock son 6 Gt Wyrley
Mary Bullock daur 5 Gt Wyrley
F140.P11 Walsall Road
Edward Wilkes H M 42 Caolminer-Road repairer Gt Wyrley
Elizabeth Wilkes wife M 40 Gt Wyrley
William Wilkes son S 16 Coalminer-Tub pusher? Gt Wyrley
Edward Wilkes son S 14 Gt Wyrley
Rose Wilkes daur 11 Gt Wyrley
Beatrice Wilkes daur 9 Gt Wyrley
Elsie Wilkes daur 6 Gt Wyrley
James Wilkes son 3 Gt Wyrley
Hilda May Wilkes daur 2mns Gt Wyrley
F140.P12 Walsall Road
John Dutton H M 49 General Labourer Gt Wyrley
Fanny Dutton wife M 47 Cannock
John Dutton son S 21 Coalminer-horse driver Gt Wyrley
Henry Dutton son S 18 Coalminer-horse driver Gt Wyrley
Jesse Dutton son S 14 Stoker Railway engine Gt Wyrley
Alice Mary Dutton daur S 13 Gt Wyrley
Jane Dutton daur 10 Gt Wyrley
Ellen Dutton daur 8 Gt Wyrley
Bertha Dutton daur 7 Gt Wyrley
Ernest Thos Dutton son 4 Gt Wyrley
Hilda May Dutton daur 10mns Gt Wyrley
Note: Married at St. Mark’s Church 25th March 1878 (Page 104.No.208)
John Dutton full age Bachelor Miner Great Wyrley Thomas Dutton Miner
Fanny Clewley full age Cannock Thomas Clewley Miner
In the presence of Thomas Clewley & Louisa Smith
Christened at St. Mark’s Church, Great Wyrley
Alice Mary 4th Dec 1887 Gt Wyrley Miner Page 7. No.49
Jane 7th Dec 1890 Gt Wyrley Miner Page 25.No.194
Ellen 30th Oct 1892 Gt Wyrley Miner Page 38.No.304
Bertha Ann 15th April 1894 Gt Wyrley Miner Page 52.No.414
Ernest Thomas 14th Feb 1897 Gt Wyrley Miner Page 73.No.580
F140.P12 Walsall Road
William Saunders H M 38 Coalminer-Fireman (below) Pelsall
Elizabeth Saunders wife M 35 Norton Canes
Eliz? Emily Saunders daur S 15 Dressmaker App Gt Wyrley
Theodora Saunders daur S 13 Gt Wyrley
Marian Hilda Saunders daur 11 Gt Wyrley
William Ernest Saunders son 10 Gt Wyrley
Frederick Saunders son 8 Gt Wyrley
Oliver Saunders son 6 Gt Wyrley
Mary Eliz Saunders daur 3 Gt Wyrley
F140.P12 Walsall Road
Joseph Heminsley H M 33 Coalminer (hewer) Gt Wyrley
Maria Heminsley wife M 28 Gt Wyrley
Ernest Wm Heminsley son 7 Gt Wyrley
Harry Arthur Heminsley son 5 Gt Wyrley
F140.P12 Walsall Road
Elijah Jones H M 37 Coalminer-other worker Cheslyn Hay
Harriet Eliz Jones wife M 34 Gt Wyrley
Isabel Jones daur 4 Barton
Agnes Brookes S-in-law S 32 Cook (Domestic) Gt Wyrley
F140.P12 Walsall Road
James Bullock H M 47 Coalminer (hewer) Gt Wyrley
Mary Ann Bullock wife M 46 Gt Wyrley
Rose Eliz Bullock daur S 22 Gt Wyrley
F141.P13 Thomas Bullock son S 19 Coalminer-horse driver Gt Wyrley
Wm James Bullock son S 15 Gt Wyrley
Mary Ethel Bullock daur 11 Gt Wyrley
Emily Bullock daur 10 Gt Wyrley
F141.P13 Walsall Road
Harry Sambrook H M 25 Ironworks Vice Maker Gt Wyrley
Mary Ann Sambrook wife M 24 Gt Wyrley
Thos Alf Sambrook son 4 Gt Wyrley
F141.P13 Walsall Road. Beerhouse: Star Inn
Henry Badger H M 43 Beerhouse keeper Wednesfield
Phoebe Badger wife M 42 Norton Canes
Annie Badger daur S 19 Norton Canes
Jane Badger daur S 17 Norton Canes
Henry Badger son S 13 Norton Canes
Mary Badger daur 7 Norton Canes
Gladys Badger daur 5 Norton Canes
Alfred Badger son 11mns Gt Wyrley
F141.P13 Walsall Road
Alfred Knowles H M 26 Coalminer-horsedriver Gt Wyrley
Lucy Louisa Knowles wife M 24 Gt Wyrley
F141.P13 Walsall Road
John Wollaston H M 23 Rope? Coalminer Gt Wyrley
Flor Amelia Wollaston wife M 25 Gt Wyrley
Lawrence Jas Wollaston son 1 Gt Wyrley
Mary Barratt sis M 33 Gt Wyrley
Nora Eliz Barratt niece S 15 Gt Wyrley
Wm Thomas Barratt neph 13 Gt Wyrley
F141.P13 Walsall Road
William Henry Jones H M 46 Coalminer (hewer) Cheslyn Hay
Emma Jones wife M 45 Cheslyn Hay
Ed Jones son S 15 Coalminer (hewer) Gt Wyrley
Albert Jones son 7 Gt Wyrley
F141.P13 Walsall Road
Harriet Whitehouse H Wid 73 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Whitehouse son 38 Coalminer (hewer) Gt Wyrley
Charles Whitehouse son 46 Coalminer-banksman Gt Wyrley
F141.P14 Walsall Road
James Whittington H M 48 Coal Miner (hewer) Gt Wyrley
Eliza Whittington wife M 50 Brierley Hill
F141.P14 Walsall Road
James Perks H M 54 Coalminer Gt Wyrley
Louisa Perks wife M 52 Bloxwich
Sarah Ann Perks daur S 23 Dressmaker Gt Wyrley
James F Whitehouse G-son S 16 Colliery Locomotive worker Gt Wyrley
Florence Reaney G-daur 10 Cannock
James Reaney G-son 6 Cannock
F141.P14 Slackey Lane
Thomas Chetwynd H M 66 Overman-Colliery (below) Wilecote Warws
Susannah Chetwynd wife M 53 Rugeley
Annie Beatrice Chetwynd daur S 17 Norton Canes
Amy?Sarah Eliz Chetwynd daur S 13 Norton Canes
F141.P14 Slackey Lane
John Rob Clarke H M 28 Mining Enineer Durham
Henrietta Clarke wife M 26 Gt Wyrley
Jas Albert Clarke son 3 Gt Wyrley
Harold Robert Clarke son 12mns? Gt Wyrley
F141.P14 Walsall Road
George Perry H M 43 Colliery Engine winder above B’Ham Warws
Alice Eliza Perry wife M 36 Burton on Trent
Alice Eliz Perry daur S 16 Norton Canes
Geo Albert Perry son S 10 Norton Canes
James Perry son 8 Norton Canes
Gertrude Clara Perry daur 6 Norton Canes
Chas Henry Perry son 3 Norton Canes
Edith Mary Perry daur 1 Norton Canes
F141 P14 Landywood
Elizabeth Bingay H Wid 49 Farmer Rombay? Here
Edith Bingay daur S 17 Pupil Teacher Elimentary Brocton
Archibald T Bingay son S 15 Farmer’s son Huntington
Reginald Bingay son 13 Huntington
Ethel Bingay daur 10 Cheslyn Hay
George Whitehouse boar M 43 Coalminer (hewer) Gt Wyrley
John Cox boar S 32 Colliery Worker Dudley Port Worcs
F142.P15 Landywood
Samuel Smith H M 47 Coalminer (hewer) Bloxwich
Eliza Smith wife M 44 Gt Wyrley
Samuel Smith son S 21 Colliery…………….? Gt Wyrley
Minnie Smith daur S 18 Gt Wyrley
John Smith son S 17 Colliery Lab (hewer) Gt Wyrley
Rose Hannah Smith daur S 15 Gt Wyrley
William Jas Smith son S 12 Gt Wyrley
Alf Smith son 9 Gt Wyrley
Leon Smith son 7 Gt Wyrley
Nellie Emily Smith daur 3 Gt Wyrley
F142.P15 Holly Lane, Landywood
George Hy Goodwin H M 40 Colliery Fireman Langley
Mary Ann Goodwin wife M 40 Aldridge
Annie Goodwin daur S 19 Camp Hill
F142.P15 Holly Lane, Landywood
Thomas Plant H M 30 Coalminer (hewer) N..? on Tyne? North
Mary Ann Palnt wife M 38 Walsall Wood
Thomas Beech s-son S 21 Lab in brickyard Cannock
Alice Beech s-daur S 18 Cannock
Daisy Beech s-daur 11 Bloxwich
Thomas Henry Plant son 6 Pelsall
F142.P15 Holly Lane, Landywood
William Brookes H M 43 Coalminer (hewer) Gt Wyrley
Ann Brookes wife M 39 Gt Wyrley
Leonard Brookes son S 19 Coalminer-horse driver Gt Wyrley
Clara Brookes daur S 15 Gt Wyrley
Walter Brookes son 7 Gt Wyrley
Althea Brookes daur 5 Gt Wyrley
Ruby Ann Brookes daur 11mns Gt Wyrley
F142.P15 Holly Lane, Landywood
William H Owen H M 37 Coalminer (hewer) Brownhills
Sarah Owen wife M 37 West Bromwich
William Owen son S 13 Coalminer-other worker Pelsall
Geo Owen son 11 Pelsall
Frederick Owen son 9 Pelsall
F142.P16 David Owen son 7 Pelsall
Mary Ann Owen daur 5 Pelsall
F142.P16 Holly Lane, Landywood
John Adderley H M 37 Coalminer (hewer) Gt.Chatwell York
Mary Jane Adderley wife M 35 Dressmaker Wall Brook
Rebecca Ann Adderley daur 10 Wall Brook
John Adderley son 8 Great Saredon
Mary Alice Adderley daur 5 Cannock
Liberty Maria? Adderley daur 3 Cannock
Thos Elijah Colbourne Adderley son 1 Cannock
Thomas Middleton Adderley son? 26 Coalminer-lab loader Long Lake
F142.P16 Holly Lane, Landywood
John Beresford H M 38 Coalminer (hewer) Yorks
Susannah Beresford wife M 34 Bloxwich
Emma Beresford daur S 15 Norton Canes
George Beresford son S 11 Norton Canes
Thomas Beresford son 8 Norton Canes
Joseph Beresford son 5 Norton Canes
Edith May Beresford daur 3 Norton Canes
John Roberts b-in-law S 27 Coalminer Bloxwich
Thomas Roberts b-in-law S 24 Coalminer Bloxwich
William Bowen s-son S 24 Coalminer Perry Barr-Aston
F142.P16 Holly Lane, Landywood
George Oliver H M 41 Coalminer Wellington Salop
Jane Oliver wife M 40 Wellington Salop
William Oliver son S 21 Coalminer Wellington Salop
George Oliver son S 19 …? Locomotive ……? Wellington Salop
Hannah Oliver daur S 18 Wellington Salop
Edwin Oliver son S 14 Castleford York
James Oliver son 7 Normanton York
Arthur Oliver son 5 Normanton York
F142.P16 Holly Lane, Landywood
John Foster H M 37 Coalminer Stabens? Green
Sarah Jane Foster wife M 35 Cheslyn Hay
Jessie Foster daur S 14 Gt Wyrley
F143.P17 Ernest Foster son 12 Bloxwich
Ethel Foster daur 10 Gt Wyrley
Edwin Foster son 8 Gt Wyrley
William Foster son 6 Gt Wyrley
John Foster son 4 Gt Wyrley
Sarah Jane Foster daur 6mns Gt Wyrley
F143.P17 Holly Lane, Landywood
Edwin Dunn H M 26 Coalminer-stallman Warfield Salop
Alberta Eliz Dunn wife M 24 Walsall Wood
Mary Ann Dunn daur 4 Walsall Wood
Alice Alberta Dunn daur 2 Walsall Wood
Leah Dunn daur 8mns Walsall Wood
Josiah Bradshaw f-in-law Wid 42 Railway engine driver Fenton
F143.P17 Holly Lane, Landywood
William Poxon H M 27 Coalminer-stock fin..? Brownhills
Alice Jane Poxon wife M 28 Warfield Salop
Rueben Dunn boar S 22 Coalminer-other worker Aldridge
F143.P17 Holly Lane, Landywood
Thomas Jones H M 50 Coalminer (hewer) Norton Worcs
Matilda Jones wife M 47 Oldborough Worcs
William Edwin Jones son S 21 Coalminer-bricklayer? Aldridge
James Reed neph S 17 Coalminer-carter West Bromwich
Christoper Jones s-son 6 Aldridge
