January Newsletter 2015

imageCas Bailey was the speaker at the January coffee morning. She joined the Police at 17 and remained in the Force until retiring. She gave an illuminating talk of serving in Walsall over the years and was extremely funny relating what was then normal but would not happen in today’s politically correct world.



The December coffee morning was a social session where members were able to enjoy a film about various facets of activity in the community during the last year. The picture below shows members attentively watching the contents. Thanks are gratefully given to Brian Mills for his professionalism and support composing and producing the film.

The scheduled speakers for the February and March coffee mornings are Alan Preston on Crabtrees and Alan Rose on pub signs respectively. Ray Franks made significant contributions to our book ‘Great Wyrley – Reflections over the years’. It included detailed work with Gary and Ray has recently confirmed his withdrawal from the Management Committee. Our condolences went out to our Management Committee colleague Tony Newell upon the sad loss of his wife, Sandy, in January. Thanks are also sent out to the many members who attended the funeral at Stafford. Further work continues on updating and re-establishing the Photo Index. It is hoped it will be up and running in the February / March timeframe. The Tom Parsons i.e. Uncle Tom artefacts, as presented by, and reviewed with, Andy Parsons at a Society coffee morning have been accepted into the County Museum at Shugborough. They will be catalogued in the near future.

Community News
Wyrley Wesley Chapel is holding a Mini-Market on Saturday 21st March from 10.30 am to 12 noon. A Friday Lunch Club is held monthly at the Community Centre. It includes a 3 course lunch and entertainment for £5 per person. To book, please pop in to the Parish Office in the Community Centre, Landywood Lane. Bookings taken up to 12.30 on the Wednesday before the lunch date. Future dates are Feb 27th, March 20th, April 24th, May 15th, June 26th, no luncheons July and August, Sep 25th, Oct 23rd and Nov 20th. For further information, please call the Parish Council office on 414768.

A reading group is taking place on the first Tuesday of each month at the Community Centre. For further information, please call Gail on 410563 or Diane on 414417.

Summary – Events Calendar

19th – Coffee morning (Alan Preston)
27th – Lunch Club @ Community Centre

3rd – Reading Group @ Community Centre
19th – Coffee morning (Alan Rose)
20th – Lunch Club at Community Centre
21st – Mini-market at Wesley Chapel

December 2014 Newsletter

Informal talks have been held with students at the High School in support of their Great War theme week of lectures.

The car park at the Centre has been tarmaced and ready for use by members. Many thanks to Carillion for support as part of their Community Engagement program and, also, to County Councillors Mike Lawrence and Kath Perry for their support via the Local Community Fund.new-car-park

Two of our books ‘Great Wyrley – Reflections Over The Years’ have been registered at the new City of Birmingham library. Following cataloguing, they will be available to members of the public to view and borrow.

An enquiry has been received asking if anyone can help with old pictures of 84 Walsall Road. We would appreciate any help and, in the first instance, please speak with Diane or Gary with your possible information. Many thanks.

A meeting is arranged with the County Museum in early January to identify some of our artefacts for possible transfer so they can be viewed by a wider range of audiences, as and when appropriate. Any such transfers are agreed in advance with the family in question.

The old original Greensill family records (some dating back nearly three centuries) have been catalogued and accepted by the County Record Office. They are now available for members of the public when requested by visitors to the County Record Office.

Finally, Complements of the season to all members and their families and we hope everyone can look forward to a happy and healthy 2015. Best wishes from us all.

November 2014 Newsletter

The annual event / open day was held at Harrisons Sports and Social Club on Council and a pleasurable day was fed back to us by the numerous attendees. Special thanks to Brian Mills for compiling a ‘Year in the life of the village’ video depicting the various events commemorating the 100 year anniversary of the start of the Great War. It ran in the lounge and complemented the range of artefacts and stories on display in the main room. It has been suggested that copies can be provided at economic prices. Please contact Tony Newell for further details. Pictures from the event are produced below.


An appreciative audience joined John Devey at the coffee morning. His talk on Churchbridge was thoroughly enjoyed and referenced many of the contents of his recently published book.


December coffee morning will be a social session and the speaker at the January 2015 coffee morning is scheduled to be Cas Bailey on the interesting subject of ‘If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen’.

The Society participated in a War and Peace workshop at the City of Birmingham library. A number of groups shared their Great War stories and project effort. Follow-up sessions are likely to be arranged in the coming months.

Tarmacing of the Centre car park is scheduled for early-December. It is likely that vehicle use will be restricted at the time the December coffee morning is scheduled. Members are asked to be especially carefulduring entrance and exit.

The Society has received an update on the Express and Star photo archiving project and will continue to support the efforts in the upcoming months. Members will be informed of further details upon receipt.

The Society is supporting the High School during their upcoming Great War program of activities. An outline is included at the end of this newsletter. Members are asked to check with their friends, relatives and students to support their efforts and share any findings with the Society members if, and where possible.

Community News

A reading group takes place on the first Tuesday of the month at the Community Centre. For further information, please call Gail on 01922 410563 or Diane on 01922 414417.

Great Wyrley High School has always instilled a strong love of history amongst its students and is now seeing an upsurge in interest and involvement. It has many local connections. For example, visits to the Roman site at Wall, Stafford Castle, Lichfield Cathedral, National Memorial Arboretum and Coalbrookdale.

Tammi Magee, from the History Department, is leading the schools commemoration of the First World War. She has arranged and led many events.

Towards the end of December, we will be experiencing a First World War theme week. The students will be learning some fascinating things, as well as the more serious message. If you would like to know more about the things Great Wyrley students have already taken part in, please visit the blog www.gwhscc.blogspot.com

October 2014 Newsletter

A thoroughly entertaining session was given by Joe Dyke at the coffee morning. It broadly addressed his large collection of various coins and the range of background stories therein.

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Joe also has a large collection of postcards and it is hoped to invite Joe to a future coffee morning to share the details with us.

John Devey has recently published a book on Churchbridge. It has received a good response from readers and John will be joining us to speak at our November coffee morning. The December coffee morning will be a social session.

We attended the Bridgtown Society Open Day at Bridgtown Social. Good feedback has been received from attendees. The picture below was taken at the event.


Detailed behind the scene activities are on-going in readiness for our Open Day / Annual Event. Various displays are nearing completion for the event being held at Harrisons Club on November 15th between 1 am and 4pm. We hope you can join us.

Discussions are on-going, in partnership with the Senior Citizens Centre Trustees, with regard to the Car Park surface and the kerbs entering the car park. It involves several Organisations, such as the County Council and we hope to conclude the discussions in the next few weeks. It may mean that vehicular access will be restricted while the work is being undertaken and the immediate days after the work. Members will be contacted as soon as specific details are known.

The Society is participating in a small ‘Voice of War and Peace’ workshop being held at the City of Birmingham library in early-November when a number of Societies are sharing their Great War projects.

Members are asked if they can support the Society with a number of enquiries that have been received. They relate to 1) Ralph Smith formerly of 17 Bluebell Lane 2) History and / or photos of 2 Bentons Lane 3) John or Charles Henry Prime, formerly Station Master and 4) ‘Mayfield’ house opposite the old Post Office on Walsall Road between 1915 and 1925. Feedback would be appreciated in first instance to Diane.