April 2015 Newsletter
The trip to the Imperial War Museum is on the 13th of May. It leaves Great Wyrley at 8.15 a.m. and returns about 4 p.m. The Lowry Art Gallery is also nearby. The cost is £15.00. Limited places remain. Please ring Di 414417 for further information.
The musical play ‘Four Winters at War’ is being presented by Cannock Chase Arts Council, at Birches Valley Concert Venue 6-9 pm. on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21st June. Tickets are £10 each and are available at the Prince of Wales Centre, online at boxoffice.wict.org or by calling 01543 578762.
The Society had a stall at the St. Georges Day celebration event held at Harrisons Club. A heavy shower did not deter the procession through the village or the attendees celebrating the event upon return to the Club.
A Society member, Andy Parsons, ran the London Marathon on behalf of a small underfunded medical research charity. The picture below (taken after five miles) is especially pertinent to a Wolves supporter like Andy. It meant that Baggies supporters kindly agreed to increase their sponsorship for the run. Please ring Ron 413849 for further information.
The Society has arranged a music event at the Sports and Social Club on May 27th. John Baddeley will give a talk on the life of George Formby. It will be followed by a concert by a Ukulele orchestra. The evening starts at 8 p.m. The entrance fee is £3 and proceeds from the event will be shared with Air Ambulance service. For further information, please ring Gary on 418546.
The April coffee morning went off very well. Mac Joseph was our speaker. The talk and slide show was on the back to back houses of Ladywood Birmingham. The audience thought the talk was illuminating and we are going to invite him again next year for another one of his talks.
The speaker for the May coffee morning is Dave Dunham on sniping tactics in the Great War. In June, the coffee morning will be the A.G.M. and members are specifically asked to join in the discussions as to the future direction and plans for the Society.
The Society has a busy summer ahead and will be participating in a number of community events. These include Walk for health events on 17th June and 8th July, the Great Wyrley Carnival on June 27th, and the St. Andrews 2 to 3 club on 29th June. Plans are well advanced in preparation for our participation in the annual carnival on June 27th.
Community News
Wyrley Wesley Chapel is holding a Mini-Market on Saturday 16th May from 10.30 am to 12 noon and plant sales on 6th June and 13th June from 8am to 2pm.
A Friday Lunch Club is held monthly at the Community Centre. It includes a 3 course lunch and entertainment for £5 per person. To book, please pop in to the Parish Office in the Community Centre, Landywood Lane. Bookings are taken up to 12.30 on the Wednesday before the lunch date. Future dates are May 15th, June 26th, no luncheons July and August, Sep 25th, Oct 23rd and Nov 20th. For further information, please ring the Parish Council office on 414768.
A reading group is taking place on the first Tuesday of each month at the Community Centre. For further information, please call Gail on 410563 or Diane on 414417.