F143.P17 Holly Lane, Landywood
Francis Bowen H M 28 Coalminer (hewer) Har..? Staffs
Alice Bowen wife M 24 Shortheath
Eliz Bowen daur 1 Pelsall
John Thomas Bowen son 2mns Gt Wyrley
Clifford Affech? boar M 28 Coalminer Walsall
Alice Eliz Affech? boar M 27 Aldridge
F143.P17 Holly Lane, Landywood
Jos Sutton H M 28 Coalminer Walsall
Sarah Ann Sutton wife M 29 Oakengates Salop
Rose Hannah Sutton daur 5 Walsall
Jos Sutton son 3 Walsall
Eliz Sutton daur 1 Walsall
F143.P18 Holly Lane, Landywood
William Owen H M 32 Coalminer (hewer) Walsall Wood
Emily Owen wife M 22 Walsall Wood
Emily Owen daur 11mns Norton Canes
F143.P18 Holly Lane, Landywood
Samuel Vaughan H M 43 Coalminer (hewer) Walsall
Priscilla Vaughan wife M 45 Heath Town
John Vaughan son S 22 Coalminer-horse driver Heath Town
Martha Vaughan daur S 16 Wood End
Thomas Vaughan son 12 Bloxwich
Samuel Vaughan son 10 Bloxwich
Jos Vaughan son 7 Bloxwich
Violet Vaughan daur 4 Bloxwich
F143.P18 Holly Lane, Landywood
Absolem Maddox H M 69 Coalminer-lab on bank Salop
Sarah Maddox wife M 67 Cheslyn Hay
John Maddox son S 38 Coalminer-lab on bank Cheslyn Hay
William Maddox son M 31 Coalminer (hewer) Cheslyn Hay
Eliza Maddox sons w M 28 Cheslyn Hay
Daisy Maddox G-dau 5mns Gt Wyrley
F143.P18 Holly Lane, Landywood
Thomas Hy Mason H M 29 Coalminer-otherwork Dudley Worcs
Laura Mason wife M 27 Rowley Regis
John Wallett bor S 18 Coalminer-horse driver Rowley Regis
F143.P18 Holly Lane, Landywood
Thomas Hy Farmer H M 21 Coalminer-tub loader Pelsall
Catherine Farmer wife M 23 Norton Canes
F143.P18 Holly Lane, Landywood
John Bird H M 35 Coalminer (hewer) Rushall
Sarah Ann Bird wife M 32 Wednesbury
Arthur Bird son 9 Pelsall
Keziah Bird daur 8 Pelsall
Mary Ellen Bird daur 6 Pelsall
John Chas Bird son 4 Pelsall
Violet Bird daur 1 Pelsall
F144.P19 Holly Lane, Landywood
John Stackhouse H M 37 Coalminer (hewer) Pelsall
Eliza Stackhouse wife M 33 Pelsall
William Stackhouse son 7 Pelsall
Archibald Stackhouse son 5 Pelsall
Daisy May Stackhouse daur 3 Pelsall
Ellen Stackhouse daur 2 Walsall
Eliza Stackhouse daur 2mns Pelsall
F144.P19 Holly Lane, Landywood
Geo Thos Shaw H M 23 Coalminer-tub loader Walsall Wood
Martilda Shaw wife M 22 Thrackley? Nort
William Bowen Shaw boar Wid 53 Coalminer (hewer) Haneley Warws
F144.P19 Holly Lane, Landywood
George Shaw H M 55 Coalminer-Lab Coventry Warws
Lily Shaw wife M 45 Wolverhampton
Rose Shaw daur S 18 Cheslyn Hay
Henry Shaw son S 15 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Jas Shaw son 6 Cheslyn Hay
William Dodd boar S 30 Coalminer Liverpool Lancs
F144.P19 Holly Lane, Landywood
Thomas Preece H M 38 Coalminer (hewer) Wellington Salop
Mary Eliz Preece wife M 29 B’Ham Warws
Hannah Preece daur 10 Gt Wyrley
William Preece son 8 Gt Wyrley
Rosina Preece daur 5 Gt Wyrley
Jane Preece daur 3 Gt Wyrley
Florence Preece daur 2 Gt Wyrley
F144.P19 Holly Lane, Landywood
Joseph Pearce H M 25 Colliery engine fitter Wellington Salop
Jane Pearce wife M 24 Gt Wyrley
F144.P19 Holly Lane, Landywood
William Davis H M 27 Coalminer (hewer) Wellington Salop
Emily Davis wife M 28 Yorks
William Davis son 7 Gt Wyrley
Annie Davis daur 5 Gt Wyrley
Emily Davis daur 3 Gt Wyrley
F144.P20 John Herbert Davis son 5mns Gt Wyrley
F144.P20 Holly Lane, Landywood
Joseph Davis H M 22 Coalminer-tub loader Gt Wyrley
Mary Ann Davis wife M 23 Rushall
F144.P20 Holly Lane, Landywood
James Adderley H M 34 Coalminer (hewer) Hatherton
Ellan Adderley wife M 39 Norton Canes
Levi Adderley son 10 Cannock
William Russ Aderley son 8 Cannock
F144.P20 Holly Lane. Landywood
Jas Henry Smith H M 43 Railway labourer Ebington Glous
Annie Smith wife M 30 Stratford on A Warws
Francis Wm Smith son 9 Ebington Glous
Beatrice Lottie Smith daur 7 Brownhills
John Henry Smith son 1 Brownhills
John Page boar S 47 Coalminer Co Mayo Ireland
F144.P20 Holly Lane, Landywood
Josiah Hughes H M 52 Coalminer (hewer) Stubbers? Green
Mary Hughes wife M 53 Mailharet?
Hilda Hughes daur S 18 Brownhills
F144.P20 Holly Lane, Landywood
Ed Goodwin H M 65 Coalminer-timber-below Kent
Tamar Goodwin wife M 70 Tipton
F144.P20 Holly Lane. Landywood
John Fairfield H M 44 Coalminer (hewer) Brownhills
Eliz Fairfield wife M 40 Grocer-shopkeeper Brownhills
Emmanuel Fairfield son S 19 Coalminer- tub loader Brownhills
Beatrice Emma Fairfield daur S 18 Dressmaker Brownhills
F144.P20. Holly Lane, Landywood
James Handley H M 37 Coalminer (hewer) Gt Wyrley
Eliz Handley wife M 40 Willenhall
Charles Handley son S 11 Cannock
Ellen Handley daur 10 Cannock
Albert Handley son 7 Cannock
Ada Handley daur 5 Cannock
Maud Handley daur 2 Cannock
Note: Ellen Handley married William Thomas Pheasant 26th December 1911. (See Folio 166.Page
27, Coal Pit Fields, for William Thomas Pheasant)
F144.P20 Holly Lane, Landywood
Albert Garratt H M 27 Coalminer (hewer) Gt Wyrley
Eliz Garratt wife M 36 Wednesbury
F145.P21 Edith Evelyn Garratt daur 4 Gt Wyrley
Ernest Garratt bro S 23 Gt Wyrley
F145.P21 Holly Lane, Landywood
William Butcher H M 48 …? Works-Rollsturner Steeple ?? Bucks
Sarah Butcher wife M 46 Gt Wyrley
William Percy Butcher son S 11 Gt Wyrley
F145.P21 Gorsey Lane, Landywood
John Smith H M 45 Coalminer (hewer) Milford
Eliz Smith wife M 42? Wolverhampton
John Smith son S 22 Coalminer-lab-below Gt Wyrley
Fred Smith son S 18 Coalminer-lab-below Gt Wyrley
Arthur Edwards boar S 31 Bricklayer lab? Wolverhampton
Note: Arthur Edwards place born, had Scotland, then Wolverhampton wrote over the top of it.
F145.P21 Gorsey Lane, Landywood
Hurban Norman H M 38 Colliery Stationary Engine Stoker Fradley
Harriet E Norman wife M 33 Gt Wyrley
Hurban Norman jnr son 10 Cannock
Vincent Clarence Norman son 9 Cannock
John Joseph Norman son 6 Gt Wyrley
John Bethnel Norman fa Wid 81 Railway Platelayer (retired) Gt. Bridge
Note: Herban Norman senior was born 4th July 1862 at Fradley. He was the son of John Bethnel
(Plate Layer on the Railway) & Hannah Norman, nee Sharman
Hurban Norman jnr was born Urban Bethnel John Norman 16th July 1890 at Bridgtown.
The son of Urban & Harriet Norman, nee Leadbeater
He married Florence Parbrook 2nd May 1915 at the Register Office, Cannock.
In the presence of Jack Norman & Mary Ann Tennant
Both lived at Mount Pleasant. Florence the daughter of George Parbrook
F145.P21 Landywood Farm
John Thomas Rowley H M 39 Road..? smallholder Gt Wyrley
Ellen Rowley wife M 38 Gt Wyrley
Nellie Louisa Rowley daur S 13 Gt Wyrley
William Rowley son 10 Gt Wyrley
Minnie Rowley daur 6 Gt Wyrley
Horace John Rowley son 4 Gt Wyrley
Alice Rowley daur 2 Gt Wyrley
Mary Rowley daur 7mns Gt Wyrley
F145.P21 Walsall Road. Wyrley Road Farm
George Griffiths H M 50 Farm Bailiff Lydbury North? Salop
Esther Griffiths wife M 51 ….ick? Salop
F145.P21 Warwell Lane
Louisa Perks H Wid 68 Cheadle
James Perks son S 34 Coalminer Lab Gt Wyrley
William Perks son M 36 Coalminer Lab Gt Wyrley
Eliza Perks d-in-law M 35 Bentley
Emily Perks G-daur 10 Bentley
F145.P22 Ezekiel Perks son 8 Gt Wyrley
William Perks son 7 Gt Wyrley
Flor Perks daur 5 Gt Wyrley
Jos Perks son 3 Gt Wyrley
F145.P22 Walsall Road
George Hawksworth H M 40 Waggoner on Farm Stone
Sarah Hawksworth wife M 42 Longton
Geo Fred Hawksworth son S 18 Lab at Colliery Trentham
William Hawksworth son S 16 Tub gripper in Colliery Trentham
Isaac Hawksworth son S 14 Colliery screener? Trentham
Jas Hawksworth son S 12 Trentham
David Hawksworth son 10 B’Ham Warws
Fred Hawskworth son 7 Cannock
Louisa Hawsworth daur 7mns Cannock
F145.P22 Walsall Road. Provision Dealer
William Crutchley H M 37 Coalminer (hewer) Gt Wyrley
Mary Jane Crutchley wife M 32 Gt Wyrley
Ellen Crutchley daur 7 Gt Wyrley
Eva Crutchley daur 6 Gt Wyrley
William Rowland Crutchley son 4 Gt Wyrley
Lilian Maud Crutchley daur 1 Gt Wyrley
F145.P22 Walsall Road
Harriet Wall H Wid 68 Codsall
Robert Wall son S 23 Bricklayer Cheslyn Hay
George Wall son S 17 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
William Henry Wall son 12 Gt Wyrley
F145.P22 Walsall Road
Thomas Dawson H M 51 Coalminer-Fireman Gt Wyrley
Eliz Dawson wife M 49 Gt Wyrley
Henry Jas Dawson son S 22 Coalminer-horse driver Gt Wyrley
Alf Dawson son S 21 Coalminer-horse driver Gt Wyrley
Mary Ann Dawson daur S 19 Gt Wyrley
Sarah Jane Dawson daur S 17 Gt Wyrley
George Dawson son S 14 Gt Wyrley
Alice Maud Dawson daur 12 Gt Wyrley
F146.P23 Percy Dawson daur 8 Gt Wyrley
F146.P23 Walsall Road Providence Terrace
George Hy Stretton H M 35 Coalminer-Roadman Rugeley
Sarah Jane Stretton wife M 36 Essington
Eva May Stretton daur S 13 Brereton
Emma Eliz Stretton daur 9 Gt Wyrley
Doris Murial Stretton daur 4 Gt Wyrley
F146.P23 Walsall Road Providence Terrace
Enoch Corbet H M 36 Coalminer (hewer) Dawley Salop
Mary Ann Corbet wife M 33 Gt Wyrley
Henrietta Louisa Corbet daur 8 Gt Wyrley
Julie Elsie Corbet daur 6 Gt Wyrley
Beatrice May Corbet daur 3 Gt Wyrley
William Rowley boar S 33 Coalminer-lab Gt Wyrley
F146.P23 Walsall Road
Henry Cooper H M 40 Coalminer (hewer) Gt Wyrley
A Cooper wife M 40 Gt Wyrley
D Cooper son S 15 Colliery Gt Wyrley
F146.P23 Walsall Road Landywood P.O.
Sarah Plant H Wid 57 Sub Postmistress Wolverhampton
Henry Plant son S 25 Grocer-shopkeeper Gt Wyrley
Mary Plant daur S 19 Gt Wyrley
Ruth James serv S 15 Gen Servantv(Dom) Essington
F146.P23 Jacobs Hall Lane. Sutherland Farm
Edmund jnr Harvey H M 64 Farmer Gt Wyrley
Emily Harvey wife M 62 Gt Wyrley
William Hy Harvey son S 24 Farmer’s son Shelfield
William Haywood serv S 18 Work on farm-Waggoner N.K.England
F146.23 Jacobs Hall Lane
John Rochell H M 55 Colliery-lab Gailey
Sarah Rochell wife M 59 Essington
Reginald Jas Rochell G-son 4 Walsall
F146.P23 Jacobs Hall Farm
James Bloor H S 19 Farmers son Uttoxeter
Elizabeth Bloor Sis S 24 Uttoxeter
Margaret Bloor Sis S 4 Uttoxeter
F146.P23 Walsall Road
Edward Merricks H M 29 Game Keeper Much Wenlock Salop
Milly Merrick wife M 21 Shrewsbury Salop
F146.P24 Walsall Road
Thomas Wootton H M 63 Farmer Leywood Pitts
Emma Woottton wife M 65 Essington
William Wootton son M 31 Farmer’s son Essington
Emily Wootton d-in-law M 28 Pelsall
Nellie Wootton G-daur 5 Gt Wyrley
Beatrice Wootton G-daur 4 Gt Wyrley
William Wootton G-son 1 Gt Wyrley
George Wootton G-son 3mns Gt Wyrley
F146.P24 Walsall Road
Charles Humphries H M 59 Colliery Platelayer Church Stretton Salop
Harriet Humphries wife M 59 Curn Hereford
Arthur Humphried son S 22 Colliery …?engineman Cannock
Eliza Humphries daur S 15 Bloxwich
F146.P24 Walsall Road
Fanny Griffiths H Wid 74 Dudley Worcs
F146.P24 Walsall Road
Thomas Wootton H M 37 Coachmaker-woodwork Essington
Ruth Wootton wife M 32 Essington
William Thomas Wootton son 6 Gt Wyrley
John Wootton son 5 Gt Wyrley
Ruth Wootton daur 10mns Gt Wyrley
F146.P24 Walsall Road
John William Kuffs? H M 50 Coalminer Worthen Salop
Jane Kuffs? Wife M 47 Worthen Salop
William Purslow bor S 19 Farm Labourer Worthen Salop
John Boot Bor S 18 Coalminer West Bromwich
F146.P24 Walsall Road
Aulder Benton H M 32 Coalminer (hewer) Bushbury
Katherine Benton wife M 34 Brewood
Lilian Anne Benton daur 9 Walsall
Elsie Naome Benton daur 7 Walsall
Ed Aulder Benton son 2 Walsall
Elsie Lilian Jackson vis S 13 Wolverhampton
John Brinford? Bor M 43 Coalminer Wales
F146.P24 Walsall Road
Joseph Alex Jukes H Wid 49 Coalminer (hewer) Cannock
Mary Ann Cashmore H.K Wid 56 Upton on Severn Worcs
F147.P25 Alfred Whitehouse nep 8 Gt Wyrley
F147.P25 Walsall Road
John Spake? H M 37 Coalminer-lab Worthen Salop
Mary Jane Spake? wife M 34 Worthen Salop
Rene Spake? daur 9 Worthen Salop
Willett Spake? son 7 Gt Wyrley
Houbry (Aubrey?) Spake? son 4 Gt Wyrley
David Horton bor Wid 49 Coalminer Chedleton Salop
F147.P25 Walsall Road
William Parsons H M 31 Coalminer Wednesfield
Emma Parsons wife M 34 Essington
William Parsons son 8 Essington
Tom Parsons son 6 Gt Wyrley
Ethel Parsons daur 2 Gt Wyrley
F147.P25 Walsall Road
William Garbett H M 48 Coalminer (hewer) Wederley Salop
Ellen Garbett wife M 46 Wednesfield
Sam Garbett son S 22 Coalminer-lab Hednesford
George Henry Garbett son S 17 Coalminer-horse driver Hednesford
Ada Garbett daur S 13 Hednesford
William Garbett son 11 Hednesford
Alice Garbett daur 9 Hednesford
F147.P25 Walsall Road
James Ward H M 36 Colliery enginewright Slitting Mill
Eliza Ward wife M 26 Bilston
Jas Ward son 9mns Gt Wyrley
F147.P25 Walsall Road
Emma Parsons H Wid 60 Norton Canes
James Parsons (deaf & dumb from ch) son S 28 Colliery banksman Gt Wyrley
Herbert Parsons (deaf & dumb from ch) son S 26 Colliery banksman Gt Wyrley
Myra Parsons (deaf & dumb from ch) daur S 24 Gt Wyrley
?linir? Parsons (deaf & dumb from ch) son S 20 Farm lab Gt Wyrley
Hannah Parsons daur S 14 Gt Wyrley
Clarence Parsons(deaf & dumb from ch G-son 3 Gt Wyrley
F147.P25 Walsall Road
William Smithyman H M 28 Coalminer (hewer) Darling?Durham
F147.P26 Walsall Road
Richard Turner H M 32 Coalminer (hewer) Gt Wyrley
Ada Turner wife M 30 Darlaston
William George Turner son 11 Gt Wyrley
Richard Albert Turner son 9 Gt Wyrley
Gladys Maud Turner daur 6 Gt Wyrley
Elsie May Turner daur 4 Gt Wyrley
Leah Hilda Turner daur 2 Gt Wyrley
F147.P26 Walsall Road Beerhouse Wheatsheaf
Ann Corbett H Wid 74 Beerhouse keeper Dawley Salop
Henrietta Potts daur Wid 39 Barmaid Dawley Salop
Leonard Potts G-son 7 Gt Wyrley
Bertram Potts G-son 5 Gt Wyrley
Maggie Buckley serv S 17 Servant (Dom) Cannock
Note: Henrietta Potts re-married in 1909
th Jul 1909 St. Mark’s Church, Great Wyrley. Page 80
Henry Dutton 30 Surface Contractor Great Wyrley Jesse Dutton Miner (deceased)
Henrietta (Hettie) Potts 41 Wid Gt Wyrley Enoch Corbett Publican (deceased)
In the presence of James Corbett & Julia A Worthup
F147.P26 Walsall Road
George Heminsley H M 29 Coalminer (hewer) Saredon
Florence Heminsley wife M 29 Gt Wyrley
Jos Howard Heminsley son 5 Gt Wyrley
William Henry Heminsley son 3 Gt Wyrley
F147.P26 Walsall Road
Thomas Henry Westwood H M 51 Coalminer (hewer) Bilston
Elizabeth Westwood wife M 53 Bilston
Thomas Henry Westwood son S 23 Coalminer-tub loader Chadsmoor
Jonathan Westwood son S 21 Coalminer-horse driver Chadsmoor
Eliz Westwood son S 15 Chadsmoor
F147.P26 Walsall Road
Josiah Jones H M 48 Coalminer (hewer) Portabello
Phoebe Jones wife M 50 Heath Town
William Dawson b-in-law M 27 Coalminer-tub loader Gt Wyrley
Phoebe Ellen Dawson s-in-law M 20 Chadsmoor
F147.P26 Walsall Road: N.B paper aft? & taken away by occupier-jos Conolly – will probably be found in Essington Parish.
F147.P26 Walsall Road
William Jones H M 41 Coalminer Blakenhall
Esther Ann Jones wife M 40 Bloxwich
Harriet Somerfield daur M 20 Bloxwich
William Jones son S 14 Bloxwich
John T? Jones son 11 Bloxwich
F148.P27 Hezekiah Jones son 4 Gt Wyrley
Enoch Somerfield G-son 1m 1w Gt Wyrley
Eliz Jones daur 13 Bloxwich
F148.P27 Walsall Road
William Walker H M 50 Coalminer Pelsall
Dorcas Lydia Walker wife M 30 Gt Wyrley
William Jas Walker S 26 Colliery-Engine Fitter Gt Wyrley
George Alf Walker S 21 Colliery-Lamp …? Gt Wyrley
Ernest A Walker S 19 Colliery-Gen-Lab Gt Wyrley
Isaac Walker S 14 Colliery-Gen-Lab Gt Wyrley
Lilian Lydia Walker daur 9 Gt Wyrley
Chas Wilfred Walker daur 7 Gt Wyrley
Beatrice Ethel Walker daur 6 Gt Wyrley
Harold Victor Walker daur 3 Gt Wyrley
Jos Ellis Walker daur 1 Gt Wyrley
F148.P27 Walsall Road
Joseph Bailey H M 25 Coalminer (hewer) Bilston
Eliza Bailey wife M 23 Dudley Worcs
Edith Alice Bailey daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
Benj Walker bor S 26 Coalminer (hewer) Tipton
Fred Halford vis M 44 Colliery pumping engine driver Penkridge
F148.P27 Walsall Road
Alfred Dutton H M 46 Colliery-loco-engine driver Longdon
Maria Dutton wife M 40 London
Flor Dutton daur S 14 Walsall
David Dutton son 12 Walsall
James Dutton son 10 Gt Wyrley
Ada Dutton daur 8 Gt Wyrley
Alfred Dutton son 6 Gt Wyrley
George Dutton son 4 Gt Wyrley
Charles Dutton vis S 22 Bricklayer’s Labourer Suton Bedford
Note: Christened at St. Mark’s Church, Great Wyrley
James 19th April 1891 Landywood Engineer Page 28.No.220.
Ada 5th March 1893 Landywood Engineer Page 42.No.329
Alfred 20th Feb 1895 Landywood Engineer Page 58.No.458
F148.P28 Walsall Road
Silvanus Turner H M 29 Coalminer (hewer) Gt Wyrley
Emily Turner wife M 29 Willenhall
Thomas Hyde s-son 10 Bloxwich
Caroline Hyde s-daur 9 Bloxwich
Emily May Hyde s-daur 6 Bloxwich
Silvanus Turner son 5 Gt Wyrley
Doris Ethel Turner daur 2 Gt Wyrley
Lucy Lavinia (no surname wrote) daur 1 Gt Wyrley
F148.P28 Walsall Road
William Perks H M 39 Colliery Carpenter Shareshill
Mary Ellen Perks wife M 37 Cheslyn Hay
Edward Henry Perks son S 17 Colliery Carpenter Gt Wyrley
Susan Perks daur S 15 Norton Canes
Sarah Perks daur 12 Norton Canes
Harriet Perks daur 9 Cheslyn Hay
Moses Perks son 4 Gt Wyrley
Mary Ellen Perks daur 2 Gt Wyrley
F148.P28 Walsall Road
Edward Benton H M 30 Coalminer (hewer) Essington
Mary Jane Benton wife M 29 Bloxwich
Harold Benton son 7 Bloxwich
Genevea? Benton daur 5 Gt Wyrley
William Benton son 1 Gt Wyrley
Edwin Hope bor 25 Colliery shoeing smith Digworth? Here
F148.P28 Walsall Road
Edward Morris H M 48 Colliery Saddler Leominster Here
Frances Morris wife M 40 Stafford
Henry Morris son S 21 Colliery Engine Fitter Stafford
Chas Morris son S 16 Colliery ……………? Bloxwich
William Morris son S 14 Colliery worker Bloxwich
Emily Morris daur 10 Bloxwich
John Morris son 8 Gt Wyrley
Loenard Morris son 6 Gt Wyrley
F149.P29 Walsall Road
Joseph Sanders H M 32 Colliery Stoker Stationary Willenhall
Clara Sanders wife M 27 Essington
Kezia Anne Sanders daur 3 Bloxwich
Geo Wilfred Sanders son 5mns Bloxwich
F149.P29 Walsall Road
Samuel Bate H M 25 Coalminer-Bookreader Cannock
Laura Bate wife M 21 Walsall
Thomas Bate son 1 Walsall
F149.P29 Walsall Road
Thomas Hartwell H M 34 Coalminer (hewer) Lichfield
Mary Ann Hartwell wife M 28 Gt Wyrley
Lily Hartwell daur 8 Gt Wyrley
Annie Hartwell daur 6 Gt Wyrley
Jno William Hartwell son 1 Gt Wyrley
F149.P29 Walsall Road
Thomas Marlow H M 46 Stationary hauling engine driver Hednesford
Hannah Marlow wife M 40 Gt Wyrley
Benjamin Dutton f-in-law Wid 75 Coalminer-lab-retired Gt Wyrley
F149.P29 Bentons Lane
John Corke H M 31 Coalminer-tub loader Worcester
Harriet Corke wife M 31 Cheslyn Hay
Elsie May Corke daur 5 B’Ham Warws
Lily Corke daur 1mn Gt Wyrley
F149.P29 Walsall Road
Mary Ann Ault H Wid 78 B’Ham Warws
Emily Starky S 47 Housekeeper-Dom Gt Wyrley
F149.P29 Gorsey Lane
William Price H M 41 Colliery-Lab-above Oldbury
Sarah Price wife M 31 Henesford
Joseph Price son 8 Yorkshire
Ada Price daur 4 Cannock
William Price son 7mns Cannock
All that part of the Township of Great Wyrley which lies on Western or right hand side of Walsall Road
from the brook bridge at Churchbridge to the corner of Jone’s Lane, from that point, take all houses on
Northern or Right hand side of Lane through Lower Landywood to L & N.W Railway Bridge, from there
take said Railway as a boundary in direction of Bloxwich, taking in all houses on Western side:- namely,
Upper Landywood, Wyrley Bank, Fisher’s Farm, Poplar Farm, Great Wyrley Colliery, 3 Brick Works, also
Edge Tool Works, St. Mark’s Church & School, Railway Station, Station House, Wyrley Hall and Brook
House and 2 houses on Station Road.
Witness my hand this Sixth day of April 1901
William James Bowen: Enumerator
Ada E Gripton: Registrar
F153.P1 Robin Hood Inn F153. P1.
William H Hughes H M 68 Innkeeper Pub Kinswinford
Annie M Hughes daur S 39 Dudley Worcs
Isabella E Hughes daur S 37 Dudley Worcs
F153.P1 Churchbridge
Rosanna Lee H Wid 48 Dudley Worcs
James Lee son S 21 Auger Filer Smethwick
Louisa Lee daur S 20 Smethwick
George Lee son S 15 Labourer in Oak Lathe Smethwick
Harry Lee son S 13 Labourer in Iron Works Cannock
Frederick Lee son S 13 Labourer in Iron Works Cannock
Emily Lee daur S 10 Cannock
William Lee son 9 Cannock
1881 Census 20F Reynold Street Harborne
William Lee H M 28 Axle Turner Smethwick
Rosanna Lee wife M 29 Smethwick
Rosanna Lee daur 4 Smethwick
James Lee son 2 Smethwick
Louisa Lee daur 2mns Smethwick
Note: William Lee married Rosanna Wright
William died in 1898 and was buried 18th May. Rosanna died in 1914, & was buried 21st Oct
F153.P1 Churchbridge
John Lees H M 49 Carriage Axle Forger Wednesbury
Ann Lees wife M 49 Wednesbury
Mary Ann Warburton daur M 23 Wednesbury
Florence Lees daur S 11 Wednesbury
Lizzie Warburton G-daur 1 Cannock
F153.P1 Churchbridge
William Cartwright H M 56 Vice Maker Dudley Worcs
Pheobe Cartwright wife M 56 Quarry Bank
William Cartwright son S 25 Vice Maker Dudley Worcs
Emma Cartwright daur S 10 Gt Wyrley
F153.P1 Churchbridge
William Walker H M 35 Horn Show Turner Whitwick
Hannah Walker wife M 32 Bradley Green
Mary A Walker daur 10 Cannock
John Walker son 9 Wolverhampton
Elizabeth Walker daur 7 Gt Wyrley
William J Walker son 5 Gt Wyrley
Albert E Walker son 3 Gt Wyrley
Arthur E Walker son 6 mns Gt Wyrley
F153.P2 Churchbridge.
John Benton H M 35 Edge Tool Maker Bloxwich
Rachel Benton wife M 26 Dudley Worcs
Jennie Benton daur 4 Bridgtown
Garland Benton son 1 Bridgtown
F153.P2 Churchbridge
John Corfield H M 30 Axle Forger Wednesbury
Eliza E Corfield wife M 25 Nottingham Notts
Elizabeth Corfield daur 5 Bridgtown
John T Corfield son 3 Bridgtown
Benjamin F Corfield son 1 Bridgtown
F153.P2 Churchbridge
Bernard E Craddock H M 30 Ironworker Churchbridge
Ada Craddock wife M 25 Bridgtown
Elsie C Craddock daur 5 Oldham Lancs
Florence M Craddock daur 4 Churchbridge
Bernard E Craddock son 2 Churchbridge
William H Craddock son 1 mn Churchbridge
George T Craddock boar S 18 Smiths Striker Cannock
F153.P2 Churchbridge
Oliver Hood H M 55 Edge Tool Maker Churchbridge
Elizabeth Hood wife M 52 Churchbridge
Herbert Hood son S 21 Engine Fitter & Turner Gt Wyrley
Gertrude Hood daur S 14 Bridgtown
Harry Hood son S 12 Bridgtown
F153.P2 Churchbridge
Thomas H Thacker H M 56 Manager at Edgetool Works Cheslyn Hay
Mary A Thacker wife M 61 B’ham Warws
William Ch Thacker son S 26 Ironworker & Cabinet Maker Cheslyn Hay
Herber H Thacker son S 23 Pattern Maker Cheslyn Hay
Mabel Thacker daur S 20 Cheslyn Hay
F153.P2 Churchbridge
George Westwood H M 29 Smiths Striker Pelsall
Lucy Westwood wife M 27 Churchbridge
Wilfred Westwood son 9 Churchbridge
Lucy Ann Westwood daur 5 Churchbridge
F154.P3 Churchbridge
William H Craddock H M 59 Ironworker Roller Cannock
Sarah A Craddock wife M 60 Cheslyn Hay
F154.P3 Churchbridge
William Moore H M 42 Ironworker Roller Coseley
Jane Moore wife M 42 Moxley
Fred Moore son S 21 Smiths Striker Bradley
John Moore son S 16? B……….? at forge Moxley
William Moore son 15 Heater–up at Iron Forge Moxley
Emily Moore daur 12 Moxley
Joseph Moore son 10 Moxley
Henry Moore son 8 Moxley
Lydia Moore daur 3 Bloxwich
Richard Moore son 1 Willenhall
F154.P3 Churchbridge
Alfred J Read H M 29 Edge Tool Striker Walsall
Mary Read wife M 28 Bilston
Alfred J Read son 9 Bridgtown
Harry Read son 5 Bridgtown
Charles Read son 1 Churchbridge
Alfred Kendrick boarS 38 Mail Axle Turner Coach Wednesbury
F154.P3 Churchbridge
Josiah Hampson H M 56 Boa…? Axle Turner Wednesbury
Ann Hampson wife M 55 Wednesbury
Mary Ann Hudson daur Wid 27 Darlaston
Thomas Hudson G-son 6 Wakefield Yorks
Lilian Hudson G-daur 4 Wakefield Yorks
F154.P3 Churchbridge
Samuel Bates H M 58 Smiths Striker B’ham Warws
Ann Bates wife M 52 Churchbridge
David Bate son S 20 Engine Driver at Ironworks Churchbridge
Percy Bates son S 17 Smiths Striker Churchbridge
Joseph Bates son S 12 Churchbridge
154.P4 Churchbridge
James Walker H M 49 Horse Shoe Turner Dudley Worcs
Felicia Walker wife M 49 Dudley Worcs
James Walker son S 23 Smiths Striker Dudley Worcs
Jabez Walker son S 9 Churchbridge
Emily Walker daur 6 Churchbridge
Priscilla Walker daur 3 Churchbridge
Joseph Deeley boar M 57 Iron Worker Shingler Wednesbury
F154.P4 Churchbridge
James Smith H M 74 Roadman Lab N.K. Leics
Mary Smith wife M 59 Dawley Salop
George Pearce s-son S 29 Coalminer below Dawley Salop
John Pearce s-son S 21 Ironworker Dawley Salop
William Pearce s-son S 18 Coalminer below Dawley Salop
Elizabeth Pearce s-daur S 11 Norton Canes
F154.P4 Churchbridge
Jerimiah Parker H M 42 House Painer Gornal
Mary Ann Parker wife M 27 Gt Wyrley
John Henry Parker son 10 mns Churchbridge
F154.P4 Churchbridge
Patrick Henaughan H M 51 Coalminer Hewer below Ireland
Margaret Henaughan wife M 48 Lichfield
Laurence Henaughan son 11 Chase Town
F154.P4 Churchbridge
Samuel Malkin H M 49 Locomotive Engine Driver Wolverhampton
Annie Malkin wife M 35 Gt Wyrley
Dorothy Jones s-daur 8 Bridgtown
F154.P4 Walsall Road
Thomas Mears H M 67 Farmer Employer Brewood
Elizabeth Mears wife M 70 Brewood
Harry Mears G-son 17 Farm Servant Churchbridge
George E Greensill G-son 5 Great Wyrley
F154.P4 Walsall Road
William Wynn H M 48 Plumber & House Painter Audley Ches
Alice Wynn wife M 36 Gt Wyrley
Ferdinand A Wynn son S 25 Plumber & House Painter Canada
F155.P5 Walsall Road
John Garratt H M 50 Coalminer Pelsall
Sarah J Garratt wife M 55 Cannock
Thomas Garratt son S 24 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
John Gaarratt son S 22 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Mary Ann Garratt daur S 21 School Mistress (assistant) Gt Wyrley
Charles Garratt son S 19 Carpenter’s Apprentise Gt Wyrley
Sarah Jane Garratt daur S 14 Gt Wyrley
William Jas Dutton boar S 42 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
F155.P5 Orchard Place
George E Greensill H M 27 Solicitors Clerk Bridgtown
Selina Greensill wife M 31 Gt Wyrley
Constance M Greensill daur 7 Gt Wyrley
Doris Greensill daur 2 Gt Wyrley
F155.P5 Orchard Place
Bernard Greensill H M 24 Butcher & Farmer Cannock
Lucy Ann Greensill wife M 24 Cheslyn Hay
Edith Joyce Greensill daur 1 mn Gt Wyrley
Lily Heminsley sis-in-law S 18 Cheslyn Hay
William Surl serv S 65 Ag Labourer Amberley Sussex
F155.P5 Walsall Road
John Hartwell H Wid 43 Coalminer Hewer Lichfield
Harry Hartwell son S 14 Ironforge Roller Gt Wyrley
William Hartwell son 11 Gt Wyrley
Elizabeth Turner serv S 50 Gen Servant Gt Wyrley
F155.P5 Walsall Road
Richard Raybould H M 63 Colliery Manager Netherton Worcs
Jemima Raybould wife M 51 Netherton Worcs
Betsy Rock serv S 61 Gen Servant Netherton Worcs
F155.P5 Walsall Road
Francis Smith H M 72 Retired Wheelwright Pelsall
Lavinia Smith wife M 72 Lane Head
F155.P5 Walsall Road
Thomas Wootton H M 41 Carpenter at Colliery Gt Wyrley
Emily Wootton wife M 35 Wolverhampton
Edith Wootton daur S 13 Gt Wyrley
F155.P6 Walsall Road
Joseph Dutton H M 62 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Elizabeth Dutton wife M 55 Gt Wyrley
William Dutton son S 30 Coalminer Gt Wyrley
Henry Dutton son S 26 Colliery Labourer Gt Wyrley
Joseph Dutton son 9 Gt Wyrley
Fanny Dutton daur 15 Gt Wyrley
Ellen Dutton daur 12 Gt Wyrley
John Henry Walker boar M 23 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Elizabeth Walker boar M 20 Gt Wyrley
Note: 7th July 1904 St. Mark’s Church Great Wyrley Page 80 No.159
Henry Dutton 30 Bachelor Surface Contractor Great Wyrley Joseph Dutton
Henrietta (Hettie) Potts 41 Widow Great Wyrley Enoch Corbet Publican (deceased)
In the presence of James Corbet & Julia A Northup (see Folio 47.P26 Wheatsheaf)
Christened at St. Mark’s Church, Great Wyrley
Ellen 3rd June 1888 Gt Wyrley Miner Page 10.No.75
Joseph Thomas 24th May 1891 Gt Wyrley Miner Page 29.No.255
F155.P6 Walsall Road
William Anson H M 60 Gen Labourer Gt Wyrley
Ellen Anson wife M 59 Gt Wyrley
David Anson son S 36 Coalminer below Bloxwich
Harry Anson son S 33 Coalminer below Bloxwich
James Anson son S 30 Coalminer Aldridge
Maud Anson daur S 17 Bloxwich
F155.P6 Walsall Road
William Perks H M 31 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Alice A Perks wife M 32 Heath Town
Ernest Perks son 8 Gt Wyrley
Alice M Perks daur 6 Gt Wyrley
Horace Perks son 4 Gt Wyrley
Edith J Perks daur 1 Gt Wyrley
F155.P6 Walsall Road
William Glover H M 34 Shunter at Colliery Newcastle
Theresa Glover wife M 34 Bradley
Eliza Glover daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
William Glover son 3 Cheslyn Hay
F155.P6 Walsall Road
Martha Davenport H Wid 42 Colton
William Davenport son 12 Pentreback Glam
Nellie Davenport daur 10 Pentreback Glam
Mabel Davenport daur 8 Pentreback Glam
Alfred Davenport son 3 Norton Canes
F156.P7 Walsall Road
Samuel Wall H M 34 Coalminer Hewer below Cheslyn Hay
Elizabeth Wall wife M 42 Gt Wyrley
Isaiah Mattocks s-son S 17 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
William Mattocks s-son 15 Coalminer Gt Wyrley
Beatrice Mattock s-daur 10 Gt Wyrley
Sidney Wall son 8 Gt Wyrley
Alice Wall daur 6 Gt Wyrley
Joseph Wall son 4 Gt Wyrley
Lizzie Wall daur 3 Gt Wyrley
Albert Wall son 4 mns Gt Wyrley
F156.P7 Walsall Road
John Whitehouse H M 37 Blacksmith Pelsall
Mary Ann Whitehouse wife M 40 Brownhills
Ellen Whitehouse daur S 18 Brownhills
George Whitehouse son 13 Blacksmiths striker Pelsall
Arthur Whitehouse son 11 Brown Hills
Alice M Whitehouse daur 9 Pelsall
Kate Whitehouse daur 6 Brownhills
Dora Whitehouse daur 3 Brownhills
Horrace J Whitehouse son 1 Brownhills
F156.P7 Walsall Road
Henry Cartwright H M 41 Coalminer below Essington Wood
Rhoda Cartwright wife M 40 Gt Wyrley
Daniel Cartwright son 14 Auger MakerLabouer Norton Canes
Harry Cartwright son 13 Gt Wyrley
William Cartwright son 11 Gt Wyrley
Rhoda Cartwright daur 9 Gt Wyrley
Miriam Cartwright daur 7 Gt Wyrley
Emily Cartwright daur 4 Gt Wyrley
Eleanor M Cartwright daur 1 Gt Wyrley
F156.P7 Walsall Road
Hannah Smith H Wid 84 Cannock
Thomas Smith son 54 Colliery Lab above Gt Wyrley
F156.P8 Walsall Road
James Strefford H M 42 Colliery Enginewright Arley Worcs
Elizabeth Strefford wife M 46 Wednesbury
James Strefford son S 18 Assistant Coliery Enginewright Gt Wyrley
Eliza Strefford daur S 16 Gt Wyrley
Jabez Strefford son S 13 Gt Wyrley
F156.P8 Lower Landywood
George Heafield H M 57 Coalminer Hewer Tamworth
Rebecca Heasfield wife M 55 B’ham Warws
Samuel J Heafield son S 36 Coalminer Hewer Gt Wyrley
Alfred Heafield son S 15 Coal Boat Loadler Gt Wyrley
Herbert E Heafield son 12 Gt Wyrley
Bertha Heafield daur 9 Gt Wyrley
F156.P8 Lower Landywood
Edward Garratt H M 47 Coalminer Hewer Gt Wyrley
Fanny Garratt wife M 46 Gt Wyrley
Fanny Garratt daur S 17 Dressmaker Gt Wyrley
Sarah Ann Garratt daur S 16 Gt Wyrley
F156.P8 Lower Landywood
Thomas Altree H M 35 Coalminer Hewer Gt Wyrley
Maria Altree wife M 34 Gt Wyrley
Elizabeth Bate Mo-in-law Wid 75 Gt Wyrley
Mary A Altree daur S 13 Gt Wyrley
Beatrice Altree daur 10 Gt Wyrley
Gertrude Altree daur 7 Gt Wyrley
William Altree son 6 Gt Wyrley
John T Altree son 3 Gt Wyrley
Note: Married at St. Mark’s Church, Great Wyrley
Thomas Altree, b 02.02.1866 married Maria Bate 31st May 1887 (daughter of John & Elizabeth)
Son John Thomas married Lillian Maud Whitehouse 18th April 1920 (daughter of Stephen)
Wilfred married Sarah Ann May Thomas (daughter of Philip Henry) 29th January 1921
Gertrude married John William Wilkes (son of Samuel) 28th March 1921
F156.P8 Lower Landywood
James T H Rogers H M 31 Colminer below Gt Wyrley
Lizzie Rogers wife M 24 Gt Wyrley
Emma E Rogers daur 3 Gt Wyrley
F156.P8 Lower Landywood
Isaac Rogers H M 53 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Elizabeth Rogers wife M 51 Cheslyn Hay
Annie Holloway daur M 28 Gt Wyrley
Frederick Holloway G-son 4 Ermscote Warws
Nellie Holloway G-daur 2 Gt Wyrley
F157.P9 Lower Landywood
John W Thomas H M 48 Edgetool Maker Gt Wyrley
Rose A Thomas wife M 43 Cannock
Ernest Thomas son S 22 Baker Gt Wyrley
Ada Thomas daur S 13 Gt Wyrley
Norah Thomas daur 11 Gt Wyrley
Edgar A Thomas son 9 Gt Wyrley
Arnold Thomas son 7 Gt Wyrley
Alma Thomas daur 4 Gt Wyrley
Clarence Thomas son 2 Gt Wyrley
F157.P9 Lower Landywood
Daniel Whitehouse H M 36 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Elizabeth Whitehouse wife M 34 Gt Wyrley
Thomas Whitehouse son 13 Lab at Edge Tool Works Norton Canes
Minnie Whitehouse daur 9 Norton Canes
Hannah Whitehouse daur 8 Norton Canes
Daniel Whitwhouse son 7 Norton Canes
Daniel Whitehouse Fa Wid 76 Coalminer Hewer retired Cheslyn Hay
F157.P9 Lower Landywood
John Perks H Wid 74 Coalminer Retired Gt Wyrley
John Perks son S 42 Coalminer Retired Gt Wyrley
157.P9 Lower Landywood
William Cope H M 48 Coalminer below Wednesbury
Edith E Cope wife M 48 Gt Wyrley
James Horton s-in-law M 23 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Ada A Horton daur M 20 Gt Wyrley
George Horton G-son 9 mns Gt Wyrley
F157.P9 Lower Landywood
George T Tudor H M 35 Coalminer below N.K.
Clara Tudor wife M 30 Gt Wyrley
George T Tudor son 10 Cheslyn Hay
Lily Tudor daur 8 Gt Wyrley
Edith M Tudor daur 4 Gt Wyrley
Cicely P Tudor daur 2 Gt Wyrley
Note: Charles Thomas Turdor 24 Bachelor Miner Cheslyn Hay Thomas Tudor Miner
Clara Gaskin 20 Cheslyn Hay Pricilla Gaskin
In the presence of William Chetter & Ellen Whitehouse
(see Folio 16.P23. Pricilla Gaskin)
F157.P10 Lower Landywood
Thomas Smith H M 24 Coalminer below Middlesborough Yorks
Charlotte Smith wife M 28 Bloxwich
F157.P10 Lower Landywood
Enoch Turner H M 39 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Mary A Turner wife M 35 Gt Wyrley
Ada A Turner daur S 15 Gt Wyrley
Enoch Turner son 10 Gt Wyrley
Doris M Turner daur 1 Gt Wyrley
F157.P10 Lower Landywood
Thomas Jones H M 25 Coalminer below B’Ham Warws
Sarah E Jones wife M 24 Gt Wyrley
Edith M Jones daur 1 mn Gt Wyrley
F157.P10 Lower Landywood
Israel Deakin H Wid 72 Living on own means Cheslyn Hay
Alfred Whitehouse s-in-law M 42 Coalminer below Cheslyn Hay
Marinda Whitehouse daur M 34 Gt Wyrley
Lucy D Whitehouse G-daur S 13 Gt Wyrley
Israel D Whitehouse G-son 11 Gt Wyrley
Leonard Whitehouse G-son 8 Gt Wyrley
Daisy M Whitehouse G-daur 6 Gt Wyrley
Lily G Whitehouse G-daur 3 Gt Wyrley
Alfred Whitehouse G-son 1 Gt Wyrley
F157.P10 Lower Landywood
Betsy A Baker H Wid 49 Shopkeeper Grocer Gt Wyrley
William Baker son S 27 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Caroline Baker daur S 17 Gt Wyrley
George Baker son S 16 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Harry Baker son 10 Gt Wyrley
Isaiah Baker son 7 Gt Wyrley
F157.P10 Lower Landywood
William S Garratt H M 21 Warehouseman Edge Tools Gt Wyrley
Mabel E Garratt wife M 21 Wednesbury
Hilda M Garratt daur 5 mns Gt Wyrley
F158.P11 Lower Landywood
John Pritchard H M 26 Coalminer below Wednesbury
Mary A Pritchard wife M 22 Bloxwich
Sidney Pritchard son 1 Gt Wyrley
F158.P11 Lower Landywood
Robert Baker H M 24 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Elizabeth Baker wife M 20 Gt Wyrley
Hilda Baker daur 8 mns Gt Wyrley
F158.P11 Lower Landywood
George Turner H M 73 Haulier below Gt Wyrley
Mary Ann Turner wife M 73 Essington
James Geo Turner son S 49 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Enoch Bates boar M 25 Coalminer below St Georges Salop
Mabel Bates boar M 23 Gt Wyrley
Elsie M Bates G-daur 6 mns Gt Wyrley
F158.P11Lower Landywood
George Stanton H M 28 Coalminer Gt Wyrley
Mary A Stanton wife M 25 Cheslyn Hay
F158.P11 Lower Landywood
Benjamin Hawkins H M 29 Coalminer below Cheslyn Hay
Mary Jane Hawkins wife M 24 Bloxwich
Althea Hawkins daur 3 Gt Wyrley
Amy Hawkins daur 2 Gt Wyrley
F158.P11 Lower Landywood
Charles Dalton H M 44 Colliery Enginewright Stonnall
Eliza Dalton wife M 46 Brownhills
Charles Dalton son S 22 Engine Fitter (Colliery) Brownhills
Florrie Dalton daur S 17 Dressmakers Apprentice Brownhills
Lizzie Dalton daur S 11 Brownhills
Thomas Dalton son 9 Brownhills
Arthur Dalton son 6 Gt Wyrley
F158.P11 Lower Landywood
Thomas Smith H M 26 Assistant Coalminer fireman Gt Wyrley
Elizabeth Smith wife M 26 Wolverhampton
Harold Smith son 1 Gt Wyrley
Horace Smith son 3 mns Gt Wyrley
F158.P12 Lower Landywood
Thomas Garratt H M 41 Coalminer Gt Wyrley
Martha Garratt wife M 40 Gt Wyrley
William J Garratt son S 17 Stamper at Edge Tool Works Cheslyn Hay
Percy Garratt son S 15 Coalminer above Cheslyn Hay
Harry Garratt son 11 Gt Wyrley
Alice E Garratt daur 9 Gt Wyrley
Florence L Garratt daur 7 Gt Wyrley
Martha A Garratt daur 1 Gt Wyrley
F158.P12 Lower Landywood
William Wootton H M 38 Gen Lab at Colliery Gt Wyrley
Ann Wootton wife M 37 Gt Wyrley
William G Wootton son 14 Colliery Carpenter Gt Wyrley
Eva F M Wootton daur 11 Essington
Sarah B Wootton daur 9 Essington
Hyla Wootton son 6 Norton Canes
Leonard Wootton son 4 Norton Canes
F158.P12 Lower Landywood
William Whitehouse H M 57 Coalminer below Hewer Gt Wyrley
Jane Whitehouse wife M 51 B’Ham Warws
James Whitehouse son S 22 Coalminer below Hewer Gt Wyrley
Henry Whitehouse son S 20 Coalminer below Hewer Gt Wyrley
Frederick Whitehouse son S 17 Coalminer below Hewer Gt Wyrley
Nellie Whitehouse daur S 12 Gt Wyrley
Thomas Whitehouse son 6 Gt Wyrley
Enoch Whitehouse son 4 Gt Wyrley
Alfred Yapp boar S 24 Coalminer below Brewood
F158.P12 Lower Landywood
Ann Rowlands H Wid 52 Haulier Rownell ?
John Rowlands son S 38 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
James Rowlands son S 21 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Evelyn Rowlands daur S 18 Gt Wyrley
Martha Rowlands daur S 15 Gt Wyrley
Lily Rowlands daur S 12 Gt Wyrley
Thomas Price serv S 19 Carter Coal Walsall
F159.P13 Lower Landywood
Jesse Dutton H M 42 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Eliza Dutton wife M 34 Bloxwich
William Dutton son S 18 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Rose Dutton daur S 14 Gt Wyrley
Florence Dutton daur 12 Gt Wyrley
Howard Dutton son 10 Gt Wyrley
Beatrice Dutton daur 7 Gt Wyrley
Jesse Dutton son 6 Gt Wyrley
Henry J Dutton son 3 Gt Wyrley
Annie Dutton daur 19 mns Gt Wyrley
(no name given) Dutton daur 5 wks Gt Wyrley
Note: Christened at St. Mark’s Church, Great Wyrley
Minnie Florence 28th October 1888 Landywood Miner Page 12.No.95
Howard 15th February 1891 Gt Wyrley Miner Page 26.No.207
Beatrice Ann 3rd September 1893 Landywood Miner Page 46.No.362.
Jesse 25th November 1894 Landywood Miner Page 56.No.445
John Henry 12th September 1897 Landywood Miner Page 79.No.629
F159.P13 Lower Landywood
James Benton H M 26 Coalminer below Essington
Florence A Benton wife M 27 Gt Wyrley
James N Benton son 4 Gt Wyrley
Albert O Benton son 2 Gt Wyrley
Note: 16th April 1896 St. Mark’s Church Great Wyrley Page 228 No.455
James Benton 21 Bachelor Miner Great Wyrley Richard Benton Miner
Florence Annie Dutton 21 Spinster Great Wyrley William Dutton Miner
In the presence of Aulder Benton, Mary Deborah Benton & Annie Benton
F159.P13 Shaws Lane
William G Sambrook H M 66 Coalminer Hewer retired Essington
Mary A Sambrook wife M 57 Gt Wyrley
Alfred Sambrook son S 21 Trap Axle Turner Coach Gt Wyrley
John T Sambrook son S 19 Trap Axle Turner Gt Wyrley
Wilfred Sambrook son 13 Gt Wyrley
Minnie Sambrrok daur 11 Gt Wyrley
F159.P13 Lower Landywood
Edward Quinton H S 56 Colliery Proprieter Wednesfield
Thomas Quinton bro S 46 Coalminer below Wednesfield
Charles Tiddesley neph S 26 Coal Pit Sinker Gt Marlow Bucks
F159.P13 Cow Shed Row
Thomas Dawson H M 24 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Caroline Dawson wife M 25 Gt Wyrley
Thomas H Dawson son 2 Gt Wyrley
Ruby L Dawson daur 8 mns Gt Wyrley
F159.P14 Cow Shed Row
William Dutton H M 59 Coalminer Hewer below Gt Wyrley
Frances Dutton wife M 58 Pelsall
F159.P14 Cow Shed Row
George Stanton H M 51 Coalminer below B’ham Warws
Sarah A Stanton wife M 52 Gt Wyrley
Harry Stanton son S 20 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Ada Stanton daur S 16 Gt Wyrley
Handel Stanton son S 10 Gt Wyrley
Nellie Stanton daur 9 Gt Wyrley
William Lees boar S 22 Coalminer below Wrocwardine Wood Salop
F159.P14 Cow Shed Row
William Bate H M 53 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Maria Bate wife M 50 Bloxwich
William Bate son S 18 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
F159.P14 Cow Shed Row
Richard Farrington H M 33 Coalmine below Gt Wyrley
Elizabeth Farrington wife M 27 N.K Herefordshire
Charles Farrington son 6 Gt Wyrley
William Farrington son 5 Gt Wyrley
Emily Farrington daur 3 Gt Wyrley
Elizabeth Farrington daur 1 Gt Wyrley
Priscilla Farrington daur 5 mns Gt Wyrley
Mary Ann Farrington Mo Wid 74 Eastleigh Glous
F159.P14 Cow Shed Row
James Bates H M 30 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Ruth Bates wife M 28 Bloxwich
Fanny Bates daur 9 Gt Wyrley
John Bates son 6 Gt Wyrley
James Bates son 2 Gt Wyrley
F159.P14 Lower Landywood
John Bates H M 32 Checkweighman at Colliery Cheslyn Hay
Sophia Bate wife M 31 Gt Wyrley
Frances V Bate daur 9 Gt Wyrley
Elsie P Bate daur 8 Gt Wyrley
John Bate son 6 Gt Wyrley
Dorothy F Bate daur 2 Gt Wyrley
F160.P15 Upper Churchbridge
William Smith H Wid 57 Colliery Engine Driver Newton Baysland? Leics
Alice Smith daur S 22 Dressmaker Chadsmoor
Annie Smith daur S 18 Chadsmoor
William Smith son S 13 Lab at Iron Works Chadsmoor
Ada Smith daur 10 Gt Wyrley
F160.P15 Upper Landywood
John Jays H M 28 Sawyer at Colliery Gt Wyrley
Mary Ann Jays wife M 34 Pattingham
Alfred R Jays son 8 Gt Wyrley
Ellen J Jays daur 5 Gt Wyrley
John Jays son 3 Gt Wyrley
Jane Jays Mo Wid 68 B’ham Warws
F160.P15 Upper Landywood
William H Whitehouse H M 26 Coalminer Hewer Gt Wyrley
Sarah J Whitehouse wife M 25 Cheslyn Hay
William H Whitehouse son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Jane Whitehouse daur 2 Gt Wyrley
Alice A Whitehouse daur 1 Gt Wyrley
F160.P15 Upper Landywood
Samson Saunders H M 30 Colliery Engine Minder New Invention
Clara Saunders wife M 30 Gt Wyrley
Dorothy Saunders daur 8 Darlaston
Rhoda E Saunders daur 6 Darlaston
Samson Saunders son 2 Gt Wyrley
James Saunders son 5 mns Gt Wyrley
F160.P15 Upper Landywood
Harry Foster H M 27 Colliery Engineer Bilston
Amy Foster wife M 25 Small Heath Warws
F160.P15 Upper Landywood
William Eccleshall H M 28 Coalminer below Hednesford
Ada Eccleshall wife M 34 Gt Wyrley
F160.P15 Upper Landywood
George T Rochelle H M 27 Cast Arm Turner coach Gt Wyrley
Mary A Rochelle wife M 23 Gt Wyrley
Hector E Rochelle son 9 mns Gt Wyrley
F160.P16 Upper Landywood
James Westwood H M 27 Coalminer below ground Bilston
Sarah Ann Westwood wife M 25 St. Georges Salop
James H Westwood son 2 Gt Wyrley
Elsie N Westwood daur 5 mns Gt Wyrley
F160.P16 Upper Landywood
Joseph E Bowen H M 27 Coalminer below Cheslyn Hay
Ellen E Bowen wife M 24 Cheslyn Hay
William T Bowen son 4 Churchbridge
Joseph E Bowen son 3 Gt Wyrley
Charles A Bowen son 7 mns Gt Wyrley
F160.P16 Uppre Landywood
James Walker H M 55 Laney Green
Rachel Walker wife M 55 Bridgnorth Salop
Arthur J Bloor s-in-law M 27 Farm Lab Rugeley
Sarah A Bloor daur M 25 Gt Wyrley
William A Bloor G-son 2 Pleck Walsall
F160.P16 Upper Landywood
Edward Bullivant H M 41 Coalminer Hewer below Gt Wyrley
Harriet Bullivant wife M 46 Bilston
Edward Bullivamt son S 17 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Rose Rudge niece 4 Bilston
F160.P16 Upper Landywood
George Street H M 30 Coalminer below Coalport Salop
Louisa Street wife M 30 B’Ham Warws
F160.P16 Upper Landywood
John Kingston H M 52 Coalminer below Shareshill
Mary Kingston wife M 53 Bilston
F160.P16 Upper Landywood
Isaiah Hinks H M 25 Coalminer below Essington
Florence Hinks wife M 23 Cheslyn Hay
Hilda Hinks daur 3 Essington
Ada Hinks daur 6 mns Gt Wyrley
F160.P16 Upper Landywood
Richard G Wood H M 23 Coalminer below Cheslyn Hay
Mary J Wood wife M 22 Gt Wyrley
Horace J Wood son 9 mns Gt Wyrley
Harriett E Walker vis S 34 General servant (Dom) Blakenhall
F161.P17 Upper Landywood
James Turner H Wid 56 Coalminer Hewer below Cheslyn Hay
F161.P17 Upper Landywood
Alfred Bird H M 27 Coalminer below Hewer Bloxwich
Annie Bird wife M 30 Wollaston
Alfred Bird son 7 Cheslyn hay
Annie Bird daur 5 Essington
William H Bird son 3 Gt Wyrley
Emma Bird daur 3 mns Gt Wyrley
Joseph W Meakin s-son 11 Essington
Arthur Bird bro 18 Coalminer below New Invention
F161.P17 Upper Landywood
Herbert Stanley H M 34 Farmer Pelsall
Elizabeth Stanley wife M 30 Essington
Wilfred Stanley son 7 Gt Wyrley
George Stanley son 5 Gt Wyrley
Bertha Stanley daur 4 mns Gt Wyrley
John Winsor serv Wid 50 Waggoner on farm Penkridge
F161.P17 Upper Landywood
George Bowen H M 66 Lab in Colliery Wolverhampton
Jane Bowen wife M 75 Gt Wyrley
F161.P17 Upper Landywood
Stephen Webb H M 50 Coalminer below Pewsey Wilts
Sarah Webb wife M 49 Wednesbury
Thomas Webb son S 22 Coalminer below Cheslyn Hay
William H Webb son S 17 Coalminer below Cheslyn Hay
Edith Webb daur S 15 Chesly n Hay
Ernest A Webb son 12 Cheslyn Hay
James Windsor boar S 30 Coalminer below Gt Haywood
William Windsor boar S 28 Coalminer below Gt Haywood
F161.P17 Upper Landywood
Joseph Wootton H M 29 Ag Labourer Newtown Bloxwich
Martha Wootton wife M 28 Pelsall
Gladys Wotton daur 1 Gt Wyrley
F161.P18 Upper Landywood
George Meakin H Wid 63 Lab on Road Chartley Outwoods
William Meakin son S 23 Coalminer below Essington
Mary Killian serv S 26 Gen Servant (Dom) Ireland
F161.P18 Upper Landywood
Thomas Mason H M 45 Lab on Canal Wednesfield
Maria Mason wife M 43 Rushall
Alice L Mason daur S 19 Wednesfield
Elizabeth Mason daur S 18 Wednesfiled
Benjamin L Mason son S 15 Wednesfield
Howard F Mason son 13 Wednesfield
Sidney Mason son 11 Wednesfield
Clifford P Mason son 9 Wednesfield
Harold C Mason son 5 Wednesfield
Selwyn R Mason son 3 Gt Wyrley
Dermot V Mason son 4 mns Gt Wyrley
F161.P18 Upper Landywood Cromer Cottage
William Brown H M 31 Grocer Shopkeeper Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Ann Brown wife M 30 Cheslyn Hay
Cyril R Brown son 4 Gt Wyrley
F161.P18 Upper Landywood
John Brown H M 38 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Annie Brown wife M 34 Walsall
Harold Brown son 10 Cheslyn Hay
Frederick A Brown son 8 Cheslyn Hay
F161.P18 Upper Landywood
James Heminsley H M 32 Assurance Agent Cheslyn Hay
Annie Heminsley wife M 32 Essington
Annie Heminsley daur 8 Essington
Wilfred Heminsley son 7 Essington
Mary Heminsley daur 5 Essington
Walter Heminsley son 3 Essington
Florence Heminsley daur 2 Essington
John Heminsley son 1 Gt Wyrley
F162.P19 Upper Landywood
James Marshall H M 26 Coalminer below Essington
Alice Marshall wife M 28 Cheslyn Hay
James Marshall son 5 Essington
Samuel Marshall son 3 Gt Wyrley
F162.P19 Upper Landywood
William H Taylor H M 52 Coalminer Hewer below Bilston
Hannah Taylor wife M 44 Bilston
Benjamin Taylor son S 19 Coalminer below Willenhall
William H Taylor son S 17 Coalman at Colliery Willenhall
John T Taylor son 12 Willenhall
Joseph Taylor son 9 New Invention
Sarah Taylor daur 7 Gt Wyrley
Edith Taylor daur 2 Gt Wyrley
F162.P19 Upper Landywood
Alfred Smith H M 37 Coalminer below Longnor
Emily A Smith wife M 39 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph W Smith son 14 Bakers Assistant Gt Wyrley
Annie J Smith daur 12 Gt Wyrley
Eliza A Smith daur 10 Gt Wyrley
Ada L Smith daur 8 Gt Wyrley
Alfred Smith son 6 Gt Wyrley
Elsie M Smith daur 4 Gt Wyrley
Thomas Heminsley adop 2 Gt Wyrley
F162.P19 Upper Landywood
William H Harper H M 41 Checkweighman at Colliery Bloxwich
Laura E Harper wife M 36 Gt Wyrley
Joseph Harper son S 18 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
William H Harper son S 16 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Laura E Harper daur S 14 Gt Wyrley
John E Harper son 9 Gt Wyrley
Annie E Harper daur 7 Gt Wyrley
Thomas J Harper son 4 Gt Wyrley
Edith Harper daur 1 Gt Wyrley
F162.P20 Upper Landywood
George H Parsons H M 33 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Ellen Parsons wife M 27 Gt Wyrley
Clifford Parsons son 2 Gt Wyrley
st January 1896 St. Mark’s Church Great Wyrley (page 225.No.450)
George Parsons 27 Bachelor Miner Great Wyrley James Parsons Labourer
Ellen Benton 22 Spinster Great Wyrley James Benton Miner
In the presence of William Wood & Dorothy Marshall
F162.P20 Upper Landywood
Charles Clews H Wid 55 Coalminer below N.K.
F162.P20 Upper Landywood
Samuel Thomas H M 32 Coalminer Bushbury
Martha E Thomas wife M 26 Willenhall
Sarah A Taylor s-daur 2 Gt Wyrley
F162.P20 Upper Landywood Holly Cottage
John Whitehouse H M 33 Coalminer Gt Wyrley
Alice Whitehouse wife M 29 Walsall
Sidney J Whitehouse son 2 Gt Wyrley
F162.P20 Upper Landywood
Abel Morgan H M 31 Coalminer below Boney Hay
Evangeline Morgan wife M 29 Bloxwich
Thomas Morgan son 9 Essington
Ethel Morgan daur 7 Cheslyn Hay
Beatrice Morgan daur 3 Gt Wyrley
F162.P20 Upper Landywood
Thomas Jones H M 42 Coalminer below Essington
Patience Jones wife M 41 Bloxwich
Jessie Gray adop daur 11 London E
F162.P20 Upper Lnadywood
William H Brown H M 52 Coalminer Hewer B’ham Warws
Harriett Brown wife M 47 Bloxwich
Arthur J Brown son S 22 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Alfred Brown son S 21 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Lillian Brown daur S 18 Gt Wyrley
Gertrude Brown daur S 15 Gt Wyrley
Ernest Brown son 13 Gt Wyrley
F162.P20 Upper Landywood
Enoch Marshall H Wid 70 Coalminer retired Gt Wyrley
Dorothy Wood daur M 24 Gt Wyrley
William Wood s-in-law M 27 Coalminer below Cheslyn Hay
James W Wood G-son 1 Gt Wyrley
F163.P21 Upper Landywood
Ellen Benton H Wid 64 Gt Wyrley
William Benton son S 30 Ag Labourer Gt Wyrley
Richard Benton son S 22 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
William Benton son S 18 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Eliza Parsons G-daur 4 Gt Wyrley
F163.P21 Upper Landywood
Joseph Benton H M 42 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Sarah Benton wife M 43 Gt Wyrley
James Benton son S 18 Coalminer Gt Wyrley
Joseph Benton son 15 Coalminer Gt Wyrley
Mary E Benton daur 11 Gt Wyrley
F163.P21 Upper Landywood
Alfred Hall H M 25 Coalminer Cheslyn Hay
Hannah Hall wife M 39 Gt Wyrley
Lucy Benton s-daur 6 Gt Wyrley
F163.P21 Fishers Farm
Edward Smith H M 58 Farmer employer Gt Wyrley
Sarah Smith wife M 58 Penkridge
William E Smith son S 26 Farmers son Gt Wyrley
Sidney H Smith son S 23 Farmers son Gt Wyrley
Alice Smith daur S 21 School Teacher Gt Wyrley
Sidney H Harvey neph S 38 Plumber & Decorator Huntington
Harry Hall serv S 18 Ag Lab on Farm London Middlesex
Maria A Harvey vis M 60 B’ham Warws
Alice Eaton vis 2 Cheslyn Hay
Martha Hall adop 11 Cheslyn Hay
F163.P21 Near Fishers Farm
Henry Kingston H Wid 68 Coalminer below Shareshill
Henry Kingston son S 46 Coalminer below Huntington
Susannah Kingston daur S 19 Gt Wyrley
F163.P21 Near Fishers Farm
William Bates H M 29 Carter at Colliery Manchester Lancs
Olive Bates wife M 24 Hixon
Olive Bates daur 3 Hixon
Charles Bates son 2 Hixon
Frederick Bates son 1 Great Saredon
F163.P22 Near Fishers Farm
Thomas Marshall H M 29 Colliery Banksman Gt Wyrley
Emma Marshall wife M 26 Cheslyn Hay
Horace S Marshall son 3 Gt Wyrley
Gladys Marshall daur 1 mn Gt Wyrley
F163.P22 The Nook
Frank Bown H M 49 Colliery Clerk Wells Somerset
Elizabeth Bown wife M 43 Gt Wyrley
Frank Bown son S 22 Edge Tool Maker Cheslyn Hay
Percy Bown son S 19 Edge Tool Maker Cannock
Bernard Bown son S 18 Baker’s ……? Cannock
Minnie Bown daur 16 Gt Wyley
Emily Bown daur 13 Gt Wyrley
Augusta Bown daur 10 Gt Wyrley
William J Bown son 8 Gt Wyrley
Fred Bown son 5 Gt wyrley
Gladys Bown daur 1 Gt wyrley
Note: Frank born 5th Feb 1878 – Percy born 26th April – Bernard 1883 – Minnie 1885/Emily1888
Minnie & Emily were christened together 5th January 1890 – Gladys christened 30th July 1899
Augusta chr 19th October 1890 – William Jesse 1894 -Fred christened 15th March 1896
Married 17th September 1906 St. Mark’s Church Great Wyrley (Page 105. No.210)
Edwin Willets 24 Bachelor Engineer Great Wyrley Samuel Willets Edge Tool Maker
Minnie Bown 21 Spinster Great Wyrley Frank Bown Clerk
In the presence of Thomas William Linnett & Emily Bown
24th April 1916 St. Mark’s Church Great Wyrley (Page 103. No.210)
Ernest William Harper 31 Bachelor Sampler Bloxwich Alan Harper Retired Gent
Emily Bown 28 Spinster Great Wyrley Frank Bown Clerk
In the presence of Percy Bown & Augusta Bown
th October 1923 St. Mark’s Church
William Jesse Bown 29 Bachelor Clerk Spring Cottage Farm Frank Bown Clerk
Rhoda Kathleen Smith 23 Spinster 48 Council Houses Great Wyrley George Smith Miner
In the presence of Fred Bown & Hilda Smith
F163.P22 The Nook
Thomas H Turner H M 34 Coalminer below Daisy Bank
Annie E Turner wife M 31 Shareshill
Mary A Tuener daur 12 Gt Wyrley
Jessie Turner daur 11 Gt Wyrley
John H Turner son 9 Gt Wyrley
Joseph A Turner son 7 Gt Wyrley
Dorothy K Turner daur 5 Gt Wyrley
Clara L Turner daur 2 Gt Wyrley
No name given Turner son 1 wk Gt Wyrley
F163.P22 The Nook
Henry Crutchley H M 58 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Ann Crutchley wife M 56 Gt Wyrley
Lizzie Crutchley daur S 23 Gt Wyrley
F164.P23 The Nook. F164. P23.
Thomas Whitehouse H M 27 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Hannah Whitehouse wife M 26 Gt Wyrley
Harry Whithouse son 6 Gt Wyrley
Ethel M Whitehouse daur 4 Gt Wyrley
Edith M Whitehouse daur 3 Gt Wyrley
F164.P23 The Nook
Joseph Lees H Wid 80 Photographer Hollinswood Lancs
F164.P23 The Nook
William Kingston H M 48 Grocers Assistant Shareshill
Harriett Kingston wife M 47 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Kingston son S 20 Labourer Colliery Gt Wyrley
Albert Allen boar M 24 Coalminer below Bridgtown
Louisa Allen boar M 22 Gt Wyrley
F164.P23 The Nook
John Potts H M 48 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Emily Potts wife M 42 Brownhills
Edith B Potts daur 42 Gt Wyrley
Hilda M Potts daur 8 Gt Wyrley
Jessie Potts son 6 Gt Wyrley
Doris A Potts daur 3 Gt Wyrley
Sarah A Potts daur 1 Gt Wyrley
F164.P23 Dunduck Lane
William Hartshorn H M 58 Labourer on Road Hanbury
Fanny Hartshorn wife M 60 Bloxwich
Alfred Stanton s-son S 18 Smiths Striker Gt Wyrley
Wilfred Stanton s-son S 14 Labourer ….? Lathe Gt Wyrley
F164.P23 Dunduck Lane
William Holcroft H M 70 Coalminer Hewer Cheslyn Hay
Caroline Holcroft wife M 68 Gt Wyrley
Charles Holcroft son S 39 Coalminer below Cheslyn Hay
Carrie Holcroft daur S 23 Dressmaker Cheslyn Hay
Sarah Holcroft G-daur 8 Cheslyn Hay
F164.P24 Dunduck Lane
Charles Dawkins H M 38 Coalminer below Calf Heath
Catherine Dawkins wife M 37 Pattingham
Thomas Dawkins son S 14 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Henrietta Dawkins daur 12 GT Wyrley
William Dawkins son 10 Gt Wyrley
John O Dawkins son 8 Gt Wyrley
Albert Dawkins son 6 Gt Wyrley
Harmar C Dawkins son 4 Gt Wyrley
Ernest Dawkins son 2 Gt Wyrley
Dorris Dawkins daur 11 mns Gt Wyrley
F164.P24 Dunduck Lane
George Horton H M 45 Colliery Engine Driver Gt Wyrley
Mary A Horton wife M 49 Wednesbury
William Horton son S 21 School Teacher Gt Wyrley
Mabel J Horton daur S 19 Gt Wyrley
Harry Horton son 15 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Edith M Horton daur 8 Gt Wyrley
F164.P24 Dunduck Lane
Frederick Horton H M 40 Colliery Engine Driver Gt Wyrley
Hannah Horton wife M 38 Cheslyn Hay
Arnold Horton son 11 Gt Wyrley
Horrace Horton son 9 Gt Wyrley
Keturah Horton daur 7 Gt Wyrley
Frederick G Horton son 4 Gt Wyrley
F164.P24 Dunduck Lane
Thomas Hawksworth H M 40 Agricultural Labourerr Swadlincote Derby
Mary Hawksworth wife M 38 Beech
Mary Hawksworth daur 11 Bridgtown
Thomas Hawksworth son 4 Churchbridge
James Hawksworth son 2 Cheslyn Hay
Frederick Hawksworth son 1 Cheslyn Hay
Charles Hawskworth son 4 months Cheslyn Hay
F165.P25 Dunduck Lane
David Bate H Wid 70 Haulier Cheslyn Hay
William Bennett boar Wid 66 Farm Labourer Eccleshall
F165.P25 Dunduck Lane
Edwin Jones H M 29 Coalminer below Coalport Salop
Mary J Jones wife M 26 Bilston
Violet Jones daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
Doris Jones daur 3 mns Cheslyn Hay
F165.P25 Dunduck Lane
William Perks H M 75 General Labourer retired Shareshill
Elizabeth Perks wife M 74 Hednesford
John Perks son Wid 33 House Painter Shareshill
F165.P25 Dunduck Lane
Charles Hawkins H M 34 Coalminer below Cheslyn Hay
Annie E Hawkins wife M 28 Oldbury Worcs
George A Hawkins son 4 Gt Wyrley
F165.P25 Near Fishers Farm
George Jeffries H M 53 Carter at Colliery Gt Wyrley
F165.P25 Near Fishers Farm
William Chetter H M 34 Coalminer below Penkridge
Lucy Chetter wife M 24 Gt Wyrley
Violet Chetter daur 6 Gt Wyrley
Elsie Chetter daur 3 Gt Wyrley
Eliza Chetter daur 2 Gt Wyrley
William J Chetter son 1 Gt Wyrley
F165.P25 Queenfield Farm
Charles Kingston H M 68 Gardener Shareshill
Eliza Kingston wife M 31 Chase Terrace
Thomas Kingston son 11 Gt Wyrley
Gertrude Kingston daur 10 Gt Wyrley
Violet Kingston daur 8 Gt Wyrley
Ethel Kingston daur 3 Gt Wyrley
George Kingston son 10 mns Gt Wyrley
William Kingston boar S 79 Farm Labourer Wolverhampton
F165.P26 Poplar Farm
Eliza Lloyd H Wid 51 Leominster Hereford
George Ed Shaw adop S 19 Farm Labourer Wolverhampton
Edith M Harcourt adop 10 West Bromwich
F165.P26 Poplar Cottages
Thomas Davies H M 62 Gardener Atcham Salop
Mary Davies wife M 61 Chirbury Salop
John W Davies son S 21 Colliery Wharf Man Shrewsbury Salop
Thomas G Davies son S 19 Colliery Wharf Man Tettenhall
Amelia Davies daur S 16 Tettenhall
F165.P26 Mount Pleasant
William F Fletcher H M 41 Coalminer Wolverhampton
Elizabeth E Fletcher wife M 39 Cheslyn Hay
Charles Fletcher son S 18 Lab at Brickworks Cheslyn Hay
William Fletcher son 15 Lab at Brickworks Cheslyn Hay
Hephzibah Fletcher daur 12 Cheslyn Hay
Joseph Fletcher son 10 Hednesford
George Flecther son 6 Cheslyn Hay
F165.P26 Mount Pleasant
Joseph Kingston H M 45 Coalminer below Laney Green
Mary Kingston wife M 40 Gt Wyrley
Mabel E Kingston daur S 19 Gt Wyrley
Frank Kingston son 15 Coalminer below Gt Wyrley
Rachel Kingston son 14 Gt Wyrley
Ernest Kingston son 12 Gt Wyrley
Arthur Kingston son 10 Gt Wyrley
Joseph Kingston son 8 Cheslyn Hay
Edwina Kingston daur 2 Gt Wyrley
Walter Kingston son 4 Gt Wyrley
John H Kingston son 1 Gt Wyrley
Harold Kingston son 5 Gt Wyrley
F165.P26 Mount Pleasant
William Perrins H M 30 Boat Loader at Coal Wharf Kinver
Mary A Perrins wife M 32 Hagley Worcs
Matilda Perrins daur 3 Gt Wyrley
Mabel Perrins daur 9 mns Gt Wyrley
F166.P27 Halls Fold
George Parbrook H M 42 Coalminer Hewer below Gt Wyrley
Harriett Parbrook wife M 37 Cheslyn Hay
George H Brevitt s-son S 16 Coalminer below Cheslyn Hay
Mary A Parbrook daur S 13 Cheslyn Hay
Sidney Parbrrok son 11 Cheslyn Hay
Florence Parbrook daur 8 Gt Wyrley
Harry Parbrook son 6 Gt Wyrley
Albert Parbrook son 2 Gt Wyrley
F166.P27 Halls Fold
Charles Clifft H M 28 Coalminer below Wombourne
Eliza A Clifft wife M 24 Gt Wyrley
George H Clifft son 4 Cheslyn Hay
Mary A Clifft daur 1 Cheslyn Hay
Edith B Clifft daur 3 mns Gt Wyrley
F166.P27 Coal Pit Fields
William T Pheasant H M 37 Coalminer Sutton Coldfield Warws
Ellen Pheasant wife M 38 Shenstone
William T Pheasant son S 13 Coalminer below Shenstone
Ada Pheasant daur 12 Shenstone
Beatrice Pheasant daur 10 Shenstone
James Pheasant son 7 Gt Wyrley
Alfred Pheasant son 2 Gt Wyrley
Note: 26th December 1911 St. Mark’s Church Great Wyrley
William Thomas Pheasant 24 Bachelor Miner Great Wyrley William Thomas Pheasant Miner
Ellen Handley 21 Spinster Great Wyrley James Handley Miner
In the presence of Albert Handley & Beatrice Pheasant
F166.P27 Near the Station
Thomas W Hood H M 31 Edge Tool Grinder Bridgtown
Eliza Hood wife M 33 Bloxwich
Richard W Hood son 6 Gt Wyrley
Laura Hood daur 4 Gt Wyrley
Millicent Hood daur 1 Gt Wyrley
F166.P27 Near the Station
David Cartwright H M 34 Colliery Blacksmith Gnosall
Mary Cartwright wife M 30 Newport Salop
Russell Hill boar M 24 Lab at Colliery Manchester Lancs
Mary Hill boar M 21 Manchester Lancs
F166.P28 The Vicarage. F166. P28.
Shapurji Edalji H M 59 Clergyman (Church of England) Bombay India
Charlotte E S Edalji wife M 58 Ketley Salop
George E T Edalji son S 25 Solicitor Gt Wyrley
Maud E Edalji daur S 19 Student at Girls High School Gt Wyrley
Dora Earp serv S 17 General Servant Rawnsley
F166.P28 Station House
Albert E Merriman H M 30 Station Master Gt Wyrley
Susannah Merriman wife M 30 Walsall
Hilda A Merriman daur 3 Gt Wyrley
Elsie Merriman daur 2 mns Gt Wyrley
F166.P28 Gt Wyrley Hall
John Boult H M 46 Colliery Secretary Armitage
Amelia Boult wife M 51 Derby Derbys
Alice A Boult daur S 23 Derby Derbys
Frank Boult son S 17 Articled to Surveyor Cannock
F166.P28 High House Farm
Thomas J Green H M 69 Farmer Gt Wyrley
Sarah E Green wife M 59 Shrewsbury Salop
Joseph J Green son S 25 Farmers son Gt Wyrley
Caroline M Green daur S 19 Gt Wyrley
John H Green son 16 Druggists Assistant Gt Wyrley
Nellie L Jones daur Wid 29 Gt Wyrley
Albert Jones G-son 8 Gt Wyrley
Dolly Jones G-daur 6 Gt Wyrley
Lilly Jones G-daur 4 Gt Wyrley
Joseph Windows? Serv S 49 Waggoner on Farm Gt Wyrley
F167.P29 Brook House
John T? Hatton H M 67 Magistrate retired Farmer Gt Wyrley
Mary A Hatton wife M 55 Lichfield
Mary Hatton daur S 23 Gt Wyrley
Eleanor Hatton daur S 22 Gt Wyrley
Christopher Hatton son S 20 Mining Engineer Student Gt Wyrley
Caroline Hatton daur S 17 Gt Wyrley
Thomas Hatton son 15 Gt Wyrley
Frank Hatton son 9 Gt Wyrley
Maud Hatton daur 9 Gt Wyrley
Hilda Hatton daur 7 Gt Wyrley
Typhena Whitehouse serv S 40 deaf & dumb not fron childhood Cheslyn Hay
Hannah Cartwright serv S 18 Nurse Dom Gt Wyrley
F167.P29 Littlewood
Jane Beech H Wid 63 Barlaston
George Beech son S 24 Edge Tool Hardener Gt Wyrley
Fred Morris boar S 26 Die Sinker Walsall
Carrie? Morecroft boar S 21 Engine Fitter Handsacre
Hettie Malkin serv S 19 Gen Serv (Dom) Walsall
John Evans boarS 46 Coalminer below Gnosall
F167.P29 Churchbridge
Eli Clayton H M 40 Iron works Manager Dudley Worcs
Mary Ann Clayton wife M 41 Wolverhampton
Eli S Clayton son 15 Walsall
Emma S Clayton daur 12 Walsall
James H Clayton son 9 Walsall
Enos Clayton son 6 Walsall
Herbert Clayton son 2 Wolverhampton
F167.P29 Near Fishers Farm
Charles Williscroft H Wid 64 Blacksmith st Colliery Colton
Eliza Newman boar Wid 54 Housekeeper Penkridge
F167.P30 Gt Wyrley Colliery
Henry Scattergood H Wid 67 Engine Fitter Bramcote Notts
Jane Pritchard vis M 34 Beasford Notts
Alexander Scattergood G-son 15 Engine Fitter Stapleford Notts
Elizabeth A Webb serv S 20 Gen Serv Dom Alfreton Derby
F167.P30 Landywood Lane
Joseph Bullock H M 52 Coalminer Gt Wyrley
Ann Bullock wife M 55 Wellington Salop
Besty Morgan vis Wid 63 Oswestry Salop
F167.P30 Hovel Near Fishers Farm
Charles Butler H Wid 70 Farm Labourer Gnosall